Now that we’ve seen and heard the hysteria and outrage of the what happened at Charlottesvile, Va., and the aftermath of comments both in print and mass media, let us critically look at what happened and why.

I must confess the described White Nationalists, Nazi wanna-be folks and Skin Head idiots also hate my heritage, race and religion, so I would be in their proverbial cross-hairs for hate and destruction. That being said and noted, I also believe in the U.S. Constitution, and they have the right to assemble and act like idiots, spewing hate speech — things most normal people abhor and denounce. Let’s look at the facts as we know them:

  • The supporters (described by the Fake Media as Alt Right) of keeping the Confederate statues had a permit issued by the city to enter the area to protest.
  • The opposition (Looney Left, Alt Left, Bolsheviks, Communists, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc.) didn’t have a permit to be in the area.
  • The mayor, police chief, and governor knew about the permit and date when it was to happen.
  • The police did nothing to observe, mingle with the crowds to show law enforcement presence, and didn’t intervene until the violence started, resulting in the death of a young woman being struck by car driven by a mentally ill nut job from Ohio to be at the rally for the “Alt Right.” Nobody, regardless of difference of opinion and stances, should lose their life over the status of a statue. If the police were actively there, would this have happened?
  • The Antifa (who knew who these folks were? First I ever heard of them) and Black Lives Matter people showed up with baseball bats, urine and concrete filled bottles and cans as maiming projectiles. (Antifa is described, per Wikipedia as an anti-fascist group. Antifa groups are known for militant protest tactics, including property damage and, sometimes, physical violence). They sure look like Fascists to me with the black uniforms and face coverings. Don’t they look like Italian Fascists from the old newsreels from the Mussolini era?
  • The White Nationalists, Nazi wanna-bes, and Skin Heads were said to be armed.
  • The police chief and other observers of the riot saw mutually combating individuals, not just one side inflicting harm on the other – just as President Trump stated.
  • This “riot” had more coverage that the attempted mass assassination in June of multiple congressmen by a hate filled Bernie Sanders supporter.
  • Last week in Chicago, nine people were killed and more than 30 wounded in gunfights – in a city where handguns are not allowed within the city limits! Where was the Fake News on that tragedy? Evidently it happens so much that the Fake News has no interest in the Chicago wild west show – it’s become standard operating procedure in Chicago and no longer draws media interest.
  • President Barack Obama was always wrong in his comments about black deaths at the hands of police before all evidence and forensic evidence was known. Where was the Fake News in the attacking his comments after the facts were known?
  • The movement to remove all Confederate statues and anything Confederate, all slave owners, KKK — the Left needs to look in the mirror. Democrats were the slave owners and KKK members. Senators Robert Byrd (Grand Klegal (recruiter of members) of KKK in WV), and staunch segregationists Albert Gore Sr. and President Woodrow Wilson and many others need to have their names or statues removed from public display.

Now seriously, if you heard of a KKK/Nazi/Skin Head rally in Grand Rapids or Kalamazoo, would you attend to support or oppose? Not just to show your support either way but with baseball bats, urine and cement filled bottles and cans, firearms, etc.? Even though you didn’t support what was said, they are such a small part of society, why would you take time out from your precious life to listen or protest? The media stirs up hate by giving these clowns a stage to show how stupid they are.

The biggest question in this whole debacle is where were the police and who benefits from this tragedy? A woman dead – for what – protesting an opposing view? Does this seem like a result of rational people, not that there was on either side involved in the violence.

I must place the blame on this on the police chief, police force, and governor for not protecting the permit-holders and keeping the opposing sides separated.

But since Russia, Russia, Russia hasn’t produced a result the Democrats want, they need to use the other “R” word – racism — this was a way for the lefty mayor, city council, police chief in Charlottesville, and Democrat presidential hopeful Terry McAuliffe to let this blow up out of control and blame somebody else (Republicans). As the Democrats always say “Never let a crisis go to waste” – the governor is the leading supporter in keeping the police force standing down to watch the riot erupt.

I also must blame the previous President Obama for eight years of racial antagonism and his radical administration led to riots in 20 American cities (Oakland, Akron, Pittsburgh in 2009; Santa Cruz, Oakland, Los Angeles in 2010; Oakland in 2011; Chicago and Anaheim in 2012; Brooklyn in 2013; Ferguson and New York City in 2014; Baltimore in 2015; Anaheim, Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee, Charlotte, Standing Rock, Oakland and Portland in 2016 and D.C., Berkeley, Anaheim, Olympia and Portland in 2017). By fomenting and allowing hate to prevail, with no presidential condemnation and leadership, the racial divide widened.

President Trump spoke the truth, and that is what has the media up in arms and condemning him and Republicans, when the Democrats at VA state and Charlottesville local leadership allowed this to happen. And one person is dead because of their inaction.

So what is next in eliminating hate speech, ideas other than your own, bad ideas, Nazi, Antifa, etc. – getting rid of all slave owners/segregationists/KKK! That would include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, most Confederate generals, many national monuments (Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Monticello, university and college names, two of the folks on Mt. Rushmore, Stone Mt. carving, street names, many military base names, etc.).

Somebody is following “1984” storyline. Orwell was ahead of his time.

The best way to bring down the United States is to eliminate its history; because not knowing history is the best way for tyranny to reign. History is what you say it is. Sounds like communism to me, but I’m an uneducated, hick, country boy from Wayland – what do I know?

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
August 22, 2017
The unvarnished truth, vs. the truth as the media left wants it to be. The Chief of Police stated he blocked one entrance to the park but the folks with baseball bats and bags of urine used another entrance. Come on now Chief what did you expect?

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