We all have endured the long and hard fought presidential election in 2016. After such turmoil, you would think the newly elected president and the loser would be in two different dimensions, one in the spotlight, the loser being gracious and retiring to the political sidelines, as most losing presidential contenders have in the past.

Not so with Mrs. Clinton — her hubris knows no bounds. The former Democrat front runner for the presidency, she appeared recently speaking to The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof at the Women in the World Summit in New York. He asked questions about losing last fall and it essentially boiled down to these answers as reasons for her defeat:

• Misogyn

• FBI James Comey

• Wikileak

• Russia

In other words, her surprising election defeat was everyone’s fault but her own. It figues.Nothing is ever Mrs. Clinton’s fault.

She was poised for the coronation she felt she deserved, especially after enduring years of being humiliated by her husband’s infidelities and hillbilly, cretin ways. She was viewed as the woman done wrong by Bill. Don’t cry for Mrs. Clinton, she had her own life after years of being First Lady of Arkansas and the United States.

She had the senatorial chair of Sen. Daniel Moynihan, after she strong-armed him and his associates into supporting her in saying they supported her for the position. And to keep President Barack Obama’s enemies close to him so he could control them, she was selected to be his Secretary of State. In both the elected and appointed positions, she was mediocre as a senator, and certainly poor to completely unacceptable as Secretary of State. However, former Sen. John Kerry succeeded her, (aka “Lurch” (D) MA), performing even worse than Mrs. Clinton, if that can be achieved. Did you know he served in Vietnam?

The Democrat Party has accused the Trump campaign of working with Russia to affect the election last November. No evidence has been brought forth. On the other hand, Mrs. Clinton’s crass and illegal behavior concerning servers and computer information, allowing hackers to attack and steal information by her irresponsible and illegal actions was stunning. Using private servers instead of government servers to relay government information is a crime.

James Comey had her all but charged, booked, and convicted. But evidently, the political pressure to bring charges to the most despicable Democrat presidential candidate since her husband’s second term, Mr. Comey couldn’t bring himself to commit political suicide. Would she have received kid glove treatment if she had an “R” by her name? Very doubtful, she’d been looking out from behind bars today. Evidently, we aren’t all treated equally under the law, especially if you’re a political hack. More political people have gone to prison for much, much less – remember Scooter Libby?

Her charges about Russian intervention into the election are laughable since she and President Obama both wanted to “reset” political ties between the United States and Russia and never tried to hide their intentions (remember the “reset button” incident). Mr. Putin, sensing weakness by both the Secretary of State and the President did as he pleased without American intervention into his advances in absorbing more of old Russian states. Being old KGB, he knows phonies when he sees them.

The Wikileaks debacle is using what Mrs. Clinton emailed and it was intercepted and disseminated to the public – it was that simple. Mrs. Clinton then claimed they were made up and false. None have been disproven nor were they “made up” as most of the public news outlets tried to claim and later found to be just the opposite when other collaborating emails were exposed. Mrs. Clinton has nobody to blame but herself for these emails being intercepted and open for hackers to exploit.

Her comments about misogyny being a factor is interesting. Other women serve in government and win term after term. I’m sure they face male voters that don’t like them more for their ideas than their sex (commonly mislabeled as “gender”). I dare say if Mrs. Clinton embodied traits of the former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and had the same temperament, political ideas, resolve, and especially leadership skills – she would be President today.

Instead, she embraced the President Obama agenda – no economic growth, no new jobs, monumental debt, Obamacare, and everything government control. If the Democrats continue to embrace Bernie Sanders ideas, they will suffer in the future. They must become John Kennedy Democrats if they are to remain a viable party. She lost majority of white women voters to Trump, so that argument holds no water.

Mrs. Clinton — please — for the sake of the country and yourself, retire from the political scene and public life. Your health is not good (as evidenced by your seizure getting into a van during the campaign) and needing extra rest days while Trump campaigned relentlessly. Your excuse was to work getting ready for the debate. Please, the truth is self-evident. You weren’t up to the job with your lack of solid experience, inept performance, and poor decisions and health.

If anyone disagrees, ask how many of those Democrat congress members running again for re-election are willing to have her campaign for them….. yup, those are crickets chirping – the silence is deafening. Losers are losers. And nobody likes losers, even those named Clinton.

Oh, and Mrs. Clinton, if you wouldn’t have taken for granted the states of Wisconsin and Michigan, you would have won. You didn’t visit Wisconsin even once, not even a visit to Uber-Liberal Madison. You only have yourself to blame for your defeat. Trump had to run the board in “rust belt” states to win. He did, you didn’t. He’s President, you’re a loser. Get over it… and yourself.




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