With the election of a new president, the losing side always has a problem adjusting to the loss and accepting of the new president and his political ideas.

It was the same with me when Barack Obama won the White House in both elections. He was given a pass by the non-existent media, and fake media prevailed (ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, PBS). After his first election, the media exclaimed they didn’t know who President Obama was, he essentially was an “empty suit” because they couldn’t or wouldn’t objectively examine his whole background from infancy to his time in the Senate. They just knew he was as Senator Biden exclaimed “… a clean, good looking black man” and that was enough.

We all thought having a black president would help in race relations and help with the progress of a color blind society – so much for wishful thinking. In all the time President Obama was in office, I never heard of any public official or celebrity ask for the president to be assassinated. No matter how I or others disagreed with his administration or policies did anyone wish for any harm to come to him.

Recently, a Democrat Missouri state senator, Maria Chappelle-Nada,l Facebook posted: “I hope Trump is assassinated!”

The Democrat Party has gone left of center to left, left, and further left, but even they had to see this for what it was and condemn her comments and her. The chairman of the Missouri Democrat Party, Stephen Webber, was quoted, calling her comments “Indefensible. All sides need to agree that there is no room for suggestions of political violence in America – and the Missouri Democratic Party will absolutely not tolerate calls for assassination of the President.”

Missouri U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill was also quoted that Chappelle-Nadal’s comments “were outrageous and Chappelle-Nadal should resign.” Good for her – maybe the only sane Democrat left in the Senate.

Folks, the campaign has been over for nine months and the electorate and electoral college has declared President Trump the winner over Mrs. Clinton. Time to pull up your big boy/big girl pants and get on with life. Throwing hissy fits because you don’t like the outcome is immature, and does nothing to help the nation move forward.

The Trump agenda must move forward because of the win, and if it doesn’t work, then Democrats will have the opportunity to replace him in 2020. If it does work, President Trump will be re-elected and serve until 2024.

Democrats who continually resist just to resist must examine their motives – you are not helping the country by your foolishness and continue to show others you are not entitled, reliable, and sane to lead the country. It is time for adults to take over the Democrat Party and restore it to sane governing principles and steer away from violent behaviors and speech, and seek compromise instead of street fighting and riots. Otherwise, Democrats will be subjected to the political dust bin of history. Their radical ways will defeat them.

The rotting of America from within continues…



Robert M Traxler
September 5, 2017
Great column, the truth hurts, so stand by for some harsh comments.
September 5, 2017
Actually, Ranger, you are in error about the American Electorate. The Americans voted for Hillary Clinton, by a margin of very nearly 3,000,000. However, the other half of your assertion is correct; the Electoral College selected Donald, and he is our president. Maria Chappelle-Nadal,- assuming you got that part correct, posted an outrageous facebook comment, and, as Sen. McCaskill said, she should resign. In and of itself, such a posting is vile, and it is especially so when remembering the shooter that harmed Rep. Scalise when he was practicing baseball. McCaskill far more typifies the dems I know.
Free Market Man
September 6, 2017
The Trump strategy was to win states, thus electoral votes. The majority of the popular vote means about as much as being a Vice President - as one vice president described as being worth "a spittoon of warm spit." Hillary was a flawed candidate - even Democrats knew it. President Trump was the lesser of two evils. Hillary ran a poor campaign - she believed the media and her polling data, both were flawed. President Trump ran a strategic and brilliant campaign - simple as that. And he wasn't an establishment Republican.
September 7, 2017
Rager's assertion was "Folks, the campaign has been over for nine months and the electorate and electoral college has declared President Trump the winner over Mrs. Clinton." That is factually incorrect. The majority of those Americans that bothered to vote did not vote for Donald Trump, they voted for Hillary Clinton. She is thoughtful, intelligent, informed, and hard working - qualities not in evidence in today's occupant of the oval office.
Free Market Man
September 7, 2017
Mr. Basura, Hillary Clinton has failed in every position she has ever held. She can't control her husband, when 1st Lady, looted the White House when they left and sent the loot to her house in Chappaqua and when found out had to return it. A Carpetbagging Senator with no major legislation ever created. Considered by many in New York as a failure. A poor excuse for a Secretary of State (Benghazi debacle, Russian Reset (remember the red button?), killing of Kadaffi statements (we came, we saw, he died!). She is intelligent and thoughtful... in stealing and looting - feathering her next of vipers. Sending out classified information that could be intercepted, used private servers (federal crime) and destroyed or cleaned her hard drives and cell phones. She has continually lied to federal investigators. The Clinton Foundation that received influence money from governments and dictators and paid very little out to Haiti and other causes. Yup, she was and is a real gem! When will she and Bill ride off into the sunset and shut up, they are washed-up has beens, and she should be in prison, not the White House.
Robert M Traxler
September 8, 2017
Mr. Basura, Sir, President Trump could of made eight more stops in New York and California and picked up the 1.5 million (half of the three million) popular votes but he stopped in Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida and Pennsylvania. Unless I am incorrect the electoral votes are the way the system works? President Trump demonstrated just how intelligent he is in winning the election. Please get over the election, President won, please get over the Russian investigation it has died, please get over the Trump Derangement Syndrome, being that angry for a long period of time is not healthy.

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