With all the talk recently in Townbroadcast about bullying, there is one thing that is true — it won’t stop. It won’t stop because it is in our DNA and culture.

Some are aghast over bullying, some are bullies, some are bullied. I was when I was in third grade by the kid across the street. An anger management specimen in a kid’s body, he slugged me when I least expected it and bloodied my nose. I came home crying and my mother happened to be at the door. She didn’t coddle me and make sure I was OK, she said to go over to his house and call him out and “pound the #&*@ out of him.”

I walked across the street and called him out. I told him I had to fight him or I couldn’t go home. He was smiling until I hit him first with a round-house right that surprised him. I followed up with a few more punches and he was so overwhelmed he ran into his house. He never bothered me again.

I tell this story because the only — the ONLY — way to stop a bully is to make it known to him or her you won’t take any more and you’ll fight. If you try to talk your way out of a confrontation using logic and nice words to placate the bully, it might work a few times but you’ll eventually get bullied again just because they know you’re weak and words are the only weapons you have.

I find a bully is usually an insecure, scared wimp when they find out they can’t get their way and are successfully challenged. Sometimes a physical confrontation happens… it happens every day in the wild between the alpha leader and younger challengers. It is in DNA within the species with animals and humans. The strong prey on the weak until the weak and/or the pack themselves turn on the bully.

In WWI, WWII, Korea and most of Vietnam wars, soldiers killed each other and hopefully you killed the enemy more than he killed yours. Now, we have rules of engagement (oxymoronic on its face) on the battlefield which take precedence over actual battlefield actions and conditions.

Recently, a decorated Green Beret major was charged again with murdering a bomb building enemy who was captured and later released. He was later found dead. Evidently someone killed him and the soldier in question admitted he did it in a CIA interview. Now, instead of being happy a bomb maker was no longer in operation and killing more American soldiers, someone has to pay the price for rubbing him out.

When questioned about his actions in this incident, he rightly said everyone who ever ordered a drone strike should also be charged with murder, because they don’t know who they are killing and those nearby that may be collateral damage and killed. He has a point. He killed a known Taliban bomb maker because two soldiers under his command were killed by a bomb and he was arrested nearby.

Most bomb makers like to watch their work in action to make sure they were effective in killing the enemy. The major admitted he did the killing. Yeah, and who really cares? Only those who like to move the war chess pieces and getting involved in areas they have no expertise nor business in directing. War is Hell, and those from Hell are smiling at this asinine charge for this hero.

I know many will not like this opinion, and I agree it could be viewed as extreme, but sometimes when you’re in a pig sty, you turn into a pig to survive. Just like the bully on the playground pounding you, you’ll have to return violence with violence. It’s is in our DNA.

Regardless whether you agree with me or not, please make your voice heard in responding.

To the readers of Townbroadcast, please have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The rotting of America from within continues…



December 18, 2018
Wow, Rick! So your mother didn't teach you about right and wrong. She didn't impart anything from the bible that you hold so dear. She taught you to “pound the #&*@ out of him.“ Maybe that explains a lot. If the bully had fought you, and prevailed, what would that lesson have been? On a personal note, thanks for your explaining war to me. I've always found it difficult to understand. Did you come by your expertise by experiencing it?
dennis longstreet
December 18, 2018
I know Rick's %100 one-sided views get old. Agree with Rick or you are stupid also get tiring. But never question anyone's service to this country no matter at what level it was. You were challenged a few weeks ago and i defended you in the same way.
December 19, 2018
If Ranger Rick honorably served his country in the military, I applaud him for that. I make no distinction between those that served in combat and those that did not. His post, and broad generalizations about warfare, made me curious as to how he became such an authority.
Harry Smit
December 19, 2018
Basura One does not have to see combat. but if one has .. They can say with certainty "rules of engagement " are a farce. War as with bullies can not be solved with "rules of engagement" The big question is ...are wars ever really won... and will bullies ever disappear???? A guess would be No
Harry Smit
December 18, 2018
Ah!!... knew the promotion of violence would not be accepted... also in that you are correct, one who kills the most normally wins — dropping the A bomb seemed to stop the Japanese. Our society has turned into a mass of offended frightened wimps who truly believe the use of words will protect them from evil. Is the pen still mightier than the sword? Only if words strike fear into your opponents. Seriously doubt that works on bullies, be they one person or a whole nation

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