Last week it was announced President Donald Trump planned to meet with Kim Jung Un, the leader of North Korea. This made the fake news announcers’ and pundits heads’ explode.

Since they are so used to weak leaders like Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama using policies that don’t work – either ignoring North Korea or giving them billions not to build up a nuclear arms arsenal, they are beside themselves with apoplectic comments and editorials.

President Trump has been mired for years in New York and elsewhere with these Democrat bottom feeders. He understands them, supported them and once declared he was a Democrat. Then he saw how their policies were hurting Americans and America, he finally woke up and discovered Democrat policies are stupid and don’t work. Full of feelings and good intentions, but short on results and payback.

In recent comments to a rant by Rachel Maddow concerning President Trump’s upcoming meeting, one person commented: “Remember that Democrats took America into two World Wars, Korea and Viet Nam. That is the stuff of Democrats. Peace is what they preach to their faithful brain dead constituents, but war is what they want.”

If Secretary Hillary Clinton was now our president, hearing that screeching voice and watching her in her pantsuit, I’m sure we would be on the verge of a conflict by now. She hates the military, but loves using power.

Nobody understands the genius that is President Trump. When he responded to the North Korean leader about a nuclear button and he said his was beautiful and larger and “Little Rocket Man,” that was an insult in Korean thinking and custom.

You notice since Trump commented, the fat little megalomaniac has been relatively silent? And now he has agreed to meet with President Trump and the media is having kittens over how “stupid” a move this is by Trump. Yeah, he is stupid all right, like a fox!

Good news abounds with President Trump. Job numbers are up, employment is up, wages are finally climbing, unemployment is down! Just the opposite of what President Obama provided during his “leadership.” In reality, he helped get America onto the road to Perdition, a Marxist and one that never did love this country and it was evident with his policies and comments. Someone like him should never have and never should ever be president again.

But the media, with their Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” rants every day (with no proof whatsoever), the continual verbal barrages and negative reporting won’t make it easy for President Trump or Republicans to remain in the majority. The Democrats are devoid of any new ideas except to tax, tax, tax, and attack Republicans for the positive progress they’ve made.

But the American people are smarter than Democrats think – they can see with their own eyes and experience the uplifting economy since President Trump and Republicans have been in the majority.

And they secretly shudder at the thought of Hillary Clinton as their president with all that screeching and screaming! She knows not what goes on about her (as evidenced by her responses to Congress), she is clueless, and she is mentally and physically not well. When asked about cleaning private servers of information with government information on them, she commented “like with a cloth,” when she knew perfectly well what the question inferred.

She is a despicable, conniving, scheming and untrustworthy human being. Thank God she didn’t win the presidency.

The rotting of America from within continues…





March 13, 2018
Is there a time warp in Allegan County? This outside world knows Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. Why is President Trump meeting with Kim Jong-in? My guess is President Putin and President Xi gave him permission.
March 14, 2018
Clinton lost in the electoral college, which is why Trump is in the White House (when he’s in the White House, that is). Most Americans that bothered to vote, voted for Hillary Clinton. Trump seems to be driven (even more) crazy by this fact.
March 14, 2018
Rick- I miss it when you forget your favorite tag line.
Lynn Mandaville
March 15, 2018
Ranger, Hillary lost the election. Get over it.

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