Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0In an article by Bruce Walker “Hillary May Just Be Dumb,” she is embattled with a person not even a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders, an old curmudgeon socialist who wants to tax everything business, give free college educations to everyone, and sing “Kumbaya” holding hands over a camp fire for everyone to like government to take over their lives. All they have to do is give government all their money!

“Leftism, of course, elevates dummies and whispers into the ears of these sock puppets that they are actually brilliant. Mrs. Clinton fits the bill. She is never unscripted, and the script she reads has been written by other people who are smart. Mrs. Clinton almost never takes questions and when she does is almost devoid of any depth or specifics.”

She gets “softballs” all day long to answer, never pressed on any answers that may have follow-up questions posed for clarification.

Mrs. Clinton’s legal career is unspectacular – she failed the District of Columbia bar exam. Two-thirds of those who took the exam passed. I thought she was an Ivy League grad, one of the smartest women ever to come out of Yale? She did pass the Arkansas bar exam, which all legal scholars admit was an easy bar exam to pass. Her time at the Rose Law Firm was as “rainmaker,” as her husband was governor of Arkansas, and buying political face time was encouraged and mutually beneficial for both.

During her First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State terms, can you point to any accomplishments in those positions? I can’t either. As First Lady, she was involved in Travelgate, stealing furniture from the White House, she did go along to get along in her senate career and never created or sponsored any meaningful legislation, and she established her devious private e-mail server while as Secretary of State along with the Benghazi debacle, her glee over the death of Kaddafi (“we came, we saw, he died”) – everything she did or had responsibility for has a taint to it. She is viewed by those in power as the most terrible and ineffective Secretary of State to ever grace the position.

The Clinton Foundation, also called the “Bank of Clinton,” is the center of buying influence and not giving up much of the foundation money for helping countries in dire straits, like Haiti after the earthquake killed thousands. Where did all that money go?  The foundation is worth $1 billion plus now. You figure it out. I know you can, but those “intellectuals” on the left and right coasts don’t think anyone from “fly-over country” are smart enough to figure it out.

Mrs. Clinton is a Democrat, the political party that loves to raise money by raising taxes on business, citizens, and anywhere they can squeeze more money for them to spend. And when they run out of your money, they up the ante and tax more. They are socialists in sheep’s clothing, and can only operate with other people’s money.

The Democrats didn’t used to be socialists, but they have lost their way, and now are the party of the tax first, second, third… until you run out of other people’s money. Remocrats (Republicans in name only – aka as RINOs) are a close second.

Democrat Creed:

Rule #1 – Always get and use other people’s money (tax, tax, tax)

Rule #2 – When you run out of money, read Rule #1.

Mrs. Clinton, Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton abide by the Democrat Creed and follow it in the strictest sense. The Clinton Foundation get its money strictly by “donations,” that is a term really known as “selling influence and face time.” The more you “contribute” the more influence and face time you get.

Isn’t it wonderful representatives and senators are voted in with a salary of a relatively small amount and all come out millionaires, many are multi-millionaires? How does that happen? Insider trading, selling of influence, the levers of power and privilege being greased by money – all going to those in power.

People used to serve their country in these positions to help the country, to do good things for the populace, run the country with dignity, respect, and honor and defend America and American interests. Now they are just pigs at the money trough. It is disgusting and frustrating.

The rotting of the country from within continues…

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