The meeting in Helsinki between President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin has the fake media and Democrats in end of the world apoplectic tizzy.

They examine body language and the press conference after the meeting words spoken by the two leaders. It was apparent to the fake news Trump had been taken to the woodshed and cooperated with former KGB man by either mind control methods or truth serum.

Democrats were appalled Trump would even meet with Putin, let alone say he said the two powers should meet and be on friendly terms. Some even spoke of treason by President Trump.

However, nothing was disclosed of what the two leaders spoke of, and what direction the conversation led. It was all conjecture and out and out made up stories (commonly called “lies”) by the leading Democrat liars and fake media. They are so desperate to get rid of President Trump they make up stories.

But you have to hand it to the Democrats, they are entertaining — I split a gut every time I see Schumer and Pelosi — Schumer just needs horns on his head, a tail, and a pitchfork, he looks so much like Lucifer, and Pelosi has face cramps and can’t pronounce “constitution” and forgets where she is at in her tirade of lies. Of course, poor Nancy doesn’t like the U.S. Constitution, so she can be excused. She should return home once in a while and see what a craphole (literally – the homeless crap on the streets with impunity) her beloved San Francisco has become.

Come to think of it, I would have thought Democrats would have encouraged President Trump to meet with the Ruskies and become more friendly. They love socialism and nobody does it better than the Ruskies. Anything with a whiff of Marxism is usually fine with Democrats. They loved the eight years of Obama (one of the most devoted Marxists ever) and the country was on the downward slide, both economically, racially, and socially, so the Democrats were pleased with themselves and the destruction of the United States. President Obama, such the forceful leader he was, once said to President Putin to “cut it out” when he was informed the Russians were cracking into Hillary’s e-mails. I’m sure Putin was put into a state of fear by our stern and forceful leader.

Why is it every city and state where there is high taxes, high crime, and designated sanctuary cities (and human feces in the streets!) usually has a Democrat governor, mayor and City Council? And why are residents fleeing those cities for other states for low taxation, more opportunity, and affordable housing? What states are receiving the most new residents from other states? Texas and Florida. Where are these new residents coming from? High tax states like New York, New Jersey, Illinois and California — Democrat strongholds where there is never a bad or unfair tax.

It’s easy to understand why Texas and Florida are attractive. No state income tax, mostly good weather, good roads and infrastructure, and well run cities offering businesses support to relocate or expand business.

The Democrats offer nothing but higher and higher taxes and more and more uncontrolled spending and misery. Or as Basura and Ms. Mandaville would say — Nirvana on Earth.

Oh, and Mr. Basura, I am not scared to be in public unarmed, but why would a man be unprepared for the unexpected? I always have a weapon close by and even my employer doesn’t know of my weapon, as it is banned on company property. But if it hit the fan and someone came into the building intending to do harm, I and a few others would be quickly armed and ready to defend those unable to defend themselves. As a Marine veteran, you know the routine and the need for such action. Only force stops force.

I’m not a hero, nor do I want to be, but sometimes evil visits us when least expected.

The rotting of America from within continues…



July 25, 2018
Oh my, Rick. Allegan County must be far more dangerous that I had imagined. Watch out for those intruders! I've heard of people braving that supposedly bucolic community unarmed, but why would they take such reckless risks? I spent a few years working in Allegan. Naive, uninformed sort that I am, I came away with very positive impressions. Of course, maybe that because you're on the job, keeping the area free from all sort of bad stuff.
Mike Williams
July 25, 2018
Harry Smit
July 25, 2018
Ahh. MR Basura. No doubt most of Allegan County gives one the feeling of a very positive impression .....but I'm not sure you spent much time in the NE corner of this county. There are a couple townships in that area which are questionable...ever since Ringling Bros Circus disbanded. Their troupe of clowns somehow have gotten themselves elected in positions to govern these townships. We do not at this time feel any immediate danger, but there have been a few meetings where law enforcement was either present or on stand by . Hopefully, if Ranger Rick happens to lose his employment because of :carrying: I hope he doesn't cry foul. Because of violating company rules
July 26, 2018
Harry, you're absolutely right: I didn't spend that much time in NE Allegan over the five years or so that I did some work there. I did travel throughout the county to visit folks, but I never lived there. I had an overall impression that I was safe there, but I'm probably comparing it to Detroit, where I was born, and the Detroit area, where I grew up, and Grand Rapids, where I've resided since the end of my military service. Despite our prfound differences, I do sincerely feel sorry for Rick that he suffers from such anxiety and fear that he, by his own admission, carries a weapon to his place of employment in violation of work rules. I believe he is a veteran of some sort, (but perhaps not as a member of the US Army Rangers). He should be able to access the counseling services at the VA Healthcare Clinic in Wyoming, Mi. It might not be rational to carry a weapon to work, unless the job calls for it. I talked to a friend at dinner last night that had worked as an executive of a large company here in GR. He reads Townbroadcast, and commented that at his company, carrying a weapon on company property - CPL or not - would be an immediate cause for dismissal.
Jake Gless
July 26, 2018
Obama is "one of the most devoted Marxists ever" offering "nothing but higher and higher taxes"? It's as if Trump has green-lighted people to feel comfortable spouting astoundingly false hyperbole. Outside of the ACA (an industry friendly product of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, first implemented as RomneyCare) I doubt that you could cite any socialist policies of Obama's. He is a neoliberal, just like the Bushes, Clinton, and Reagan. Goldman-Sachs paid more money than any other entity to make Obama our president. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. This is clearly a point of cognitive dissonance for too many righties. MAGA trumpees wanna go back to the good ol' days? Let's do it:

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