Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Last night, I was watching clown TV (NBC – Nobody But Clowns) national news and saw Secretary of State John Kerry. I have one question for him — “how long have you been dead and didn’t know it? That pile of grey hair swept back on top of the ghostly, sallow, sunken face – reminds me of “Lurch” of Addams Family fame, except Lurch was better looking.

Secretary Kerry, in his erudite, “smarter than everyone” attitude explained that “Israel could be either Jewish or Democratic, but not both.” This was his explanation of the U.S. abstention of the United Nations Resolution about condemning Israeli settlements. Let’s examine his ridiculous statement; Israel was established after World War II to be a place for Jewish survivors of the Nazi concentration camps in which to settle and live, it was their homeland before and since biblical times. Since the majority of people in Israel are Jews, they are Jewish. And they practice a similar government system such as ours, a democratic republic. So, Mr. Secretary Kerry, you are wrong, they are both. I understand what Kerry was saying, just that he equates his understanding of where religion ends and nationalism begins. Just like most liberals in their narrow understanding of the two, they can’t be separated – they are the same. Their religion is embedded into everything they do, including government and statesmanship.

They are the only democratic republic in the Middle East, a region where most elections are rigged in other countries electing puppet leaders or they are under a dictator with no elections permitted. They are surrounded by Muslim dominated countries that would like to eliminate Israel and kill all Jews. Israel is under constant attack by missiles, bombings and terrorist activities. They have given territory back to other countries that they claimed after wars with the assurance they would never be attacked again only to see another conflict where the same territories were taken by superior Israeli forces again.

The United States has a friend in Israel and vice versa, or had until now. Our petulant, narcissist President Obama has to make good with his Muslim puppet-masters before he leaves office. He was a Muslim in his younger days, and I don’t think he’s ever embraced Christianity as he has indicated, to the extent to further his political ambitions and nothing more. He’s always had a problem with Jews, is an anti-Semite, and hates Prime Minister Netanyahu because Bibi is much smarter and is always two steps ahead of President Obama in everything. Obama is a lightweight and a disgrace to his office when it comes to most things, and especially in dealing with Israel. He can’t help himself when his hate rises up against Israel and Netanyahu.

Secretary Kerry is another anti-Semite and racist, looking down his nose at anyone not of Ivy League or Boston Brahmin background, an upper-cruster if there ever was one. Did you know he was a commander on a river patrol boat in Vietnam? If you don’t, what rock have you been under the past 40 years? He spent a whole three months in-country there and was wounded three times – all of dubious circumstances and severity (one was a sliver that could be removed by tweezers – a corpsman refused to extract it because he said Kerry could do it himself until he was “ordered” by Kerry to do so. By having a corpsman extract the sliver, he could say he was wounded and cite the corpsman as a “witness.” When you had three “wounds” and put in for Purple Hearts (which an officer (Kerry) could put himself up for the awards), you were removed from the theater of war and shipped back to the States. He was a sniveling, conniving, little weasel even then – you can see where he learned his political training.

Now, Sec. Kerry is showing he has no honor, no backbone, and no integrity when it comes to our best ally. At the very least, Kerry is incompetent. At the very worst, he was a coward in Vietnam, and a traitor now in dealing with Israel. You decide.

Make no mistake; Kerry is having his strings being pulled by puppet master Obama. Israel has every right to be concerned. And Obama will do all in his power in the next few weeks before the Trump administration takes over to create consternation and tension in the Middle East.

He is angry his legacy will be non-existent because of his inept, miserable, non-existent leadership. And he has every right to be angry, he blew eight years of chances to help the United States advance and become economically stable. But between golfing and flying around to sightsee in all the different countries on our dime, he didn’t have time to be troubled with what he should have been doing. He should be glad he’s had two terms as figurehead of the United States, because if the American people were ever told the truth of his journey to the presidency and what he really thinks of the country he “leads”, he never would have been elected for the first term.

President Obama is no Jimmy Carter; at least President Carter loved his country, even though he was an inept president. President Obama needs to revisit a statement by a real president:

“The American people, the most generous on earth, who created the highest standard of living, are not going to accept the notion that we can only make a better world for others by moving backward ourselves. Those who believe we can, have no business leading the nation.”

Ronald Reagan

President Obama, you’ve certainly not moved us forward, in fact, in many ways we’ve moved backward. Your sycophants in the media can no longer cover up the facts, and the facts speak for themselves – the United States is in the worst shape it has been in for years (except for the past seven weeks). Your administration discourages economic expansion, the life giving creator of jobs and more money in the Treasury. Your ideas of higher taxes and more regulation had effectively killed or severely hindering selected industries, is a disgrace to freedom loving Americans everywhere.

But your anger knows no bounds, so we expect and will get more in the remaining few weeks you have in office. Since you’ve already disgraced yourself, single-handedly destroyed the Democrat Party, and the United States in how you’ve dealt with Americans and other countries and governments, please go on vacation and stay there until Jan. 20 when the adults take over. Don’t embarrass yourself any further. When the author of history in the future is presented with facts or lies, they’ll print the lying story every time, so you have a chance to keep your legacy intact. Do yourself a favor and just be quiet for a little while longer.

And Mr. President, good riddance and don’t let the White House door hit your backside!

The rotting of America from within is still happening – just hold on until Jan. 20!


Bob Moras
January 3, 2017
I agree and have to add one final thought. Jimmy Carter must be feeling pretty good about not being the worst President of recent times. He will enthusiastically hand that title over to Obama, come Jan. 20. Carter's biggest gaffe as president was abandoning a long time ally, after the Shah of Iran was left twisting in the wind, after being one of our closest allies in the Middle East. It left many of our other mid-east friends doubting how strongly we would back them when push came to shove. Although, I must give him credit for the Egypt/Israeli Peace agreement. But dumping the Shah caused a huge roadblock to any other agreements in that region. It has been constant strife since then, including the infamous hostage crisis in Iran.
January 3, 2017
Only need six words to identify the quoted president as Ronald Reagan. "The American people, the most generous..." That says it all, and he didn't even say I taking any credit for anything. Hope the next president learns to emulate RR in that part of the job. And for that matter the more like Reagan he becomes the better for us all.

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