By later tonight we should have a good handle on what happened in the mid-term elections of federal and state senators, representatives, state offices and initiatives. While much has been said on both sides and all the commercials that drive everyone crazy will end (thank God!), it is up to the voters turning out to vote. This is where you can make your voice heard. If you don’t vote, don’t complain.

The fake news polling has been showing overwhelmingly Democrat picking up seats in the House — Speaker Elect (?) Pelosi is measuring for new drapes in the speaker’s office! Not so fast, Nancy. The polling now says it is closer, closer than ever, and the Republicans may not give up as many seats as predicted.

Nate Silver, who never had a poll close in the past election said Hillary was going to win with Trump with egg on his face, has been backtracking all day.

I remember watching the projections on vote night on who was going to take state after state — Trump takes Florida, Trump takes Pennsylvania, Trump takes Wisconsin, Trump takes Ohio, Trump takes Michigan, etc. All those rust belt states where Democrat support was so strong Hillary didn’t even make many or no stops at all in some of those states (Bill told her to get to Wisconsin in the last week, but I guess she didn’t need his advice). Her coronation was underway and she just had to stay on her feet the last week (how many times had she passed out or stumbled during the campaign?).

She looked physically ill and Trump was beating her in the debates. Whenever I want a pick me up, I watch the fake news in a quandary looking glum with the returns and all the crying at the Democrat party gathering in New York.

Enough of my pleasure in watching the misery of others. You have been deciding who will be selected as your Senator, Representative, Governor and all the state offices and initiatives. The polling that has been going on for months will either be shown to be accurate, or as lousy as it was in the last election. Hillary was supposed to win it without breaking a sweat.

I expect the polling for the mid-terms to be just as poor as it was two years ago. But I don’t expect much from the Democrats, RINO’s or fake media (ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and all the other alphabet news outlets) — fake news, fake media, and should never be trusted to endorse anything other than the Democrat Party agenda, whatever that is at the moment. It is evident fake news is in the pocket of the Democrats.

Notice the federal Senate and House Democrat candidates cannot express what their views are for the bettering life for the American people, just to stop Trump, impeach Trump, impeach Kavanaugh, etc. What about who they represent if they are elected? Where are the positive messages?

Democrats have nothing for the electorate to vote for them, don’t have a positive message and what they do instead of what they won’t. The only thing they think about is sanctuary cities, getting rid of ICE, amnesty for all illegal aliens (invaders), cut funding for the military and law enforcement, extreme gun control, abortion on demand (taxpayer funded), free health care and college for all, and allowing drugs to be legal. Just a partial list, but you get the idea.

So it’s up to you, the Democrats are anything but “progressives,” and Republicans are getting the country on the right track.


dennis longstreet
November 7, 2018
There's more to life than Trump. If that's the only reason you get up, I would take a couple more sleeping pills. Why not spend your time writing something positive instead of degrading 50% of Americans. Trump has done some good, but he's not GOD.
November 7, 2018
Looks like those darned pollsters got a lot of things correct in MI, including predicting the increased number of Americans in Michigan who voted was the highest since 1962. 4.3M people voted on Nov. 6, 2018, the most since 1962. Mr. Silver predicted Gretchen Whitmer would defeat Bill Schuette and Senator Stabenow would defeat John James in the 2018 midterms. He went 2 for 2 in the state where I vote. The GOP lost 28 seats to Democrats including MI-8, where GOP incumbent Mike Bishop lost to Elissa Slotkin who had worked for Presidents Bush2 and Obama. MI-11 was an open seat after GOP incumbent David Trott decided to not seek re-election. Democrat Haley Stevens defeated Lena Epstein, who was Trump’s campaign co-chair in 2016. It was a good Nov. 6 election for Democrats, progressives and women running for state-wide office. For the first time Michigan will have women serving as Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State. We also saw 2 women win seats on the Michigan Supreme Court. Justice Elizabeth Clement was elected for the first time since Governor Snyder appointed her to the state’s highest court in 2017 and Megan Cavanaugh won. Justice Clement got my vote because she had the courage to rule that Proposal Two should be on the ballot, going against the MI GOP and Attorney General Bill Schuette. Her vote was a statement to uphold the law that if a group follows state laws regarding proposition ballot language, collecting the required 315,654 valid signatures within a 120-day window parties opposing the petition can’t play out the clock with appeals so the measure couldn’t appear to be voted on by MI voters. Now Proposal Two is law and the Michigan State Legislature is out of the district drawing/gerrymandering business. Though I was opposed to Proposition One, legalizing the sale of marijuana because I don’t like the local government opt out provision, it passed. Michigan voters also decided that it shouldn’t be up to legislators to decide no one can vote a straight party ticket. Proposal Three brought back what had been a 127-year practice prior to the Michigan GOP majority’s legislative intervention What Nov. 6 2018, midterms showed me is you can’t get elected to state-wide office in Michigan on a platform of negativism and nihilism. “Don’t vote for Democrats” isn’t an effective message. Be afraid because of the past doesn’t work and in John James' case, being 2000% behind President Trump then doing a 180 never acknowledging President Trump’s campaign language and purporting to be the face of a harmonious future didn’t work either. We also saw that winning a state’s Electoral College votes by 11,000 votes in November 2016 doesn’t help GOP candidates 24 months later, who all, with the exception of GOP candidate for Attorney General, lost by at least 200,000 votes. It’s a shame that some Americans get joy out of the misery of others. That lack of empathy and tolerance of those who disagree is how authoritarians gain control. Branding news with which you may not agree as “Fake News” is another dangerous step toward authoritarian, one party control. Former U.S. Senator and former UN Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynahan said it best: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” And so it goes
Robert M Traxler
November 8, 2018
One party rule bad, unless it is your party one party rule, got it. Interesting that your comment had no issues or opinion on issues except "empathy and tolerance". Straight party ticket voting is bad however your comment only celebrates Democrats? Do as I say not do as I do? that is one step towards one party authoritarian rule. Again one party authoritarian rule bad unless it is your one party authoritarian rule. Go figure? How are things in Leighton Township? Thank you for your combat service in the Navy, with Veterans day coming up if you tell us what combat you were in we can celebrate your service. Thank you for the comment.
November 8, 2018
I don't know who Traxler is trying to goad about combat service. I am sure it is not necessary for whomever to spell out his military history - nor to apologize from having served his country in the uniform of the United States Navy. I will say, that some of the bravest men I saw in Vietnam were US Navy Corpsmen. In the Army, they would be called medics. The Marine Corps employed Corpsmen, who were sailors. They wore green uniforms, they carried medical equipment, and quite regularly exposed themselves to enemy fire to provide assistance to wounded Marines. Other navals had combat experience. River boat patrols were called the Brown Water Navy, cruising up and down the waterways and coastal areas throughout Vietnam. Navy Seals (SEALs: sea air land) fought in combat.
dennis longstreet
November 10, 2018
No comment on his heroic service. Tell the guys from Pearl Harbor there is no combat in the Navy. My brother in law served in the Navy in WWII on the US Canopus, a Navy supply ship. It was sunk by the Japanese. e spent over three years in a Japanese war camp, weighed 76lbs. when he came home. What gives you the right to judge anybody's service?
dennis longstreet
November 9, 2018
My dad, my uncle and three brothers in laws served in World War II. None of them ever talked about combat. No real vet would. I was a member of the VFW post in Wayland for ten years, my wife and i spent a lot of time there, never herd the word combat once. Spill your guts on your combat to see if you are a real vet.
November 8, 2018
One party rule is bad. One party's de facto leader in The White House proclaiming multiple times that the press is "The enemy of the people" is bad unless you like the person in The White House. I voted for Republicans in the past and voted for two on this ballot. Mr. Miller on the MSU Board of Trustees lost. Justice Clement, a judge nominated by Republicans won. How about that? Want comments? A shrinking unarmed group of people walking to the US borders who are 100s miles away are not "invaders." Taking state legislators out of the mix for redistricting every decade is great. Hopefuly, both parties are complaining sooner than later. That will mean Proposal 2 was a success. Proposal 3 will automatically register voters when they get or renew driver's licenses, get an absentee ballot without requiring a reason and allow straight ticket voting. Anything that encourages more people to vote is a good thing. Why would any group or political party actively work to limit the number of voters? That isn't promoting democracy. If someone disagrees with "You are entitled to your opinions but not your own facts," that tells me they probably subscribe to alternative truth or in the words of Rudy Giulianni, "Truth isn't truth". Thank you for mentioning Veterans Day. We should always honor those who served, regardless of their political leanings. My father was a 33-year-old USA enlistee in 1942 while my father-in-law and myself both were in the USN.

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