If you’re really old and listened to WLS-AM in the 1960s, you probably heard “Chickenman,” with the announcer at the end of each show say “WEEEeeel, stay tuned tomorrow for another exciting episode of the greatest  crime fighter the world has ever known bawk, bawk, bawk , BAWWWWK! – Chickenman!”

Makes me think of the Robert Mueller investigation in the news every night on the speculation on what Mr. Mueller has for evidence, how long it would be before President Donald Trump would be subpoenaed, when Trump would be indicted, etc., etc.  After two years and tons of paper and recordings of “witnesses” interviews and a Final Mueller Report (redacted of course to protect the innocent and Grand Jury testimony) — nothing, nada, zip, zero evidence President Trump or any of his subordinates were involved in “collusion.”

Of course, something had to come out of the millions spent, so everyone was viewed with a microscope (and the customary FBI colonoscopy) to see if anything sifted out in reviewing each personal history and dealings.  They got their few scalps to display and throw the book at them, but nothing about what they were looking for.  Peripheral damage.

The Democrats are in a twit because what do they do now?  Of course, impeachment is on everyone’s mind.  The few reasonable and thinking Democrats are thinking maybe we should just let it go.  But others are hoping obstruction of justice is in the cards charging President Trump.  Good thinking, please go there, pursue this all the way to 2020 elections and Trump will certainly be elected again just because Americans will be fed up with it (hint: they already are!)

The real crime should and hopefully will be investigated — the Democrat Party or Hillary Clinton paid for the false Russian Steele Dossier that started this whole thing, totally made up by a man known to be untrustworthy and probably a double agent for the British and the Russians.  Whatever the case, it sounds like the Hillary zombies bit on the dossier as insurance in case Hillary lost (how prescient)!  The die was cast after Hillary lost big time, and Trump couldn’t be president, no matter if he won fair and square.

The real criminals have big “D’s” by their name and voted for Hillary — tried their damndest to get him out.  They knew the FISA warrant was procured under false pretenses, knowing it was bullshit.  But this was their only ace in the hole, and when you’re down to your last bet, you go all in and call. Now the investigation will be on the real culprits.

It is a sorry state of affairs when your own country’s valued resources such as the CIA, FBI, NSA are undermined by cretins and those willing to do anything to stop someone duly elected and officially declared the winner of the Office of President. Now the real criminals will be outed and those behind getting the FISA warrant under a false dossier (and they knew it was false) will be under the microscope.

To those who didn’t vote for President Trump, find the next presidential candidate “D” or “I” victim(s) and vote for them in 2020.  With the improvements in the economy, jobs, everything that should be down is and everything that should be up is, Trump will kick ass again!

Why do I say that, you ask?  Because Trump is just what we needed after eight years of Neocon President George W. Bush and a Marxist President BarackObama, a man who never had a vision or love for the country, just wanted to screw it up, and he did a wonderful job.

Trump is who he says he is, an American that wants what is best for the country and loves America and the people in it.  And the country is better because of his leadership.

The rotting of America from within is less with President Trump at the helm!


Lee Greenawalt
April 23, 2019
Ranger Rick's headline is right. Impeachment will prolong the agony. A far simpler solution would be a Democratic Senate to create the checks and balances the framers of the constitution envisioned. The impeachment of Trump would elevate Pense who is just as bad for true people powered democracy, and more cunning. Many statements by Ranger Rick seem to claim clairvoyance . Statements that the Clinton Campaign knew in advance that the dossier was Russian and false is 20/20 hindsight on steroids.
April 24, 2019
Trump was not exonerated.

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