We all know there are people who profess to lean liberal/socialist/communist/Marxist.  They claim in print and on websites to be “progressive” when in reality they are for anything but freedom and liberty — they are Democrats.

Even when running for local, state, and national offices; rarely do they indicate in print or speech they are Democrats — they either omit party affiliation or say they are “for the people” or are “progressive” which is code for Democrat. Everybody but the most simple-minded or know-nothings realize this trick.

With the lurch to the left, more left, extreme left by Democrats, especially the new freshmen Congress people like NY Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), MN Representative Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, and MI Representative Rashida Tlaib making headlines about all the spending and new programs they want to see passed, we are indeed into the Twilight Zone of Wizard of Oz political thought.

They want to move the United States more left than ever with socialist (some would say Marxist) ideas. The “Green New Deal,” eliminating ICE, opening the border to any who want refuge, raising taxes 70, 80, 90% on upper incomes (the amount depends on the day they are speaking), eliminating beef because of “cow farts,” and getting rid of the 2nd Amendment (the right to bear arms) and the Electoral College to name a few doozies they’ve come up with.

But enough focus on idiots.  Just listen to them for a while and you’ll see what I mean.  These so called educated people without a clue on cost, implementation, or people adversely affected by their ideas if they are ever adopted will bring this country to its knees.

I’d rather tell you about a young man I met recently from Venezuela.  He is working his way through college by working nights in a fast food joint I stopped at for a quick bite.  There happened to be a person with Trump 2020 shirt on and he commented to the person about it.  To my surprise, he was supportive of Trump.  Being a young man of college age, I figured he would not.

I spoke with him and asked why, and he asked me why some Americans were so afraid of freedom and liberty?  He said he was from Venezuela after being here since a child.  He said his family left their country after the crazy communist Hugo Chavez devastated their country and his mother and father had enough of communist rule and they fled, coming to America after reaching a relative in Texas.  They eventually came to Michigan to find work.  His father was a banker in Venezuela, so he didn’t have a problem finding a job as a loan officer.  The family are American citizens after a long and expensive process.

The son is attending college for a business degree at Grand Valley.  He told me he doesn’t understand the American people.  President Trump’s policies  lowered taxes, helped increased jobs and wages, and is trying to stem the tide of illegal aliens entering the country. When at home in Venezuela, he said they suffered.  No freedom to travel, little food and what there was sold on the black market for high prices.  Fuel was rationed even though the country had vast reserves of oil.

He asked me why some Americans want to embrace socialism/communism/Marxism so easily without knowing the devastating effects.  I told him they think it is romantic for everyone to supposedly be equal – equally miserable.  To him, the thought of socialism creeping into American society is crazy and they don’t know what horror awaits them with each step toward complete socialism.

He seemed like a great young man with a positive attitude, working his way through college along with scholarships to help.  He doesn’t have college loans.  He wants to be debt free so he can start his career and have a family soon after college.  Wise beyond his young years.

On another subject, Mr. Couchman, thank you for commenting on my posts.  You asked how I know President Obama is a Marxist — you say just because I say so?  No, if you have read my posts over the many I have written, you would know.  But to refresh your memory, just look at his influencers over his life — Frank Marshall Davis, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his grandparents (his grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis), his mother (a self-described communist)  and step-father, his father (who had very little contact with Barry, but had a great influence), and last but certainly not least; Saul Alinsky.  Mr. Alinsky was also a great influence on Hillary Clinton — she wrote her college thesis on him and his ideas.

He never loved this country; he always said America was as great as every other country and that we were not “exceptional.” I always maintain if a president doesn’t think the country is exceptional he has no business being president.  Barack Obama was a Manchurian Candidate, one Hillary Clinton, nor did any other politician, see on the horizon.  As deft and practiced as he was at reading teleprompters, there was no American soul in his heart.  Was he what everyone says he was — an excellent student (but no college records offered), born in the USA (a certificate of live birth but no birth certificate), a citizen and student of Islam when in Indonesia as a young man.

There are many voids in President Obama’s past, and the media is remiss  trying to find out why.  Was he given foreign student status/scholarship to attend college?  We’ll never know because he has spent millions to keep it closed and secret. He is a “is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma,” to quote Winston Churchill.  A great president — no, a good president, no; he will be judged by history as the poorest excuse for a president once his record is critically examined without the hype. President Carter, you will be replaced, you’re a good man, but were a poor excuse for a president. Soon you will be vindicated and placed above President Obama.

The rotting of America from within continues…


April 3, 2019
You need to focus on the current president, not two guys that used to hold the office. Trump's brain, to coin a phrase, continues to rot from within. Yesterday he confused the word "origin" with "oranges" three or four times. What's with that? He said his father came from Germany; but that was was his grandfather. The guy is not just some random old man - he's got an important job. His confusion - we're going to close down the border - we're going to replace Obamacare with something really good - create consequences that are harmful to the country.
Don't Tread On Me
April 5, 2019
You are criticizing President Trump for mis-speaking and President Obama said he had been in 57 states and corpsemen for corpsmen (as in Marines). Really Basura - you're grasping at straws. Please keep your composure and enjoy the ride - another 6 years to go. I had to endure Obama and his failed policies and crooked administration for 8 years, but you'll be better off after Trump. unlike when Obama left. Just say "thank you" - it will be all right. Have a great weekend!
Peggy Otto
April 3, 2019
Very well said and very true. Obama was a figure head of the well oiled Clinton machine. He will go done as our country's least qualified president. He never held a job of any substance and as Senator only voted 35% of the time Had no respect for the military-hence the "latte salute. I would not trust him and certainly would not let him come up my drive way. However, let us move on to "Make America Great again"
Robert M Traxler
April 5, 2019
"The rotting of America from within continues…" This tag line must work because the good folks on the left quote it in anger often, and two have come up with a variation of it.

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