When you hear on the media commenting on the UN IPCC (United Nations International Panel on Climate Change), most people think it is a serious international panel to investigate the changes in climate and how has and will affect humans on earth now and in the future.

How fickle the American public is in thinking these folks have our best interests at heart! Just recently the UN’s insistence that the voluntary national contributions agreed in Paris would have to triple if the world was to cap global warming below 2 degrees C and for 1.5 degrees C, they must increase contributions five-fold!

You notice one thing, there is never an explanation how more money is going to improve the temperatures they say are increasing (whereas the earth has been slowly cooling since 1999) – no plans, no initiatives, no scientific answers to cool the planet. But in the meantime, the planet is cooling itself. In fact there is talk we should be worried more about a Mini-Ice Age than worrying about the heating of the planet.

Still, they state “…the impacts of climate change are increasingly hard to ignore…. we require deep transformations of our economies and societies”. While this is music to the ears of socialists and enemies of capitalist countries in the world, it is easy to anyone who understands how socialists influence those areas they manipulate to gain control.

First it is with things we need, such as health care and medicine (Medicare and Obama Care), security in old age (Social Security), and now it is with the fear of the future for food, inclement weather, rising seas, and drought. All of this brought on by changes in the earth’s climate that we cannot control. And these same things were no worse than what was seen on earth before man even appeared (this from the same “scientific” experts that now say global climate change will destroy civilization as we know it).

You notice how the UN always asks for a global solution; they need global governance, they need wealth redistribution, they need a sovereignty threatening treaty, and they need economic activity limiting. The UN has no interest in global warming, global climate change, global cooling or anything else global to do with weather – it is about control. The famous Naomi Klein who wrote “Capitalism vs. the Climate” says they would be seeking the same solutions even if there was no global warming and that essentially capitalism is incompatible with a livable climate.

Another scientist – Dr. Ottmar Endenhofer, IPCC co-chair stated in 2010 “We (UN-IPCC) redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy…. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore …”

If you believe for one minute all the socialist, Marxist, communist countries and dictatorships that are members of the UN have any love for the United States, please disavow yourselves of that notion. The only thing they want is our wealth for their redistribution into money havens off-shore and into their treasuries to siphon off at their pleasure.

So there you have it — all hype and climate scare tactics to achieve their political gains in overthrowing capitalism and replacing it with more and more socialism. There’s one problem with socialism — it never works wherever it is tried. It sounds good — equality (from each according to his ability, to each according to their needs), but in practice, there is no incentive to improve, work, and achieve to better themselves and their loved ones. Everyone is equal — equally miserable.

You ever notice the party that readily gloms onto these ideas without any serious discussion on the facts? Democrats are willingly led by socialists because they agree with the political and social philosophies of the socialists and more extreme communists and Marxists. Government dependence is the end game, because the government that provides you with everything can also take it from you. Don’t ever forget that – government is not the answer, it is THE PROBLEM. Ecosocialism is the new serfdom.

On another note:

I notice one person loves to comment “biggly” — Mr. Longstreet. Come on in, the water’s fine!

I hereby request the editor of this rag (his words, not mine) ask Mr. Longstreet to contribute weekly to this esteemed publication. I’m sure Mr. Longstreet would be interesting (much more than Army Bob and myself) and probably get more viewers than Basura and Ms. Mandeville with his wit and wisdom. I would certainly like to view his articles every week. Besides, with all the liberals countering Army Bob and little loveable fuzzball Ranger Rick, Mr. Longstreet would provide comedic relief.

1 Comment

Harry Smit
December 5, 2018
Ranger Rick Once again your article "hit the nail on the head " Of course, Democrats refuse to believe the fact they operate on a socialist platform. So many have bought into it they fail to see the horrors of socialism. Not until the reality hits them and it can not be corrected will they understand.

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