With the horror in OrlandoRanger Rick Art_7_0_0 with a radical Islamist killing and wounding people in a gay nightclub, the President has done everything to take the responsibility off the sick person perpetrating such a despicable thing on others and not mentioning it is radical Islamic terrorism. The issue is not firearms, it is not “homegrown terrorism,” or any other thing the President wants to employ to take the focus off the real issue.

It is Islamic terrorism.

It was just reported while writing this the gun shop owner, while selling weapons to the person involved in this shooting – he wouldn’t sell him body armor because he acted suspicious. He then contacted the FBI about the buyer, telling them about the buyer and his refusal to sell the body armor. This was three weeks before the shooting.

Since this guy was investigated by the FBI before, why didn’t this send off alarms at the FBI? Since he passed the background checks and there was no reason not to sell him weapons and the seller did his due diligence in investigating the buyer’s personal history. It looks like the FBI may have some culpability in not reacting to this information. The questions to ask are:

  • Did someone in the FBI drop the ball? If yes, who? If no, why wasn’t this guy brought in for questioning?
  • What pressure, if any, did the FBI receive from the administration to ignore these incidents like the Immigration Service does about illegal immigration (turn your head policy)?

Hillary Clinton the next day expressed outrage to the reaction of Donald Trump to the massacre, and defended the President (no surprise there – both are “do nothings” when it comes to domestic radical Islamic terrorism). Mr. Trump’s statements about temporarily closing the borders to Muslim immigration, investigating those here who have known ties to radical Islam and suspected mosques supporting terrorism are things you would think the Democrats would do to protect the American people. To the President and Mrs. Clinton, they don’t care about the safety of the American people, one of the main jobs they have according to the U.S. Constitution.

The gay community has to feel betrayed by the Democrats in that they blame the gun and not the person perpetrating the act of death among them. Who is talking and who demands something be done to actually address the problems? When something like this happens, all they do is blame the firearms, not the culture of death that is radical Islam.

The gay community should really look at what they are getting when they vote Democrat – nothing. No help, no protection, no support. Mr. Trump recognized the issue, brought it to the forefront and hammered President Obama and Mrs. Clinton on their milquetoast approaches to examining the issue. Of course, blame the weapon, blame anything – just don’t get religion involved.

Why are the Democrat leadership and Remocrats (Speaker Ryan, Romney, Senate Leader McConnell) afraid to tell it like it is – radical Islam is to blame? The reason is this: They like the huge amounts of cash being thrown around Washington D.C. by the Saudi (it has been reported Mrs. Clinton’s campaign funds were 20% supplied by Saudi money) and Muslim organizations, so they shut up and blame an inanimate object for the killings. It only becomes lethal when there is someone behind the gunstock, loading it and pulling the trigger, reloading, etc. That way the cash keeps rolling in and the weapon gets the blame.

How stupid do they think we are? Evidently, they think the American public are rubes and can’t see through their fake concern and stupid tactics. To the person reading this – are you a “rube”? Do you feel betrayed by your government? I’m sure the families of the deceased and wounded feel betrayed, knowing what we know now and continues to come out.

I’ve heard it said Washington D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people. While I see some truth in that statement, I would posit Washington D.C. is for the elite, statist, money-grubbing liberals you see now.

The only things they crave are power, status, money, and the next election. Stay in office and you’re guaranteed to be a multi-millionaire before you leave. I now understand the need for term limits. They certainly don’t give a tinker’s damn about the safety of the American people.

Obama has been president for 7 ½ years, yet nothing that is wrong in government is his fault. The President is delusional and frankly most certainly an Islam sympathizer, but the religion he defends has radical, extremist views and openly attacks American values and lifestyles. Those Muslims that are not radical tend to overwhelmingly side with the radicals about Sharia law, killing Christians and Jews, and killing innocent people to advance the religion/government called Islam.

And the president wants to allow more Muslim immigrants into the country without any complete vetting on their backgrounds or even if any information exists on their backgrounds. This opens the way to infiltration of Islamic terrorists into the immigrant population and posing a huge hazard to Americans on their own soil. The Muslims that have come here for the overwhelming majority have not adopted the language, customs, or lifestyles of America and they don’t assimilate within the culture. If you don’t believe me, visit Dearbornistan – formerly known as Dearborn, MI. Try to get into the “no enter” Muslim area of the city and you will understand the problem. How many extremists are being cultivated in that closed society?

Mr. President, do your job and adhere to your Constitutional oath and protect and defend the people of the United States. Quit supporting our enemies and support Americans! But you can’t, or won’t, because of your delusional love for Islam. If they could, the terrorists would kill the president, but I guess he thinks he can reason with them like he and Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State has done such a great bang-up job of Middle East diplomatic relations, stirring up wars, assassinations, and helping to spread the radical Islamic terrorism. Congratulations Mr. President and Mrs. Clinton on your accomplishments!

The rotting of the country from within continues…

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.” — Cesare Beccaria, quoted by Thomas Jefferson in Commonplace Book


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