Ranger Rick: A serious lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden

The Communist Chinese Coronavirus (CCC) has some reprieve from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.  High school athletics can start again, albeit a curtailed season.  How magnanimous of her!

But she has a caveat so she can be absolved of any blame for the transmission of the virus — she doesn’t condone sports like football where bodies will collide and close contact is inevitable.  So that lets her chastise those rascally ADs, coaches and players if they get and spread CCC.  So it goes.  If this nitwit of a governor is re-elected, we deserve all the destruction she will reign down on us.

When will this virus be controlled or stopped?  Nobody knows.  They speak of vaccines.  I think the best vaccine will be the election.  If Biden wins, the virus will miraculously disappear.  If Trump wins, it will continue unabated.

When will the riots and looting stop?  If Biden wins, peace will reign, cops will be chastised and fired, forces will be drastically reduced.  If Trump wins, it will be more riots, looting, rapes, killings.  You can count on it!

The mail-in ballots (not absentee ballots) will take days, weeks, maybe a month after the date for voting.  The likelihood for voter fraud and supplying illegal ballots will be at the forefront, depending on whether Biden’s behind.  If he’s behind, miraculously there will be more votes in his favor found, hardly any for Trump.  It will be a farce, but the media will insist it is all on the up and up.

Joe Biden must really be throwing money at the media for commercials. I see tons of them all day and night long.  Too bad he’s not generating any heat.  I drive around the countryside and see a few Biden/Harris signs, but many Trump signs and flags displayed.  If this is any indication of enthusiasm for Biden, of which there is little, he better do well in the hard left states.  I don’t see or hear anyone saying they are so happy Biden and Harris are running on the Democrat side and they are overjoyed to vote for them in November!  No enthusiasm.  Dead.

Some people have predicted if Trump wins, the left will go nuttier than last time.  I predict we are closer to a Civil War than ever.  It is the Right vs. the Left — for better or worse, our country is more divided than ever.

It started and widened during Obama years, with him opening his mouth before all the facts were known about any incident concerning police and victims.  Example:

During the Henry Gates incident, where a professor was trying to break into his home because he lost his key, the officers, not knowing who he was or who owned the house, were called because a neighbor said the house was being burgled .  They arrived, detained Mr. Gates and sorted the incident particulars out.  He was released once it was known he was indeed the owner.  Did Obama stay out of it, not knowing the what happened and why?

No, he blindly accused the officers of “stupidly” detaining Mr. Gates.  How the hell did they know who he was and the owner of the house?  Regardless, the incident was played over and over with Obama’s remarks, resulting in the famous “Beer Summit.”  I doubt the officer(s) ever got an apology from the most arrogant and elitist president we’ve ever had.

Then it widened again with the ever unrelenting media attacks on President Trump, the impeachment hearings, the investigations, all for naught.  And nothing has changed. The media keeps up the attacks daily.  How can anyone trust what the media reports any more?

The rotting of the country from within continues…


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