Based on majority of contributing writers to this “rag” (author’s description, not mine), they are unhinged about the Trump victory in November and subsequent time in the White House.

I think they are just jealous a rich, successful, non-politician won the presidency based on how they thought Trump convinced those voting for him were stupid, ignorant, and any other name you can imagine they have and will say about Trump and his supporters. Watch any station – ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN (Clinton News Network) – “hard news,” opinion shows, and late night comedy shows (which aren’t so funny), all of you who voted for Trump are idiots, stupid, ignorant, hillbilly, fly-over country cretins, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. And the attacks on Trump are by the second, minute, hour, day, week, and month – never ending hate Trump attacks and coverage.

I just smile when I think of election night. On all the TV stations, the mood was festive with all Hillary Clinton everything – she was up in the polls, there were more registered Democrats than Republicans – it was all laid out in detail how she would win, hands-down, and Trump would be overwhelmingly defeated. I loved the melt-down of Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, with that smarmy smirk and commentary about how Mrs. Clinton had it in the bag, nothing to see here, it was over. From the opening bell of coverage to 8 p.m. was all Clinton, all the time. Once the returns started coming in from 8 to 9 p.m., they were practically giddy with anticipation, smiling and expecting a quick night. Once the states were determined to have a winner, it was announced – every time Hillary won a state, the Cheshire Cat, Ms. Maddow would smile and smirk, bolstering her earlier predictions of a landslide for Hillary. By 9 to 9:30, more states were “too close to call” or “toss-ups,” just exactly how did that happen? He had to win every Rust Belt state in order to win the electoral college.

Then Ms. Maddow and friends started to see the pendulum swing toward Trump: Pennsylvania, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan – every state a seemingly predicted Democrat win, especially Michigan and Wisconsin. Ms. Maddow and company were stunned. Silent for once during the night. It was delicious to watch!

Maddow with her big mouth and confident predictions trying to crawl into the hole from whence she came. Ever the “professional” basher, she changed tact from a Clinton White House tact to how will Trump govern and what will happen to the poor, indigent, working class, women wanting abortions, every special interest group and immigrant question, etc. On and on she went about the Trump catastrophe and how it would affect the nation. You want to see a great TV synopsis of how the media got it wrong and it is hilarious, please view

The stock market quickly did a dive on the news. Trump was a monkey wrench in the works, it was supposed to be Hillary – Wall Street had practically assured it with their contributions and support. Down, down, down the ticker spit out the results. Then something incredible happened – the stock market saw the light of change and embraced it – the numbers rose steadily and for the next days and weeks gained more and more. They trusted Trump to be pro-business and arresting government out of control spending. He would turn all the business killing, job killing legislation enacted by President Obama by executive action, and he proceeded to do what he promised.

Maddow and the other smarmy media talking heads (Wolf Blitzer was also deer in the headlights media biggie shocked, yes, shocked Trump won) were speechless. Dumbfounded is probably more accurate. And all my friends at work, many loyal Democrats, I told they must vote, and vote often that night if Hillary was to take Michigan, evidently either didn’t vote, didn’t vote more than once (a known Democrat tactic, along with the “dead” voting), or voted Trump.

Everyone who reads this “rag” knows I was a Cruz supporter, but after watching the rise of Trump, I was convinced of his viability against one of the poorest choices for a Democrat presidential candidate in years. I knew he had a chance. I had a choice between a successful businessman, “carnival barker,” tweeting Trump, or a lying, conniving, deplorable Hillary – the choice was easy. Trump all the way.

To those that insist the link between Trump and Russia collusion – show me the proof. Crickets chirping, nothing, nada. Where is the proof? Just more Democrat and media hot air, and Washington is full of it. If you know anything about Washington D.C. – it is overwhelmingly Democrat – 95% at least.

The latest information is showing President Obama and his minions and stooges were indeed targeting the Trump campaign and Trump Tower. It is starting to unfold. The boomerang has turned and is coming back to hit the Democrats in the head – duck! Also, what happened to the Clinton Foundation? Lots of fraud and deceit there, her approval of the selling of uranium supply to Russia (where’s the outcry of this and the collusion between her husband and Putin in that deal?). The Benghazi debacle that was blamed on a video, a proven lie and deception to take the heat off Hillary and her bad judgement. Where was President Obama that night? No investigation, no questions, just accept the Clinton/Obama lies and deceptions.

Do you understand why the Democrats and Remocrats (Republicans in name only – aka RINOs) and Washington D.C. hate Trump? He is beholden to no one, nobody bought him, he financed his own campaign, he won on his own with the American people believing he was the best choice. Time will tell, but I suspect he will be one of the best recent presidents once he is done and has left office.

The country’s rot and slime from the Obama years is slowly, very slowly starting to turn into light and focus on the truth. President Trump, thank you. Keep the faith and keep doing what you are doing – moving forward and not letting the media concern you. Besides, they are so stupid, they jump on your tweets and follow them down the bunny hole while you are doing something completely different while they are chasing shadows. Brilliant!


Bob Moras
April 4, 2017
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again." As I watch the Democratic Party Try to put itself together again, it has become obvious , all the King's Men (the mainstream press) in our country are just losing more and more credibility, as the innards of Humpty Dumpty continue to spill out. No mainstream coverage of the Susan Rice or Evelyn Farkas revelations are getting any attention, other than that by the real news sources that have become more prevalent in America. Writers like Eli Lake, Mike Cernovich (labeled a "Fake News" editorial reporter) and Sara Carter all have provided information of campaign spying, while mainstream news sat on these stories and investigations. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and ABC are still down in the Rabbit Hole, searching for collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia, even after James Clapper (Obama's Intelligence Chief, no less), James Comey and a host of others within the Intelligence Community, have stated they can find no evidence of the accusations, that Humpty Dumpty can only dream will be the glue that will help paste him back together again, while Farkas tries to back pedal from previous public statements and Rice tries to rehabilitate her lies from a previous interview. Humpty Dumpty has left the King & Queen (Schumer & Pelosi) in charge of the army that is trying to put Humpty back together again. I guess they think that donor money is more important than the cohesiveness provided by wooing back Working America. And the General they have installed to lead the King's Men is a profane firebrand, that espouses the same old rhetoric and battle plan, that caused Humpty to wobble and have his great fall. And while all this is going on, the army, led by Pelosi ,Schumer and Tom Perez, are waging a defensive war of obstruction & obfuscation, with the aid of mainstream media and news, hoping it will be the brush to the glue, that will put Humpty Dumpty back together again. There is only one fault with their plan. They have labeled the electorate as stupid, uneducated and unknowing. They have alienated those with the very same attributes they supposed would keep them in power, by letting them know what their true feelings were about them. They, in essence shouted "Hey Stupid, come join us, to put Humpty Dumpty back together again." All I can say is "Good Luck with that". Until new Generals, with a new battle plan come along, Humpty Dumpty will lay in pieces, gazed upon with pity and revulsion, by the legions necessary to put him back together again. America has had enough of sacrifice, at a cost to their own wellbeing. America is tired of supporting regimes that hate us, hoping that our charity will be bribe enough to have them like us. America has once again attained an attitude of taking care of our own first and sharing from our abundance, rather from an ever growing deficit. And when Humpty Dumpty fell and broke open, it was revealed by the ever growing stench, just how rotten he was inside.
April 5, 2017
Come on America, we are all one! Let's work with the Prez. We really have no choice. He loves America and so do we!

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