I continue to get hammered by thoRanger Rick Art_7_0_0se on the liberal side of the aisle when I bring up the subject of a bought and paid for media – the “Liberal Media” – especially by the author of this rag (his description, not mine).

If a story doesn’t appear in the mainstream media, it is deemed not to have happened, it either doesn’t fit the liberal narrative or it isn’t considered (whatever Lib makes that decision) big enough to be “news.” Now my Democrat liberal friends and opposition to my way of common sense thinking can squawk all they want, but it is unarguably true – the mainstream media is overwhelmingly liberal and for the past few years way left, “Nutso Liberal.”

Example 1: (Reported by Greg Tuppo in USA Today on November 29, 2015)

On Nov. 22, a mass shooting, injuring 17, happened at New Orleans Bunny Friend Playground after a neighborhood parade:

Joseph “Moe”Allen faces 17 counts of attempted first-degree murder, The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune reported. Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office records show he is a convicted felon with a rap sheet dating from 2002 that includes home invasion, carjacking, illegal carrying of weapon and possession of cocaine and heroin, the newspaper reported. Editors note: However, I’m sure many family members, if interviewed, would state he was a good man and was turning himself around, he just couldn’t get a break… blah, blah, blah.

While I’m sure this was reported on quite a bit locally in the New Orleans area, it wasn’t a big story by the national media… why? I believe I can explain it – it didn’t fit a narrative of white on black or cop on African-American person. It was within the African-American community, so it didn’t fit the narrative the lefty liberals need to stir up controversy. If it were police officers shooting into the crowd, it would be on the nightly news on the big three: ABC, CBS and NBC. Since the perpetrator and victims were all of the same race – African-American – it wasn’t newsworthy.

Example 2: (Reported by Matt Vespa in Townhall.com 11/30/15)

Over the holiday weekend, eight people were killed and at least 20 others were wounded in Chicago. While locally reported, it was a yawner on major media. Since this is President Obama’s hometown, and the mayor is a personal friend (Mayor Rahm Emanuel), it is not surprising they would like to keep these incidents moot. Besides, the strong gun laws in the city of Chicago takes care of this problem – no guns, no shootings. How’s that law working out for Chicago? I guess it is expected every weekday and weekend in Chicago, its time running from bullets or at least taking cover, since you can’t legally own a gun in the city of Chicago as a law-abiding citizen.

As Mayor Emanuel just fired his Chief of Police over a video showing a police officer shooting an allegedly unarmed young African-American 17-year-old and subsequent investigation. This happened 13 months ago and it is just now a big story? Where was the reporting, where was the story? Could it be Mayor Emanuel didn’t want the controversy while running for another term as mayor? Couldn’t be, liberal Democrats are always on the up and up, right?

Example 3:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated there were celebrations in New Jersey on 9/11 when the World Trade Towers fell. Au contraire, Mr. Trump, you must be wrong, stated the “talking heads” in the media. Well not so fast; smarmy, educated, leftist, elitist news folks.

Local media reports have confirmed Mr. Trumps assertions – people identified as Muslims cheering the fall of the towers. Former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani also confirmed he heard of the reports after 9/11 – guess he’s lying too. Many citizens viewing the celebrations called local media stations (TV, radio) that they also viewed the celebrations. Guess everybody is covering for Trump.

If it doesn’t meet the sensational liberal narrative, liberals of the talking head type don’t want to see or hear it – doesn’t get reported in the national news, only local news. Who says our news isn’t filtered?

Does it surprise anyone the general public’s confidence in the major media is increasingly diminishing and they seek out other areas for news and information? Seventy percent of those polled believe the media is biased.

And the networks keep wondering why they are losing viewership? Look in the mirror, idiot.

I’m not Ivy League educated (thank God!), just a common local college graduate, and believe I have a normal way of thinking in regards to my peers; that means being modest, introspective, and open to new ideas, but still maintaining common sense and logical thinking. But even a common, low-level peon like me can see when things are upside down when it comes to the media. And still they don’t “get it.”

Just like the downfall of the Dixie Chicks in explaining their displeasure of President Bush politics and policies while they were performing in England, prompting many to exclaim “just shut up and sing.” They wouldn’t – they had to press the point over and over and they killed their very popular career. The media has “Dixie Chicks” syndrome – just shut up and succinctly and accurately report, we’ll make up our own minds, and we don’t need the spin to figure out the story. Just like the Dixie Chicks, they won’t, so they will slowly go down the drain of insignificance.

The rotting of the America from within continues…

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