Earth Day, what an innocuous statement! However, from starting as a fun in the sun worship of “Mother Earth” by hippies and long hairs in a park in San Francisco to the world-wide religion it has become, it is now a political force.

We are told there is 97% consensus the earth is warming — when you question that number — the shouting starts and the epithets fly. Why the vitriol? Why can’t a disagreeing statement and resulting discussion take place without rancor and spittle-filled hatred of the offending subject with screaming, yelling, shouting and out of control hate filled speech?

Let’s examine the 97% consensus statement. It isn’t true, hasn’t been true and will never be true. In science, there is no “consensus,” there is proven theory or there isn’t. Has global warming been proven? No, the last 17 years has shown a leveling or slightly cooling globally. That is what is called proven fact. So global warming is a failed theory. The fact is the earth has been on the cooling trend, so the global warming had to be changed to global climate change, that way all warming and cooling is covered.

See the how the language changes with the times? It is a bit like changing the lie… oh, that doesn’t work any more, let’s try this one. To keep the contributions and government stipends for studies and observations coming, the lie must stay fresh and believable. Doesn’t this sound like fun? If the public doesn’t believe it any more or are wavering, tell them another story (lie).

Before you get your environmental shorts in a bunch, consider the most learned amongst us of the predictions on the original Earth Day in 1970. They were not only wrong, but spectacularly wrong:

• Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.

  • Paul Ehrlich predicted the death rate will increase until 100 million to 200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years. He also predicted that between 1980 and 1989, some four billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.”
  • Life magazine predicted in 1970 that: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution. By 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching the earth by one half…
  • Ecologist Kenneth Watt stated “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.” He also declared, “By the year 2000, if the present trend continues, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate… that there won’t be any more crude oil.
  • Harrison Brown, a scientist at the National Academy of Science, published a chart in the Scientific American that looked at metal reserves and estimated humanity would run out of copper shortly after 2000. Lead, zinc, tin, gold, and silver would be gone before 1990.
  • Gaylord Nelson wrote in Look magazine that, “Dr. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years (by 1995), somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.
  • Kenneth Watt warned about a pending Ice Age in a speech. “The world has been chilling sharply for about 20 years. If the present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

In my country boy way of thinking, all the statements above were untrue (BS), and they knew it when they declared it. They knew their statements would create controversy, thus studies must be done to prove or disprove the statements. Democrats and some unwitting Republicans – Remocrats – Republicans to go along to get along just to stay in office and create the golden parachute in retirement, glom onto these “spokespersons” and send them colossal amounts of your tax dollars to create consternation and divisiveness. By keeping the money throwing at an imaginary problem, they can create a subject for political purposes. As Democrats so famously say “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

I have stunned admiration for a party and movement that can create BS and keep it going for 47-plus years. And to think the American people listen to these charlatans! Of course, some of this ideology is incorporated in the Humanist Manifesto and communist/socialist/Marxist doctrines, so I believe they are eating at the base of American unity by using this environmental ruse to undermine America. The Democrat Party of John Kennedy of freedom, liberty, and conservative thought is gone and has been for some time. Helping the downtrodden with a hand up not a hand out, helping those that help themselves and support while doing so is past, passé, dead.

Open borders help cheap labor stream into this country, bringing not only those wanting opportunity, but also those criminals among them that thrive on human domination, misery, drug dealing, theft, rape, and murder. They also unwittingly or knowingly bring third world diseases that were eradicated in this country decades ago. The Democrats, as a vast majority, support open borders.

Regardless of your position on global warming, cooling, climate change, I hope President Trump does the following:

The states where the liberal judges have struck down his immigration policy those illegals should be shipped to states in which the judges reside. Hawaii, get ready for the mass influx of immigrants. They’ll be your problem now. Then turn off any federal funds to “sanctuary cities.” Maybe common sense will become more common. But I certainly don’t count on it.


Robert M Traxler
April 25, 2017
The quotes are very interesting, they say it all. In the last 200 years, we have always had the end of the earth folks. If money can be made folks will find a way to profit from predicting Armageddon.
April 26, 2017
And some of us are old enough to remember that before the Left had Climate ________ (fill in the blank) they were blaming all bad weather on ... Nuclear Testing. "Only the names have been changed to protect... "
Free Market Man
April 26, 2017
As a person commented about global warming in a recent post: "Global warming is real people, and it is killing the unicorns and destroying their fragile environment at an alarming rate. The unicorn's only sources of nutrition, rainbows and pixie dust, is also being affected. It is because of George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Republicans, Tea Party, Fox News Network, Breitbart readers, Big Oil, Big Coal, gun owners, Capitalism and people who love the Constitution that the unicorns are vanishing. Many inner city children will never enjoy the unicorns and that is racist. The rise of ISIS is a direct result of global warming and the lack of unicorns in their lives. I thank Allah and our green warrior President Obama and his expert of climate warming, former Vice President Al Gore." The words above are probably from a drug induced graduate of Berkley. Ranger Rick, this is more plausible and certainly more entertaining than your writing! Don't you want to save the unicorns?
April 26, 2017
Dear FMM, global warming is real. Get over it. You'll be dead when things get bad. That is a great way to sluff it off isn' t it?
John Wilkins
April 26, 2017
Yeah, that's what these folks thought as well.
Free Market Man
April 27, 2017
Dear Mr. Williams, you need to quit drinking the liberal Kool-Aid. Do you never question "experts" - experts that have been wrong almost 100% of the time? Get a spine! However, after 8 years of President Obama's constant bowing to other world leaders, leading from behind strategy, and low employment numbers, I can understand how someone that voted and believed in this man with feet of clay could be brainwashed into Marxist thinking. And you probably think Al Gore is a genius? Get real.

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