Watching the media circus with the DeRanger Rick Art_7_0_0mocratic and Republican candidates, the field will be narrowed in the next three months when the first primaries start to winnow out the leaders from also-rans.

Money, the life blood of politics, has been flowing into the campaigns. Once the voting starts and the results are in, the jockeying for political gain will begin with donors. Most notorious of all politicians is Mrs. Bill Clinton, a woman Democrats are placing all their bets on being the next President of the United States.

Usually, honesty and truthfulness are important to voters, less so in recent years, but still Americans hope their president would be honest and truthful, however old fashioned that seems nowadays. Politicians always stretched the truth, but Bill Clinton even outdid his predecessors and set a new standard of low.

The Democrats have two candidates, Mrs. Clinton and Bernie Sanders. While Sen. Sanders is an avowed Socialist Democrat (really, is there any other kind?), he strikes me and others as an honest and truthful person when engaging the public. I certainly don’t agree with much Sen. Sanders says, but he has the right to say them.

Mrs. Clinton, while she smiles and slinks and slimes her way through questions with non-answers is anything but seen as a truthful and honest person. A poll asking about her honesty and truthfulness shows 60% of Americans don’t rate her highly when asked.

If she can’t be considered honest and truthful, why would Americans vote for her? Before you answer to yourself why, let’s go down memory lane and recount her “honest and truthful” stories from her past.

  • She told of being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Mount Everest – even though she was 6 years old at the time he made his famous ascent.
  • On a visit to war-torn Bosnia in 1996, she claimed she and her entourage landed under sniper fire and had to run “with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” However, videos of her arrival show her waltzing serenely across the tarmac, waving to the crowd. Oops!
  • When philandering Bill was caught in his own lies about taking advantage of an intern in his office, she blamed the scandal on a “vast right wing conspiracy.”

Mrs. Clinton is a notorious untrustworthy liar. I doubt she recognizes the truth if it stares her in the face, but I must sympathize with the lady, if you had a womanizing, philandering dog of a husband as Bill was and is, I’m sure she is stressed to the maximum all the time. She is wondering when the next scandal Bill will conjure up happens. Not a matter of if, but when. He is a “horn dog” of the worst order.

The matter of her health has been also questioned in the campaign. This may be more of an issue once the candidates are selected and the campaign gets on “full steam ahead” mode. The grind of a presidential campaign is wearing and certainly is stressful with everyone wanting the candidate to speak and appear. Bill even exclaimed she was ill for some time, reportedly with a blood clot on the brain. Her friends have said she appears tired and her strength sapped by constant campaign mode.

Only time will tell if she is up to campaigning – between Bill’s antics, her health, never truthful and telling whoppers, would you want her as president? If yes, you are a die-hard Democrat and the Devil himself could run with a trident spear, horns and a tail and he would get your vote.

The Democrats have bought into the extreme side of everything – left, left and left. Moderate Democrats don’t exist, and if they do, they are silent. Remocrats (left leaning, media loving/compliant Republicans) are not much better.

If you are a political junkie, 2016 is going to be a “barn burner.”

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