I don’t know why I watched the two debates, in fact, I couldn’t watch them completely, but at least over an hour of the two hour debates each.

This is what I got out of the debates:

1)  Former Vice President Joe Biden is out of his element of plain speaking and has succumbed to “me too” with the left of left  to survive.  He was flummoxed and looked old.  Still hanging in, but fast fading.

2) Senator Bernie Sanders is in 2016 campaign mode and hasn’t changed his tune.  He only had Hillary to contend with, now he has 19 others.  He still can’t comb his hair and looks older than ever, and he looked really old in 2016.

3) The rest of the field pretty much agreed they think more about illegals’ rights, Medicare for all (even illegals) than they care for American citizens.  Free college for all (including illegals).  No  borders — come on in!  More gun control, more regulations on energy producers. Where will it end?

The shrill Trump Derangement Syndrome on display by every candidate.I hear the media say Senators Kamala Harris (Socialist State of CA), and Elizabeth Warren (Pocahontas – Communist State of MA) moved up the polls.  I have a hard time thinking either one is presidential material with their baggage.

Warren is a tired looking policy wonk that has an answer and pat solution for everything, a professor if I ever saw one.  Except professors make lousy presidents (Woodrow Wilson, a -known racist and president of Princeton University and got us into WW I)

Harris, as CA attorney deneral, never saw a convicted felon she could sentence to death, regardless of how heinous the crime.  But she was and is adamant about any abortion procedure be kept legal, no matter how gruesome.

And others say South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is climbing the polls with his performance.  However, the media is not helping with showing the discord between police, the mayor, and outraged African-Americans in a recent shooting.  He is a proud openly gay candidate, and is proud of his husband, Chasten. Regardless of how you feel about homosexuality, is America ready for a gay president?  And since he says his partner is the “husband,” can Pete be President and First Lady?

Asking this question is not a joke, I’m completely serious, but some will chastise my motives.  So be it.

The rest of the field doesn’t have a chance.  DeBlasio (or whatever his real name is – he’s even confused) tried, but his city is in shambles, so looking at how he reigns over New York, he doesn’t have a chance.

The others are squawking, but nobody is listening.  And they all attacked each other and talked over each other, so viewers get mighty tired of hearing how they are going to get screwed in the end by Democrats, because they all know there is nothing a Democrat loves more than raising taxes to blow on programs that don’t and won’t work.

Don’t believe me? Look at the cities and states run by Democrat majorities — mayor, city councils and administrators.  Los Angeles, Chicago, New York – three large cities losing population by the thousands monthly moving to lower taxes, better schools, better living condition states.  All Democrat run, top to bottom.  And raising taxes to get more revenue to spend more on their pet programs, graft, and corruption.

Citizens are sick of it and voting with their feet.  Money goes where it is treated best and it isn’t in any one of those cities or states of California, Illinois or New York.

And the most insulting of the night’s exchanges were those speaking Spanish in a debate setting for the citizens of the United States.  I think the official language of America should be looked at again in Congress and make it English.  When I heard a Democrat candidate address the audience in Spanish, I figured that lost about half the audience watching, if not in viewership, in possible votes for that candidate.

Beto should be ashamed.  He is a fraud and a loser. If any of these clowns think they are going to beat someone who has done more for this country than any other president in less than three years than any other president I’ve ever known, they are fools.

And Democrats can’t help themselves, idiotic and foolish ideas are paramount for the Democrat Party.  Spending others’ money on programs and initiatives that don’t work are trademarks of the jackass party.  An appropriate mascot for the party of Socialists, Communists, Marxists.

What has happened to the once proud Democrat party, the party of the working class?  The Trump Derangement Syndrome lives on.

The rotting of America from within continues…


July 3, 2019
You say "If any of these clowns think they are going to beat someone who has done more for this country than any other president in less than three years than any other president that I've ever known", and I'm the one that's deranged?
Robert Traxler
July 3, 2019
Mr. Basura, Yes.

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