When I was in high school many years ago, I read “1984” by George Orwell where the government was the provider of everything and watched everything.  “Big Brother” was watching and making sure nothing was out of order.  Over the past 25-plus years it looks like Big Brother is now ensconced in our government, if not totally, at least with the economy and monetary control.

I’m certainly not looking for “It’s a Wonderful Life” type of small town atmosphere, but at least when I was young person and young man just starting in the work world, you had options.  Go to college (if you could afford it), go to the service, work as a general laborer in a factory or learn a trade or specialty.

Now, young people are brainwashed into believing the only way to gain a good career is going to college (simply not true), or living with your parents until they kick you out.  Maybe a little simplistic, but bear with me here.  Who now controls college loans?  The U.S government — not like before when a bank could loan you the money.

And who is the U.S. government — look in the mirror!  Yes my friend, you are on the hook for one of the largest debt bubbles growing by leaps and bounds (44.2 million college students owe $1.5 trillion in college debt in 2017).  You can thank the Obama administration for that debt load to be placed on your shoulders instead of the students or their parents.

For those of you owning weapons, either inherited or bought over the years, they better be registered.  If not, they have not actively sought out unregistered weapons yet, but with each passing election cycle, it comes up as an issue.  It will only be a matter of time before the “progressives” (aka Democrats) gain control of the Congress and the Presidency again and push this gun control agenda.

And those of you who never want to know history, this is how the Nazi regime gained control of the private weapons during the 1930s so all internal people within the Reich didn’t have access to weapons to defend themselves or revolt against tyrannical government.  No weapons, no power.  The same with communist governments —Russia and Cuba are excellent examples.  Private gun ownership is forbidden in both countries.

For those of you receiving Social Security, isn’t it wonderful a deposit goes into your account every month?  That isn’t government money, it is the money stolen out of your check your whole working life against your will to provide a meager lifestyle unless you have saved extra to help in your golden years.  Or the option is to just keep working.

What would happen if an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) event occurred?  Your modes of transportation, electricity, credit cards, electrical devices — nothing would work.  You wouldn’t have any transactions into or out of bank accounts and the banks would close.  The only way to buy food (if any available) would be with cash or barter.

I’ve always said cash was king, but nobody carries cash any more or if they do, in small quantities.  And since the government controls everything from printing money to controlling banks and credit unions, what do you think would happen if an EMP happened?  The government  would shut down everything and not allow you access to any cash you may have in a financial institution.

Those bastions of industry and retailing we had in our lives for decades — GM had the most efficient and production producing stamping plant in the U.S. in Wyoming, now a huge open space where the plant once stood and employed thousands through the years.  Have you witnessed where Sears used to be in Woodland mall?  Gone.   Toys ‘R Us? Gone.

Why did this happen.  Some will say business practices.  Some will say trade.  Some will say the Internet.  Some will say competition.  I say the U.S. government, in bed with those globalists wanting to control the world economy and in turn have one world government.  It is coming, as plain as the nose on your face.

Globalism has been at the forefront of the Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama years.  Nationalism was scorned and globalism has taken over.  And what has it gotten us?  Larger, crushing government debt, more debt bubbles (like college loans and housing loans again).  Consumer debt (almost $4 trillion and rising) is out of control.  More and more people are living on credit cards and make monthly payments, ensuring the constant cycle of debt continues to rise.

The U.S. used to be a solvent, lending nation.  Now it is a debtor nation.  The debtor is slave to the lender.  You read that correctly.  We owe Russia, China, Japan, and other nations more than we can pay.  We’ve sold U.S. Treasury notes (debt) to finance our overspending.  We are now entering third world economy status because we have overspent.

The Democrats and Remocrats (Republicans in name only – those little r “republicans” who go along to get along to be invited to the Washington parties).  Amazing, most Congress folks go to Washington and after a number of years they are multi-millionaires.  How does that happen?  Don’t they have expenses like the rest of us on $170,000 a year?  That sounds like a lot of money, but believe me, Washington D.C. is extremely expensive.

So how do they do it?  Millionaires on congressional salaries?  I’ve been to Washington D.C. many times, as has Army Bob.  We, as the old saying goes, have been around the block a few times.  And any Congress person who says they earned every bit of that money, I say bullsheet.  They have had insider deals in the stock market or outright graft and corruption.  Nobody can do that well (but let me digress – I seem to remember Hillary Clinton making about $90,000 in a $10,000 investment in cattle futures).

Well, enough for readers to ponder and expound upon.

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

HARRY SMIT ( the amateur essayist)
February 5, 2019
Ranger Rick Excellent article....the way history is being removed it will not long before the only history being taught will come from George Orwell's "1984". The big question is who will our Big Brother be ??? China or Russia My guess is and always has been China

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