The fake news is all in a tizzy over the situation at the border.  They said all along there was no problem at the border, it was all made up by the Republicans.

As it gets closer to the election, the border will be viewed as a place of poor souls trying to get political asylum from drug dealers, oppressive governments, coyotes, etc.  Now they say it is a crisis?

I understand the illegals’ plight.  The draw of the United States, the great land of opportunity, suckers, and free stuff draws them like a moth to a flame.  Who wouldn’t want to come?  Chinese, Africans, Mexicans, Latin Americans, South Americans — everyone wants in.  They don’t want to get in line like many people I’ve known in my working career and personal life, where they did things the right way (and less costly than hiring coyotes!) and came in legally.  They want to skip the process and just walk on in.  Well, this is the cost of coming in illegally.

Imagine sitting home and someone beats on the door, finally breaking in and demanding you house, feed, clothe, and generally do everything for them.  And they don’t speak your language and really don’t feel they want to.  But they want to use your car, eat your food, drink your favorite beverages, have their kids attend the local school, and get free stuff because they are outsiders.  Maybe take advantage of your family’s good nature and use the TV, radio, cell phones, and maybe even keep a few things for themselves, since you are so rich and they are so poor.

Who are you going to call?  Police?  ICE?  FBI?  Good luck, you are rich and they are poor, give them some love and understanding.

In the mid-1700s we had the same problem.  The British housed their troops in our dwellings, stole our food and resources, taxed us for everything, and we had no representation in Parliament.  They impounded our merchant sailors into the Royal Navy.  Our local militias were under British control.  We were at their mercy.

Then some of the “rebels” got feisty and had a Tea Party.  They eventually attacked the British at Bunker Hill and the rest, as they say, is history.  The rebels took on the most powerful army and navy in the world at the time and WON.  They kicked British ass and the Brits knew it they’d been beaten by mostly civilians turned minutemen.  They tried again in 1812, but that didn’t work out so well, but they did burn the White House.  Small victory for getting their asses kicked again.

And the folks coming from the southern border, whether Mexican or Latin American countries, can’t rebel against their drug lords and governments?  Don’t tell me they can’t get guns, they are abundant where they live.  They all carry knives and machetes, but that would require close combat.  They work in the fields all day, swinging machetes, plowing fields, picking vegetables or fruit, working in factories, and they can’t organize as rebels and take over civilian drug lords and poorly trained federales?

I’m sure many Americans are sick and tired of this routine.  I’ve heard many remedies for stopping these hordes of people crossing the border, but the one our government is bent on continuing  the nice cop without the bad cop.  No punishment, no push-back, just areas of illegal’s holding camps.

The Democrats want you to think the children are at risk… really.  More at risk than being dragged hundreds of miles in heat and sun, the possibility of dying of hunger or thirst is a very real possibility? Having human coyotes rape and steal.  And they expect us to provide better than summer camp experience in these camps?

I call BS on all of this clap trap.  Get in line and get in legally, otherwise the camps are your life until you are either released (20 days max.) into the general population with a court date (which 90% don’t return) and disappear into the interior or wait your turn at the legal process of claiming asylum.  Those released, some will become productive people, some will turn to crime, some will be arrested and placed in our overflowing prisons.

The Democrats are crying foul, and they hold the cards to fix it.  President Donald Trump has asked for a budget and immigration reform (getting rid of anchor baby rules, chain migration, etc.).  The Democrats want to see improvement at the border.  Get to it!  Quit thinking of votes and do the right thing.  America is waiting.

The rotting of America from within continues…


June 25, 2019
Uh oh. It looks like someone isn't buying the lies. Silence peon, the high and mighty left knows better! God forbid something is done about the joke border with Mexico and the leftist elites lose their constant rotation of near-slave laborers to toil in the heat of the southwest for pennies while they relax at the golf course, the pool or in their air-conditioned mansions looking down on the rest of us and grumbling about that evil Trump/orange guy. God forbid the Rino farmers who choose to turn a blind eye to shoddy documents lose their grossly cheap labor. God forbid the immigrant that chooses to risk their life to trade the bottom wrung of the ladder in Mexico or Guatemala for the bottom wrung in the U.S. falls prey to disease, death or evil human traffickers. To the left it's no big deal if they die trying to get here, many more where they came from. Its sickening to hear the left shriek about the "tragedy" of immigrants dying (mostly from disease or trauma from trying to get here) after they get here in the hands of our deliberately overwhelmed border patrol after being encouraged by the left and other anti-American groups to make such a dangerous journey where so many die or are horrifically abused before even setting foot on US soil. The fools are going to continue to bray about the "humanitarian crisis" and "the children" at our border as Americans continue to die of fentanyl overdoses at ever increasing numbers, at that hands of drug dealers or gangs and other persons (repeat felons, prior deportees and other criminals) not properly vetted by a robust immigration system upon entry to the US. They will continue to weep the tears of hypocrites as Pedro, Jose and Maria break their bodies on farms, fixing up the lawns, scrubbing floors, trimming trees and putting up new gutters for the liberal elites by the millions. Not a problem really, more will come and our hospitals will just treat them and pass the cost on to those of us who still work and pay for insurance. The rich don't care, they will always have enough money and useful idiots to plead their case for them. Someday I hope American History looks back on this period for what it is, a social structure manufactured by greed and leftists designed to exploit immigrants over decades. As parts of America prior to the Civil War and during Jim Crow were built on the backs of African Americans, so has the late 20th and now the 21st Century been built on the simple exploitation of poor Latin-American immigrants. In both cases when one looks at who benefits the most from them, history finds the same sneering elites that ran the Antebellum South and thought that arrangement was just great for everyone.
June 26, 2019
One of the best examples of projection I've ever seen. Pretty good job of framing the issue, too.
Lynn Mandaville
June 26, 2019
Methinks you have things turned around! It is the wealthy corporate bigwigs who have created the employment vacuum that has been filled by legal aliens and desperate illegals who find that bottom rung here more desirable than that at home. Legal immigrants provide valuable services to the rich, sure. But they also provide, through reputable agencies and local businesses, services like landscaping and housekeeping for the elderly retired middle class. They provide home health services for the same middle class retirees. They pay income and property taxes and send their kids to school legally for a better life. They are some of the hardest working people I have ever seen. Employers who turn a blind eye to the status of those they hire do as much harm to the system as do legislators who turn a blind eye to the outdated immigration laws, policies, and practices. As far as I know, no one goes south to the war zones of Central America to recruit immigrants with the intention of overwhelming our border and our resources. None of your excuses or arguments hold an ounce of water when it comes to the horrendous conditions in which children are housed at the border. These children are the victims of desperate parents, corrupt governments abroad, and the richest but most selfish nation on earth. To imply that they've got what they have coming to them is not just stupid, it is cruel and unforgivable.. Placing blame does nothing to assuage the suffering that will impact these innocents for the rest of their lives.
Don't Tread On Me
June 26, 2019
MacDougal, you heartless cretin, how could you watch these poor helpless waifs from the southern climes and not want the best for them? Just because they come in illegally, we, according to others, the most selfish country on earth, we are to provide for those invading our country. They are lucky we don't do what their countries do - throw them in jail to rot, adults and kids. The political parties can fix the problems, but MacDougal hits below the belt, and that's the only area these political fools understand. MacDougal, well done capturing the root of the ugly truth and problems. Please comment more often.
Robert M Traxler
June 27, 2019
Mrs. Mandaville, Irineo Mujica, the director of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, and Cristóbal Sánchez, the founder of Migrant Culture Collective, are two who "As far as I know, no one goes south to the war zones of Central America to recruit immigrants with the intention of overwhelming our border and our resources". Some funding comes from various groups in the USA. Many in ICE feel the mass illegal immigration is funded in part by the drug cartels to overwhelm ICE at the border making it easier and more profitable for them. A few hundred thousand in support for the illegals can be made up in one drug shipment successfully crossing the border. I thought the United States was the most violent, unjust nation in the world? I thought we treat the poor disgracefully? Having served in Central America during a war, Honduras being invaded by the peaceful Socialist government in Nicaragua twice, I must of missed the war going on currently?
Lynn Mandaville
June 27, 2019
Any of you who find the mistreatment of children at our southern border acceptable are bankrupt in morality. Period. There are NO reasonable excuses for what is happening. Aid by individuals and church groups are being turned away by ICE agents. Photos and videos of conditions are being censored by the government. The U.S. is engaged in crimes against this specific segment of human beings that I am tempted to consider the equivalent of war crimes, and I am tempted to characterize as genocide by abject neglect. Everything else is a red herring!

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