Greta Thunberg, a 16 year- old activist from Sweden and the darling of the Climate Change world, addressed the United Nations with a scathing and passionate speech, condemning the older generation for making a Hell on Earth for her and younger generations to come.

It is reported she suffered or is suffering from depression, eating disorders, and has a formal diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Wow, what a list of maladies plagues this young lady! If you happened to see her address and condemnation of us, all of us in the developed world, it was truly a performance to behold; with her scrunched up face and snarling delivery spewing hatred for everything modern and considered must-have transportation and conveniences.

She is a pawn, a pawn like most spewing the coming global cooling glacial period, global warming, oceans rising, climate change.  When I was a young man it was the coming cooling period in a Time magazine article – in the 1970s we were all going to die from the cold.  Then in the late 1980s and 1990s it was global warming.  Then it leveled off and quit warming with a slight cooling — oh crap, now what is happening.  No problem, we’ll call it global climate change then however the temperature changes we are covered.

Then they were worried about carbon emissions, so another factor was added.  What is next?  The argument the consensus of 97% of scientists agree is, in my backward hayseed way of thinking is BS – extreme BS!  Science isn’t and never has been consensus.  Learned scientists of the day thought the earth was flat too way back before Columbus returned after “falling off.”

The storms aren’t more numerous, they aren’t bigger, they aren’t “badder” than ever.  Hurricanes affect the coastal areas more now because there are more homes and businesses near the water.  More damage because there are more buildings than ever.  People in New Orleans had plenty of time to evacuate, but didn’t.  If you’re that stupid, there’s not much a government can do but help identify the bodies.  New Orleans is the only place I had to walk up steps to see the Mississippi River and looked down on the street below and understood the river was higher than the street.  It was below “flood plain” at normal level!

I challenge anyone who believes as Ms. Thunberg to practice what they preach.  They want all internal combustion engines abolished, no coal or atomic powered electric plants, no animal meat to be produced, no trains or planes, no coal, gas, oil, or atomic powered ships.  So by their objections to modern life enjoyed by Americans and most of the developed countries in the world, they should immediately do the following if they don’t want to be hypocrites:

• No cell phones

• No iPads

• No computers

• No TV

• No Xbox

• No new clothes (it takes electricity to run weaving and sewing machines)

• No new shoes (no leather or material woven to make shoe material)

• No makeup, no razors, no soap

• No rides anywhere (walk or bicycle only)

• No heat in homes (no burning wood or wood pellets either – carbon emitters)

I know, we old farts destroyed the world as you activists shout and cry about.  Chop wood for heat (but that would add carbon — oh oh!), light candles for light (no tallow if you don’t have animals, no light!), no batteries (no machines to make them), no trucks to distribute to stores …

See what a conundrum you’re in when you don’t think these things though.  You want to go back to the Dark Ages?  We are well on our way if thinking like this prevails.

The rotting of America (and the world) from within continues…



dennis longstreet
October 15, 2019
I have been around as long as you. Something has changed .I recall two feet of snow in one night.So cold you could not stand it.Times have changed.I do not believe in no planes autos no electric.But a young girl caring about her future is not a leftist ploy. You and i will both be dead before any of this could happen.Every one needs to think about what we do every day.
October 16, 2019
Shame on you. I think you're better than this.
Robert M Traxler
October 16, 2019
Yeah, how dare you! Global Climate Change is sacred, off limits, above questioning. You must believe the radical left wing party line, or you are a (enter a cuss word) and a (enter a vile name). If the world is indeed ending, then the 85,000,000 (yes 85 million) new humans above the death rate each and every year, with the numbers growing at a constant rate, will ensure it happens, regardless of banning water bottles or straws. Will the good folks on the left ban population growth in the third world? Should we ban medicine for children and the old? Are humans indeed a virus growing in Mother Earth? Our measly 5% of the world's population is declining; China and India, along with Africa, are exploding. China has more vehicles with internal combustion engines than we do, a lot more. India is not far behind, and they all pollute more than our vehicles. China is constructing a coal-fired power plant a month, every month and has for years. We are not the villains here, but what the heck, everything is our fault. Just ask the dozen Democratic Candidates for President. With 85,000,000 new folks in the world every year, how are we going to feed them without petrochemicals? How are we going to house them, provide heat, transport them and the goods they need, entertain them, and do the other things that need to be done?
Lynn Mandaville
October 17, 2019
It distresses me that Ranger Rick and Army Bob take on such a virulent opposition to the people who favor taking any kind of action on the factors that contribute to climate change. Unless I am reading their diatribes incorrectly, they believe nothing needs to be done because the US is only a drop in the global bucket of ills. Unless I am reading their defensiveness incorrectly, they think that achieving climate correction will mean giving up every and all advances made by human beings since the discovery of fire. It is my own, insignificant speculation that the truth lies smack dab in the middle of both points of view. It is my own, insignificant opinion that "green" alarmist screeds do little or nothing to dissuade the climate change denier, and that absurdist replies that include such ridiculousness as giving up all electronics, clothing, transportation and home heating of ANY kind do nothing to temper the Greens who claim our complete and total doom is within the next twenty years. Truth, I believe, is much more to the middle. And I believe that the blaming and yelling and name-calling do nothing but obscure such facts as this: the United States 5% of the world's population isn't the major contributor to climate change, BUT until recently the United States 5% of the world's population was a trusted source of scientific information about the condition of the globe, and it was a leader in setting good examples of proper global stewardship examples to the rest of the world. When we resort to inflammatory rhetoric we get nowhere. When we fly off into angry screeds about the other side we get nowhere. This is a prime example of only one of the root "symptoms" in the bigger sickness afflicting the US today. Everyone nowadays is "right," much more correct than the next guy. Every opinion nowadays exists in a world of black and white, no greys, where compromise is the dirty word, rather than a viable solution, to any given problem or situation. It is time for each and every one of us to give up talking for a while and LISTEN, really listen to each other for understanding. Then it's time for each to ask the other if we really heard them correctly, understood them correctly. And see if we can find an acceptable middle ground, even if only temporarily. I'm not so sick of the Green New Deal and Ranger Rick on this subject as I am at the unwillingness of the rest of us to call them on the carpet for their absolutism on either side of the issue. Why do we put up with the silence of ourselves and others who most likely feel the same way as we do? Was it Nixon who coined the phrase "the silent majority?" This may be an altogether apt phrase for America today, in the age of Trump.
dennis longstreet
October 17, 2019
Trumpy denies climate change. If Trumpy said the world was flat, Ranger Rick and Army Bob would condemn anyone who said he was wrong.D o nothing and it will fix itself. Welcome to the Age of Trumpy

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