Imagine reading an invitation note that says the President wants the pleasure of your company in a private meeting about immigration policy. Little Dick Durbin, a known liar and teller of half-truths, and Lindsey (I wanna be a Democrat) Graham are overjoyed at being invited to be able to say their piece in structuring “comprehensive immigration policy.”

When in the meeting and the discussion turns from the Wall to chain migration, Dreamers, and all the other crap the Democrats want to get more voters, they find out President Trump wants to move to a merit-based system and is not backing down on the Wall. Their little faces of joy turned their smiles upside down and they were pouting.

Then Little Dick came to the microphones telling a tale of President Trump calling countries “S-holes,” when the merit-based system would take those helping move the country forward by working, paying taxes, and contributing to progress instead of those providing a drag on the economy by stressing the educational and welfare system.

Apparently the private meeting was not private according to Little Dick’s statements. Not surprising, Little Dick has spilled the beans on many meetings where he didn’t like the outcome. He is a despicable and poor performing senator from Illinois and a whining, sniveling, little shit. But the media, the liberal sycophants they’ve become, took Little Dick’s words and plastered them everywhere without any corroboration with any other person in the meeting, although they did find out later others in the meeting didn’t hear the same thing.

But no big deal, they had their story and marching orders on what to say about the meeting. Onward to discredit Trump and Republicans.

Of course, the biggest allegation was President Trump wants more people from Norway. Now we find out it was Norway AND Asia. But forget the Asia part, the Norway only statement from the media will paint President Trump as sublime racist or maybe an overt racist (depending on your viewpoint). So only Norway was cited as said in the meeting and the media was jumping up and down and snapping their underwear.

I didn’t pull the lever for candidate Trump to become president to be another Obama. Trump is a developer, a doer; not a politician. We needed someone like Donald Trump and it was time the American people felt the same – they had a choice between a crooked, conniving, stealing female professional politician with an overwhelming record of poor performance, or a carnival barker. The only difference is the carnival barker has a history of achievement, Hillary never did (except with blowing and using other people’s money).

A narcissist, know-nothing, amateur President Obama and his clown posse administration hindered any economic progress with more regulations and more taxes – we needed a person to get the country moving. I know the dedicated, ignorant Democrats will counter that the growth in the last year was from Obama years. But the same people said when economic performance was poor after years of President Obama, it was because of the President Bush. Well folks, you can’t have it both ways.

The eight years under President Obama was the poorest performing economy since World War II. More people on expanding welfare and expanding food stamps, and expanding poor population under President Obama than since the Great Depression. Those at the bottom of the economic scale were essentially told by the Obama Administration they didn’t have time for them and they couldn’t help get them jobs.

And Little Dick is a paragon of virtue to the media and President Trump is a racist. President Trump talked about countries, their dictators or socialist governments making their countries a living Hell. The poor people are at the mercy of the oppressive government. And if we don’t build the Wall, end chain migration, and only invite those into the country that will help improve the country and assimilate into the American culture, we will become the S-hole countries Little Dickie Durbin talked about.

Little Dickie Durbin should worry about Chicago, because he sure isn’t helping the city, his state or the country. Little Dick might just as well fade into the twilight and retire and let someone much more astute and economically able to help his state and the country. Little Dick has been a poor performer for years and years.

However, President Trump is playing politicians like Dickie Durbin and others like a violin, and will soon get what he wants and the country needs.

Until then, the rotting of America from within continues…





January 24, 2018
Authoritarians love to see opinions like this. They know their constant drumbeat of everyone is wrong but it is working. If Trump didn't say anything which is questionable, why did Sen. Lindsay Graham speak to him directly after the remarks and has said the President's remarks weren't acceptable? It's why Trump reportedly gathered White House advisors to calculate a way out of his remarks? If it was never said, why did every GOP senator and the Homeland Security Chief have cases of uniform hard of hearing loss episodes? It's your choice to live in an authoritarian induced fog where nothing is to be trusted. It's your choice to support the current President who denies saying things on a regular basis, only to backtrack or stay silent when video or audio evidence is brought to light. It's your choice to believe the President when he said he'd release his tax data after the election and that Mexico would pay for a border wall. But your "only my facts are true and everyone else is wrong" paves the way for more government control, not less. Yale professor Timothy Snyder specializes in Eastern Europe and The Holocaust studies. He wrote On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from The Twentieth Century. Here's a short quote of the danger our country currently faces: "Fascism says nothing’s true. Your daily life is not important. The facts that you think you understand are not important. All that matters is the myth ― the myth of one nation as together the myth of the mystical connection with the leader. "When we think of 'Post-truth,' we think it’s something new. We think it’s something at campuses. We think it’s something irrelevant. Actually, what post-truth does is it paves the way for regime change. If we don’t have access to facts, we can’t trust each other. Without trust, there’s no law. Without law, there’s no democracy. "So if you want to rip the heart out of a democracy directly, if you want to go right at it and kill it, what you do is you go after facts. And that is what modern authoritarians do. "Step one: You lie yourself, all the time. Step two: You say it’s your opponents and the journalists who lie. Step three: Everyone looks around and says, 'What is truth? There is no truth.' "And then, resistance is impossible, and the game is over." Based on your recent commentaries, you are happy to see the U.S. turn toward a more authoritarian post truth world.
Robert M Traxler
January 25, 2018
Mr.Couchman, Sir, Fascism is socialism, President Trump is a believer in free enterprise Democracy, President Trump is a proud, proven Capitalist not a Fascist.
Free Market Man
January 25, 2018
Mr. Couchman, You just described exactly what happened from 2008-2016. When a Marxist exerts upon the government and people presidential orders and not going though the legislative process, you are correct - the beginnings of authoritarianism. Just a small jump from there to Fascism and Marxism. Are you getting the picture now? Or are you still in denial? President Obama was just what I knew he was before being elected - a Marxist. And he didn't disappoint and the minds full of mush and ignorant of law thought he was wonderful. He was the most destructive president ever unleashed on the country. Answer me this. Why doesn't everyone quit working and let the government do for them what they don't want to do for themselves? That's pretty much what all Democrats wanted and expected and were surprised when President Obama obliged. More than doubled the poor population, food stamps recipients, and welfare. Democrats need to open their eyes to what is happening to the country due to their rejection of law and order and turning to government for guidance and sustenance. We are losing this country because we won't do for ourselves and rely on government. Government is only for those that can't do for themselves because of physical or mental deficiencies. If you like freedom, wake up - because you are slowly losing it. The best fix for what ails the American population - a job; for something to do, for something to believe in, and something to hope for. And President Trump, the antithesis of President Obama, is just what this country needed. He is OUR president, whether you voted for him or not. Enjoy the ride!
Free Market Man
January 26, 2018
Mr. Couchman, Your assertions make no sense. The meeting with the Congressional leadership and President Trump was private. Being the ineffectual and simpering Senators Durbin and Schumer are, it was no surprise when Durbin came out blabbering about what he heard and crying crocodile tears about the language used by everyone, not just the President. I'm not at all upset even if he used the language Durbin claimed he used. If you don't know there are "s-hole" countries in the world, maybe you ought to open your eyes. And those countries are that way because of the leadership they have and they have no means to overthrow the dictators/rulers. Or they prefer to silently suffer. Speaking facts and bluntly is no vice, and turning your head to "s-hole" countries is no virtue. What you assert was during the Obama administration and you are too blind to see it.
January 25, 2018
Mr. Traxler, An authoritarian government isn’t limited to socialism or fascism. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it doesn’t matter what label you try to affix to our President as a capitalist if he lies, obfuscates and seeks to create an alternate truth world. Donald Trump admires authoritarian governments. He is on the record saying he approved of the way Putin “gets things done.” The same Donald Trump wants to change libel laws to be more like the laws Turkey’s Erdogan has, where the free press can be sued to silence them. Donald Trump has repeatedly said there was voter fraud in 2016 general election, yet to date the few cases of voter fraud were people voting multiple times for GOP candidates. The author referred to Sen. Dick Durbin as “Little Dick,” using the same derisive term President Trump used. If one thinks that’s acceptable, it’s minimizing civil discourse in the highest level of government. I don't have to agree with you on policy like trade and we can disagree about the long term effects of tax policy. However, we are not well served by a person in the highest office in our country being the self-appointed arbiter of truth saying one source or person(s) who are complimentary are to be believed but those who point out false statements, previous acts and question things like the President’s son-in-law, Mr. Kushner, was allowed access to documents requiring security clearance when has none because he’s had three chances to update his SF86 application but keeps forgetting things. Maybe some are OK with perpetuating the Fake News message this administration has decided to perpetuate. I see it as a threat to democracy.
January 25, 2018
Thank you for proving my point, Free Market Man. I would be very interested to have you explain why President Obama was a Marxist. Was it because he inherited the worst economic climate world wide since the Great Depression? Was it because he endorsed the boutique bankruptcies for GM and Chrysler that were encouraged by Ford, Toyota and Honda so their Tier 1 and Tier 2 supply chain partners wouldn’t be starved out of business if Chrysler and GM had been forced into traditional bankruptcy proceedings? Is it Marxist for the ACA, aka Obamacare, to require health insurance companies spend at least 85% of their premiums to settle claims? Did our economy suffer when employers were able to hire people under 26 and those people didn’t add costs because they kept their parents medical coverage? Was it wrong that college students didn’t have to spend more for marginal insurance that got you through the hospital door and little else rather than staying with their parents' plan? Everybody hasn’t “quit working,” there are federal and state work requirements for government assistance. We do have WIC programs to provide funds so low and no income people along with their children can eat. Maybe you are comfortable returning to 1929, I am not. Donald Trump the election. He got a tax plan through. He also has given credibility to White Supremacists, insulted a decorated USN pilot, former POW Senator McCain and allowed his daughter's companies to make private deals getting copyrights in China during an official visit from China’s President at Mar-a-lago, one of Trump’s golf communities. Trump has visited Mar-a-lago 11 times for a total of 50 days and charges the U.S. government, each time snubbing his nose at the emoluments clause. The same resort that applied for and got 70 permits for foreign workers in November 2017. That’s up from 64 requested in 2016. Yeah I know, MAGA And so it goes...
Lynn Mandaville
January 27, 2018
A small aside to all that has been said so far. Mr. Ranger, you are the person who took me to task for not referring to Donald Trump as President Trump, out of deference to the office he holds. I might suggest that you take your own advice and refrain from the juvenile name-calling that makes reading your opinions so difficult. You demean yourself by resorting to the verbal playground strategy so loved and used by President Trump.

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