It must be hard to be Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0a committed Democrat Party supporter nowadays, having a president who hates his own country. Then there’s the presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, an ineffective and poor performing secretary of state and senator. This is a president, presidential candidate, and present administration derelict in their duties to support, protect and defend the United States Constitution and the citizens.

You had two candidates to choose from – an old socialist in Bernie Sanders, or a washed up politician in whom the majority in her own party doesn’t even trust. Mrs. Clinton drones on and on to unenthusiastic small crowds and coughs like a cross-breed dog with heart problems in old age. She doesn’t sound too healthy with those coughing fits; she needs to get medical attention soon. And her memory is shot; she can’t recollect if she lied to the FBI about e-mails, which was clearly explained by Mr. Comey in his summation of Clinton lies and dodges.

Then she has Bill — a heavy lodestone around her neck. Both she and Bill built the Bank of Clinton – known as the Clinton Foundation. Very little is given to those in need, but the “bank” gets huge “contributions” from citizens and foreign governments. In a third world country it would be called graft, corruption, and crony capitalism but in Clintonspeak, it is business as usual.

Besides, the willing dolts and synchophants in the press and supporters think the Clintons can do no wrong, so the scam continues unabated. At last viewing, it was reported of all the millions of dollars coming into the bank, er, foundation – they give away 6% of the total take to those in need. I wonder if the Clintons still deduct the contributions of used underwear to the Salvation Army for a tax deduction?

If she is elected, will Bill be the first husband to turn the White House into a “social club” for sex and drugs, as he’s been known to partake? We all know of his proclivities and dalliances with other women, and his brother Roger said he can’t have cocaine around Bill, because “he has a nose like a vacuum cleaner.” With Bill’s “Rudolf red nose,” he doesn’t seem to have changed his ways. Ever notice how as he ages he looks more like W.C. Fields? For those of you that have no idea who W.C. Fields was, “Google” him, you’ll see the resemblance. W.C. ‘s problems were from booze, Willie’s is from excessive drugs up his nose.

For almost eight years during President Barack Obama’s regime, the economic progress has been agonizingly slow, comparing the growth of the economy to continental drift. It’s moving, you just can’t see it because you’ll be dead and long gone by the time the movement is detected. This is the poorest economy for growth for any years after the end of World War II. And yet more regulations, taxes, and laws are passed or enacted with the stoke of the president’s pen, effectively restraining the economy, choking off any growth potential.

We keep hearing there are jobs out there. I believe there are a few, just the types of entry level jobs not paying much. But there is hope on the horizon. You’ve got Obamacare and if you can’t afford it, don’t worry, your neighbors will pay for you in increased costs for coverage. You want to keep your insurance and your doctor – good luck! Remember, good little Democrat, the government knows better and will take care of you!

But just remember this; the government that can give you everything you have also has the power to take it all away. Ever notice there is NEVER any talk from a Democrat candidate for any office talking about your liberty and freedom? They talk about what they can do for you, because evidently they think you are too stupid to be able to do for yourself. Self-sufficiency is not in their vocabulary, only government “gimme, gimme” programs.

Remember, Republicans are the party of Lincoln, not Democrats. Democrats were the ones riding in the night under white robes and dunce caps covering their faces. Of course, since real history isn’t taught anymore, and the books and materials given to students to learn are politically correct and facts are loose and non-existent in some cases, they will never know who the Klan was, they were Democrat created, or what known horrors they perpetrated on African-Americans and those sympathizing with the emancipation movement.

Robert Byrd, a Democrat Senator from West Virginia, was a Klan big wig, and he voted not to expel President Clinton from office after he was impeached in the House of Representatives. Birds of a feather flock together. Bill will categorically deny he’s a racist, but he’s been mentored by the best in the race hating business — Arkansas Democrat U.S. Senator William Fulbright.

He’s the scamp he’s always been — a hound dog always remains a hound dog.

It is evident to anyone with a brain that Mrs. Clinton speaks down to citizens because she thinks you’re too stupid to think, speak, and act for yourself. We need leadership in the White House, not a panderer and elitist — leadership that has been missing for almost eight years. With her “so called” husband, if elected, will he bring the behavior he’s famous for back to the White House? He can charm birds out of trees and women out of their clothes with his oratory. The Secret Service keeps tabs on his movements and visitors and female admirers (especially one nicknamed “Energizer Bunny” by the Secret Service) are duly noted. They really like her, because she brings warm chocolate chip cookies when she comes to “visit” Willie in Chappaqua, NY.

Then there is socialist Mrs. Clinton. Actually, being a follower and admirer of Saul Alinsky and his tactics, she is a Marxist, but she lies so often and is so confused on what is true or false (maybe because she’s in bad health?) she doesn’t like to brag she’s a Marxist, just like her pal, President Obama. A proverbial coattail hanger-on, Mrs. Clinton and Willie’s marriage is a sham, kept together for greed and corruption and fooling the public. She knows where her support comes from, and it isn’t because she is a likable person like Willie.

She is seen as weaker by our enemies and allies, everything Democrats touch turns to crap (look at Obamacare, slowly failing under its own expenses), and the very party that thinks it knows what is best for us wants us to believe the successor to Obama, a failed leader, is another incompetent leader in Mrs. Clinton?

If Mrs. Clinton wins the White House, expect more of the same that you’ve experienced the last eight years. Nothing will change, in fact, it will probably get much worse. She will continue and double down on Obama and Marxist ideas and policies.

Now, the question remains, since YOU voted for Obama once, if not twice, do you feel like a fool? Do you feel you were betrayed? Will you be voting Democrat again just to extend the 3rd term of Obama ?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you deserve what will happen if a Democrat wins again.

The rotting of America from within continues…



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