Ranger Rick: Is it culture change or common sense?

A recent post on Facebook I saw said:

“Can we still order black coffee?  Are brownies being taken off the shelf?  Is White Castle changing its name?… I’m sure Cracker Barrel is screwed… can we still play Chinese checkers?  Is it still called an Indian burn?  No more Italian sausages?  How far do you want to ya want to go with this foolishness?”

Years ago we were told not to call others names, don’t get into fights, play fair, treat others as you’d like to be treated, etc.  As I aged and was in high school, we all had nicknames for each other, some not so pleasant sounding to others.  Some stuck after high school.

Many of us have used racial slurs, everyone has held grudges against those that have wronged them either real or perceived.  I was picked on everyday on the bus until I beat up the kid tormenting me.  After I popped him in the face a few times he wasn’t so tough.  Am I proud of that episode?  Of course not, but I never was bothered again by anybody – I guess word got around I could and would stand my ground.

I called a Mexican friend of mine a “wetback” after he teased me about a ballgame in which my play resulted in an error, helping the other team win.  I said it out of anger.  When I saw the hurt in his face, I knew I had gone way too far and probably lost my good friend forever.

I begged him for forgiveness, as he was a treasured friend and I did not want to lose him for this stupid and senseless utterance.  He forgave me before we were back in the locker room and were good friends until the day he died.

He was born in Texas and came to Michigan with his parents at 7 years old.  The thought of him brightens up my day.  He never had a discouraging word for anyone and I never heard him swear.  He always had a smile on his face and a positive attitude.  He was the brother I never had.

The “cancel culture” and “politically correct” language is being forced on us by shaming and then cancelling the person charged with saying something deemed thoughtless.  Back in the day, that would be called freedom of speech.  Freedom of speech doesn’t just protect speech the majority agrees with but also protects speech most people would find offensive.

Anyone can say something stupid.  You know a person or persons who revel in that type of speech and behavior.  You avoid them, you don’t agree with them, you reject them.  That is common sense.

I guess common sense isn’t so common anymore.

President Biden’s dementia on world display

President Biden has been mentally befuddled for some time, before the election and on display big time since the inauguration.  It has recently become so bad he can’t follow and read the teleprompter – oh, oh!  Just think, every leader in the world is watching, both friendly and enemies of our country.

They see Joe is displaying dementia or Alzheimer’s symptoms and are wondering what is going on.  The leader of the free world being led by a mentally deficient person.  If you say he isn’t what I describe, you are delusional.  Did you see his televised address yesterday?  I even felt bad for the guy.  Democrats, you know what I say is correct, no matter what you say to refute it.

This guy hasn’t done a damn thing for this country in the 48 years he’s been in office as senator, vice president, and now president except support losing jobs, raising taxes, helping illegals into the country, and giving more aid to other countries.

Biden and his criminal family are benefitting handsomely by selling influence and access to Joe and government contracts.  The Biden mafia marches on.

Is Kamala ready to take the reins of power… God help us.  As inept as Joe is, she is an avowed Marxist and will spiral this country downward even faster than Joe.

The rotting of America from within continues… in earnest!

2 thoughts on “Ranger Rick: Is it culture change or common sense?”

  1. Ranger Rick’s dementia is on display every time this august online publication extends the use of its bandwidth to let the author rant about his shrinking rights as an American and display his paranoia about having a minority woman as Vice President of The United States.

    Free speech is a wonderful thing even if some find Ranger Rick’s parochial views repugnant.

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