Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Presidential politics have certainly been unconventional this year, to put it mildly. The recent half hour presentation where both candidates answered questions about being commander in chief was most telling. Mrs. Clinton, going first, started with making excuses.

She received a question from the audience, a retired naval officer stated; “Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as I who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security?”

Clinton was visibly irritated. She repeated her lie that nothing she sent or received was marked “classified,” “top secret,” or “secret.” But she also conceded that “it was a mistake to have a personal account… I make no excuses.” It was only a “mistake” in her mind because she got caught. And she’s done nothing but make excuses.

As if to highlight that point, a retired naval officer asked her, “The double standard is palpable. One Marine sent one email to save lives. Hillary deleted thousands of emails to conceal an event that cost lives. Which one is being reprimanded?

Later in the week, Mrs. Clinton suffered what looked like a seizure when getting into a van, with Secret Service agents each grabbing her arms and lifting a limp body into the van. Her shoe fell off as she was being lifted into the van, a quick getaway by the driver to divert attention from what was happening and the shoe was picked up and given to another Secret Service agent. If a bystander had not video recorded the action, nobody would have ever known Grandma Clinton passed out, illustrating how out of touch the media is in the Clinton health story. Pneumonia was described as what was the reason for her collapse. Is America buying that claim? Are you buying the explanation?

Immediately, the Clinton acolytes started the coverup with the “earlier” pneumonia diagnosis and saying others close to Clinton also had pneumonia. What? And they are in the public and at public events spreading pneumonia? Evidently it is bacterial pneumonia, and it is said can’t be transmitted through casual contact. If that is true, how did others in the Clinton circle contract it – who had it first? Something in this whole story stinks to high heaven.

Of course, to lessen the impact, the focus quickly changed from Mrs. Clinton’s physical ailments to Trump’s physical condition and has he had a physical and what are his numbers in relation to testing? Notice how the big media story reverses to take the focus off her condition? The media wants to even the score to help Clinton.

Watching the amateur video, I was shocked to see her leaning back, stiffening and then wavering and finally collapsing, seemingly to pass out before making it to the van. This looks to be a neurological event, not just an insignificant physical ailment and overcome by fainting.

And that lingering cough, stopping her audience addresses and going on a coughing fit for minutes, not seconds, of throat clearing — over and over and over. Is she healthy enough to be president if she were so elected?

Where is the media examination of her health ailments and demanding to know what is going on with this candidate? If it were Trump exhibiting these ailments, you know the media would be all over it with both feet, stomping the hell out of Trump’s denials, saying it was just “pneumonia.”

By now, we know Big Media is completely “in” for Mrs. Clinton.

The word “Parkinson’s” disease was thrown out there by some medical professionals as a possibility. Some doctors viewing her symptoms have questioned her diagnosis, treatment and the possibility of something more debilitating, such as Parkinson’s. How would we know, Mrs. Clinton is so secretive about everything, especially about her physical ailments, nobody knows for sure. But doctors weighing in have said MRI testing would help in determining her physical status. Will that be done… not before the election!

If there are no lingering physical disabilities, I would think she would want to prove there is nothing wrong. Maybe the doubters are correct.

With the finish line so close she can almost taste the victory; will she suffer another “Obama” moment and lose at the end to Trump? I am voting for the lesser of the two evils, so my vote will be Trump, but I think the American people voting for her should know if she has a debilitating disease or is completely healthy. Mrs. Clinton, come clean by having testing done by a third party medical professional facility with no political filter. If you’re healthy (which we all wish she is) great – let the games begin!

If she loses again, it will be because of her ideology, lack of truthfulness, dishonesty, deceitfulness, and her dismal performance as Senator and Secretary of State. Her “Basket of Deplorables” comment, attacking hard-working, “love their country” Americans certainly has changed the polls, swinging big time for Trump. How stupid to attack those you’ll possibly govern – what a political idiot move! And she has been hailed as the smartest, most capable woman to ever run for president?

If Trump’s good fortune holds up until the election, Mrs. Clinton may be second again, just like in 2008. You want more of Obama’s poor economy, no job growth, more food stamps, more welfare, more debt – please vote for Mrs. Clinton. If you want change, real change, vote Mr. Trump.

But if you vote Mrs. Clinton, you own the results of that vote, and deep in your heart, you know it won’t be good with her proven lying record.

Regardless who is president this time, the stock market in all likelihood will crash just because it is so overvalued and the debt (both domestic and foreign) is so terribly high. A recession or a possible depression is in the cards. I hope not, but plan for the worst and hope for the best. The Federal Reserve has run out of ammunition to manipulate the market and prop up the dollar.  We will all have to pay the debt that hasn’t been paid.

But this time it will be worse than ever before because of the misguided policies of the Obama administration expanding the national government responsibilities for Obamacare, granting and administering college loans, holding paper on more homes than ever. With welfare and food stamps at an all-time high, an economic downturn will prove catastrophic.

When will the folks at the bottom end of the economic ladder understand the government IS the problem, NOT the solution?

The rotting of America from within continues…



1 Comment

Bob Moras
September 20, 2016
I agree. It is appalling to me how so many liberals are constantly covering up her deceitful past and the numerous catastrophic decisions as a Secretary of State by twisting every little comment by Trump as reason to trust that Hillary will do anything to better our country and the lives of our citizens. Bringing refugees to America that may compromise the safety of American citizens as well as add to the cost of entitlements to take care of them is absurd, in comparison to providing safe havens for them within their own country. And with an open southern border to allow malcontent illegal aliens from Mexico that also increase the entitlement burden, as well as add discontent and crime in America is also abhorrent. It is obvious from the flag waving (Mexican) of the majority of those illegal immigrants that they are not really wanting to assimilate within our country, but are here for the sole purpose of taking advantage of the largess of our entitlement system. As to the health of Hillary, it would be very simple to quiet the questions about her health. All she has to do is get an impartial and unbiased physical examination proving she is in good health and that would be the end of that discussion. So, one must ask, why won't she do it? The answer is obvious to anyone that has even a smidgen of intelligence. It is not about privacy. If you want privacy, you don't enter the public arena and its scrutiny. The only people dumber than those that put forth all this Clinton drivel are those that accept it as fact. I am voting for Trump for the simple reason that it is unfair to judge an individual before giving him/her a chance. Hillary has had hers on numerous occasions and has failed. Trump is an unknown and in comparison a better choice than the "Known".

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