There is a possibility a few businesses will not be able to sustain the time being shut down during the Coronavirus pandemic.  Restaurants, bars, and those recently started businesses will be most vulnerable, with little or no cash on hand to weather the shutdown.  I hope they all survive and once this period is over, the public flocks to help these businesses get back on a stable financial footing.

That said, I agree with Terry Parks in his recent comment about the Townbroadcast editorial, “The Stimulus Law Is Nothing But Trickle Down III.

“This knee-jerk irresistible government handout spending of more trillions that appear literally out of thin air, but which are put on the already tens of trillions in the pile of national debt that is required to be “repaid” with interest by taxpayers (which can’t realistically ever happen), will be momentarily praised and welcomed by many as it only drastically hastens the central rule, economic depression and ruin of the nation. Much like an irresponsible group having a party at a restaurant that can’t pay the growing out of control tab so they prolong the inevitable by ordering more food and drinks. There is a big price coming up for short-sighted, irresponsible, self-service. The tab doth now soon approacheth.”

The government, when faced with a monetary or budgetary decision, has three things to select from to remedy the situation;  1) Raise taxes or (2) Cut spending (NEVER) or (3) Print more money (Debt).  Anyone want to guess what happens 99% of the time?  Mr. Parks is “right on” (for you young punks, that is ‘6’s/’70s speak for “correct”), printing money to give to taxpayers and businesses will be done to the tune of $2 trillion ($2,000,000,000,000.00).  Adding to our insurmountable existing debt, which I also agree with Mr. Parks, will never be repaid.

What will happen?  Nothing for now, but sometime down the road there will be no money to pay the interest on the Debt, keep up all existing government programs and federal government retirements funded, etc. and the repercussions will start.  The predictions vary, but none of them are good.  The worst would be a depression, worse and deeper than in the 1930s.  And with the petulant, narcissistic, me, me, me population we have now, toilet paper will be the least of our worries.  This isn’t your parents’ America any more.

We have the most affluent poor in the world.  We have the most billionaires in the world.  The middle-class shrunk because of poor leadership at the executive and legislative branches, companies off-shoring jobs for cheap labor (thanks to NAFTA), no tariffs for products made overseas and shipped  here, open borders allowing illegals to overtake the job market at the entry level and in turn putting pressure on public services (hospitals, law enforcement, prisons, welfare, etc.).

Of course, we elect those federal officials to represent us.  But in almost every situation, they are regular folks going in, but when they are voted out or retire, they are multimillionaires!  Wanna guess how that happens?  Look at the representatives and senators. who sold or shorted stock after being briefed on the effects of the Coronavirus!

It really is the ‘Chinese Virus’

I laugh when I see someone question President Trump about using China in the description of the virus.  CNN is the usual dolts to complain about him using China with the virus as being racist. Are they serious?

I’d even go further than the president, I would speculate the Chinese knew the severity of the virus on its own population and encouraged others to spread it to here to damage our population and economy.  Who needs to invade a country when you can cause a pandemic and kill thousands and put their economy in a tailspin?

Is this a created virus in Chinese labs?  No one knows or no one in the know is telling because of the blowback that would occur.

Will it be Joe Biden or Andrew Cuomo?

There is scuttlebutt on the Internet about the obvious mental blips Joe “Plugs” Biden is experiencing over the past months, especially the last three weeks.  While being the obvious Democrat leading pick for president, many on the Democrat side are questioning Joe’s outbursts and obvious lacking of mental acuity in speeches, appearances, and the Second Amendment argument with a construction worker at an auto plant in Detroit.  He looked anything but presidential.

Now I’m seeing NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s popularity spiking and there is whispering in D.C. and within Democrat circles that maybe Cuomo would be the better selection to take down President Trump. Joe, keep your head down and stay off the air. Maybe they’ll forget all about you and have no alternative but keep you on the ticket.

Hillary is stalking behind the scenes and commenting idiotically, so she may have an outside chance, but the established Democrats are tired of a Clinton on the ticket and would like to see her slink away to retirement.

I say keep it up, Hillary, your anger is needed to show how we are lucky to have President Trump instead of you!  Please tell us more about Benghazi and allowing defenders to die, destroying your hard drives and cellphones, and where was Barry Obama during the Benghazi attack? Nobody knows so maybe you could shed some light on it?

The rotting of America from within continues…

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