I was watching an interview between Neil Cavato and a young Democrat strategist recently. She was a young, attractive, female African American commenting on Gavin Newsome’s candidacy for California governor.

The discussion centered around paying for illegal aliens (aka in Democrat parlance “undocumented immigrants”) health care. The young woman, obviously an extreme leftist (Marxist?) was saying everyone in California should pay for their health care and most would be willing to do so. The highest taxed state in the United States and she thinks the citizens are happy to shell out the extra money to support the illegal aliens. Later in the interview, it was stated she would gladly pay if she lived in California, but since she resided in New York, she was unable to contribute.

What a copout explanation! She could always send a check to the California state treasury, explaining she wanted to contribute. Just like she could always send a check to the federal treasury stating she didn’t feel she was paying enough taxes and wanted to contribute more. Anyone who does this has all my thanks, just don’t ask me to pay more. I pay plenty already.

These liberals always think the issue is throwing money at a problem. If only legal immigration was allowed and to enter you had to have a skill or a job waiting that was needed by companies or businesses before you were allowed in the country, what a much better country we would be for economic stability and growth.

There are programs to allow workers from Mexico to come to the United States for seasonal jobs. They are monitored by state and federal agencies to make sure they are paid a fair wage for labor, housed at no cost to them and provided entertainment during off time. They work hard, make good money, are treated fairly and are glad to return home to their families at the end of the season.

Some are highly educated, but the jobs they have in Mexico pay less than the jobs in Michigan. This is similar to programs in the past where migrant workers came to Michigan to harvest crops and returned home with their earnings to live at home.

The young Democrat strategist is a copy of what the Democrat Party has become — out of touch, left, more left, crazy left. There isn’t anything that can’t be solved with more money thrown at is as long as it is yours and not theirs. I hope they run hard on the mo money, mo money, mo money agenda! Maybe after all the smoke clears from the mid-term elections, they will find they are outside looking in, where they should be with that type of thinking.

Think of the Republicans as the worker bees, with good ideas and getting problems solved through good stewardship and hard work. The Democrats are the queen bee, with all their needs taken care of by others from feeding to taking care of the young.

The Marxists are on the march, and they are known as Democrats and they aren’t even trying to disguise their intentions. Ms. Alexandra Occasio Cortez, the Democrat representative candidate is a classic example. Mr. Newsome is a very close second. If he’s the best candidate California can come up with to take the reins of leadership from Gov. Moonbeam (Gov. Jerry Brown), they are looking at more pain and misery.

I doubt California can last much longer without declaring bankruptcy, with Illinois not far behind. Something is wrong when a state employee in retirement makes more than they ever did working.

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

Jake Gless
September 9, 2018
Hey, did ya hear what Trump had to say about anomynous commenters?

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