Last week, for those of you witnessing the House of Representatives circus with Jerry Nadler as ringmaster, it was truly a spectacle of gross incompetence on display.  The heroic veteran, former FBI Director, and Inquisition master, Mr. Robert Mueller, crashed and burned… biggly!

His personal appearance was one of a unhealthy person, at once confused and muddled, then a spark of realization of what he was saying with a quick reply.  Evidently he can’t hear well, because he asked to have statements and questions repeated many times.  When asked basic questions about his Mueller Report, he was unprepared and confused, at times mumbling and fumbling for a response to the question.

He had indicated in an earlier public statement that President Trump was “not exonerated.” For a prosecuting lawyer and inquisitor, that is a huge mistake in legalistic language.  Everyone, no matter what the charge or subject of investigation is innocent until proven guilty.  What he should have said is the President is not guilty, because there was not enough evidence to proceed to a charge of wrongdoing.

Every lawyer knows everyone is innocent , and once a decision of innocence or guilt, it is proclaimed the person is either “guilty” or “not guilty,” not exonerated or not exonerated, innocent or not innocent, but guilty or not guilty.  By proclaiming Trump was “not exonerated” gave red meat to the Democrats and dishonest media in ratcheting up the “get Trump” fervor.

A huge, HUGE revelation came about when being questioned about the staff he selected and where the Steele dossier originated.  The Steele dossier was a document created by Fusion GPS and given to Steele to spread around Washington D.C.

When choosing his staff, Mueller selected all Democrat lawyers, many supporters and contributors to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Not one Republican lawyer on his staff.  Mueller was purported to be a registered Republican, but from what I could see, a RINO of the first degree.  Can you say kangaroo court?

When asked about his staff, he said he selected them as the professionals they are and he had a long association with many of them.  When asked about their political affiliations, he said he didn’t know of their politics.  If he were a honored and honest man of substance, wouldn’t he have asked, knowing there would be a stench of one-sided justice?  Even then, they couldn’t find enough evidence to refer charges to the Justice Department?  What does that say?  Trump is “not guilty.”

Then in another instance or questioning by Republicans, the origin of the Steele dossier by Fusion GPS and paid for by the Democrat National Party/Clinton Presidential Team to undermine the president,  Mueller was confused and said he never heard of Steele or Fusion GPS.  What?  Did I hear that right?

The whole reason and evidence within the false dossier was the basis for the inquiry.  You know why he didn’t know anything about Steele and Fusion GPS, because Mueller didn’t write the report, his staff did.  He probably never read it completely to understand what was within it.

Two and a half years, $200 million in tax dollars and what do we get, a bullshit report, a disgraced Robert Mueller, and President Trump is innocent — just as he claimed he was.

Now there are those who will say and ask for the charges of interference/obstruction of justice.  I don’t doubt Trump was angry and wanted people removed.  Such is his power to use.  He didn’t, even though he probably spoke of it.  He did fire Comey and McCabe, both subject to firing by the president if he so desires. They were at-will employees and disloyal at that.  But his detractors say he tried to influence others to commit crimes.  Prove it.  Otherwise shut up!

That would be like yours truly and Army Bob planning to rob a bank.  We speak of it to each other and get blueprints of the bank building, buy guns to storm the facility, buy spray paint to spray to surveillance camera lenses, buy masks, we get all we need to make the heist.  We are now ready  to storm the bank.

But Army Bob, in his infinite wisdom, talks me out of it. Freedom is preferred to life in prison.  Are we guilty of a crime?  We can think about it, prepare for it, but if we don’t carry out the nefarious deed, we are guilty of nothing.

Army Bob, my apologies for using your name in this fake bank robbery.  I know you would never do such a thing.  I’m not so sure about me!

That’s not any different than Trump talking about firing others and not doing it.  That is not a crime, nor a reason to indict Trump for a crime.

Mr. Mueller, your performance at this inquiry hearing on the Mueller Report was most disturbing.  You look physically frail and weak, confused, and at a loss for words.  Please get physically checked out to find your malady affecting your appearance.  And if you have knowledge of your condition, I hope it can be remedied and you can be restored to health.  Your mental faculties appeared to be affected, I hope this is not a dementia condition or the beginning of Alzheimer’s.

For those of you still wanting to push for impeachment, good luck with that.  If you want to nail the coffin shut of the Democrat presidential candidate, please pursue.  Please Pursue!

The rotting of America from within continues…

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