The much ado about nothing the author of this website and others piling on Representative Steve Johnson is just that — much hot air, and not much substance (like most Democrats).

I’ve spoken with Rep. Johnson once after a township meeting. He listens and responds in a measured and caring way. He seems like a mature, albeit young man, whom is sincere and observant, and responds to all questions. I didn’t vote for him, but realize I may next time, depending if he survives the primary and is on the Republican side of the ballot.

The media attacks any Republican public servant, so it is not surprising he isn’t treated well by the local and regional media. The reticence of any person to run for public office, especially if they are Republicans, is understandable. I personally think anyone who runs for public office has courage and must have a strong constitution in weathering personal attacks and I respect their decision to run. I am sick of the second guessing by pundits and sniping hounds of Democratic devil dogs, those that always think government and more of it is good for the country.

I am continually amazed when a constitutionalist, a conservative voice, one who likes and embraces rugged individualism, capitalism, and abhors more government interference and control of our daily lives is verbally attacked. We should emulate his lead and demand less government and interference in our lives. His refusal to not vote for federal assistance for the Flint water debacle is one that is principled, it is a city and state problem, not a federal problem. But since the City of Flint is essentially bankrupt (any wonder – it has been led by Democrats for years!), the state of Michigan must intervene and fund the cleanup and water replacement. We (all Michigan taxpayers) have and will continue to contribute to Flint’s water solution.

And the City of Flint, like the City of Detroit, will continue to decline and remain under Democrat control with graft and corruption running rampant in the stealing of taxpayer money to enrich those in office in overt and subvert ways and schemes. I don’t try to ever go past Lansing and become tainted with east Michigan thought and ways. Once in a great while I will get to Detroit to watch a ball game, but it is in and out, never spending time or money in the blighted area.

Too bad Mr. Johnson wasn’t in while the vote to support taxpayer money to help build Ford Field and Comerica Park was passed. Another waste of taxpayer funds that have no bearing on what that revenue is to be used for, instead, it helps unscrupulous millionaire businesses expand and make more money on the backs of the taxpayer.

Both stadiums should have been built with private funding. Just as the arts should be privately funded. Just as all public radio and television should be cut off from federal funding – if there is no demand for public radio and television and they cannot make it with subscriber funding, maybe there is no need for their services. Maybe that type of programming can be picked up by commercial stations.

You ever notice one thing about the federal government – once a program is enacted and funded, it never, never, ever dies? Even when it is discovered the program is no longer needed or multiple programs do the same thing – is there ever discussion in Congress to eliminate it? Never!

Representative Johnson, I for one am in support of your vote and hope for more principled and constitutional votes in the future. You may be the only “Mr. Smith” we have in Lansing. The rest are just blowing hot air and voting with their hearts (and maybe incentives like kickbacks or favors?) instead of their minds.

The rotting of America from within (except Rep. Steve Johnson) continues…



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