While at work in 1988, a friend said he just heard a person on the radio with a real conservative viewpoint.

I laughed because was a recent convert to conservatism after being a committed Democrat and liberal for years.  I knew after Reagan, I had to change because it was becoming clear I was turning into a conservative.  I was always an admirer of William F. Buckley on Firing Line, just because I loved to listen to cogent and reasoned discussion.  I didn’t always agree with his viewpoints, but loved his delivery and parrying with guests on his show.

The guy my friend mentioned who was so enthralling to him was “Rush” Limbaugh.  When I asked what a Rush Limbaugh was, he said it was a political program on WOOD AM radio.  I figured if he was impressed, I would give it a shot.

What a political awakening, a light in the darkness glowing ever brighter!  I was amazed at the things he was saying and the ideas he presented.  Finally, someone who understood my ideas and impressions on government, propaganda from the left, entrenched Republicans and all Swamp Dwellers (those government bureaucrats we didn’t elect, but they have vast influence).

I’ve listened to him generally every broadcast day when possible since a few months after his August 1988 program was aired.  I consider him the most common-sense, insightful, and expert on Democrat ways and conniving.  He also attacks backsliding Republicans, those “go along to get along” out of power Republicans who hope they will be invited to Democrat-sponsored parties and gatherings to drink the booze, eat the rubber chicken dinners, and rub shoulders with the powerful.  They love eating off the floor of the Democrats.

I have found Rush completely dedicated to his conservative/patriot base.  He is funny, instructive, plays great bumper music, tells a good story and knows the Democrats like the back of his hand.  He knows what they will do before they do it and I have found his predictions 100% correct on Democrat schemes.  He is generous to a fault to veterans, hospitals, and supports independent thought within reason (no liberal claptrap of free college, $15 minimum wage, free health care, reparations, etc.)

He has announced his battle with recently discovered lung cancer and told his audience in a heartfelt address.  I hope my radio friend, mentor, conservative guru –  MahaRushie returns back to the EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) microphone healthy and cured.  We will miss him on his days off for surgery and treatments, but know he is strong and will face this with optimism and faith.

Good Luck Rush!

Iowa Caucus shows that Democrats are in disarray

The Iowa “Hawkeye Caukeye” caucuses, a colossal cluster foxtrot, is a hilarious study in how not to run a political election.  What is wrong with this stupid way of gathering support for political candidates?  What is wrong with a ballot with names of the loser Democrats?  With Trump the only candidate on the Republican side and now exonerated by the Senate, and the Democrats in disarray.

Is Hillary playing the “trump card”  and thinking she will sweep in at the last second?  Her political associates had a big hand in the election program for the Hawkeye debacle.  Is this another 2016 stealing of a party nomination, as she did with Bernie now in 2020?  Or are the Russians to blame?

Where is Adam Schiff when you need him?  What a bug-eyed, pencil-necked geek! I can’t think of another highly educated idiot lawyer that screwed up as big as he.  Well, he is a Democrat and most Democrats are off the map of reality when it comes to what their platform will support.

Common sense vs. global warming

I was in a restaurant a few weeks ago eating breakfast.  Across from me was an elderly lady trying to use the salt grinder to get some salt on her eggs.  After using her arthritic hands and failing, she asked the server to grind salt on her eggs.  What is the big deal of using “grinder” containers for salt and pepper on restaurant tables?

And what is the big deal about sea salt — salt is salt and the few minerals you get extra in sea salt will probably be found to be harmful for you, then 10 years later they will say it is OK.  Scientists and researchers always seem to contradict their viewpoints over time.

Like global warming, it was “rapidly warming” as the media faithfully reported year after year. Though real, unbiased researchers and scientists (those not beholding to the government for research dollars) say the warming was at its peak in the late 1990s and it has been slowly cooling since.

And yesterday it was revealed we could be in for a mini-ice age because an inactive sun.  Evidently sunspot activities have almost ceased and the earth is not receiving the sun’s warming rays as much as in the past.  I guess you might want to reassess your vacation plans in the future.  It is much easier to enjoy a sunny climate than a cold, icy environment.  Good luck with that.

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

Harry Smit
February 6, 2020
Ranger Rick I can see the comments now..the President was acquitted not exonerated. Guess if you disliked President Trump to the brink of hate. Picking that very fine line between acquittal and exoneration will let you sleep much better at night. Again another excellent article...

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