Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0The British exit from the European Union is an example of the same thing that happened before the U.S. Civil War. The British were sick and tired of supporting a union that had jurisdiction over them instead of being a sovereign nation; it was costing the British more fiscally and opening its borders to unlimited immigration. Right now, the “Chunnel” is burgeoning with new immigrants before the door closes to more immigration to Great Britain.

Before the U. S. Civil War, the attitudes and environment in the Union changed for the Southern states, with the southerners feeling they had no option but to declare rebellion when “state’s rights” were challenged and they had no option. The federal government was essentially weak and ineffective at the time, as it was designed.

President Lincoln forced his will on the states, essentially making it known the states would bow to the will of the federal government on the subject of state’s rights and the institution of slavery or else. The Civil War ensued, and you know the rest. This was the start of the overpowering, all encompassing, federal government and the subjugation of the state’s rights. This is not the meaning of the Constitution, but Constitution be damned, the federal government was the decider in all things from that time on and gradually grew to the Leviathan it is now.

The Brits finally realized how they were being duped by the European Union and the control of the country was not by the English government, but by the “one world order” European Union. The issue of immigration was getting worse; the immigration of thousands of Muslims, and their non-assimilation into English society and adhering to English law was the beginning of the end of the EU as far as Britain was concerned. A vote of 52% for and 48% against moving from the EU rule was the stake in socialism’s heart and a call for liberty and freedom for a sovereign nation.

We’ve had 7 ½ years of more federal oppression with the stroke of President Obama’s pen and phone calls. The people finally have awakened, and their elected Republican representatives who have both the House and Senate have done nothing, absolutely nothing, to stop this lawlessness and speak more harshly to their colleagues in the congress, Mr. Trump, and constituents than against the president.

You wonder why Donald Trump has risen time and time again to the top in primary elections; popularity with the people is the exact antidote to what is proclaimed makes a politician — he isn’t a politician and speaks without political-correctness and platitudes. He’s a “no bullshit” kind of guy.

Speaker Paul Ryan, a person who once was a vice presidential candidate on the Romney ticket, needs to change his affiliation to Democrat party, since he is a Democrat anyhow – giving President Obama more money in the budget than what was asked. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell should do the same – there isn’t a Republican bone of honor in either of these men – poor leaders and poorer politicians. Not once did they challenge Obama with the power of the purse.

Trump, with his fresh attitude and none of the politically correct language – he speaks from the heart and making inroads with Americans with his common-sense approach. He’s a doer, and Washington D.C. hates “doers” but LOVE talkers – those with hot air, lofty ideals, and not a damn thing gets done. It would be much better if the federal government were made smaller and follows the Constitution in giving the states more control and power and the federal government less of both.

Mr. Trump is not my first andidate I would like to see as president, but when you consider the alternative – crooked, lying, incompetent Mrs. Clinton — the choice is clear for the sake of the country.

If you want more of the same with no jobs, anemic economic growth, poor domestic and international relations, more Islamic attacks, and unlimited illegal immigration, vote Democrat.

Great Britain finally had enough; at least they have a population that ‘gets it.” Will we?

The rotting of America from within continues…

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