“Governments that set out to regiment their people with the stated objective of providing security and liberty have ended up losing both. Those which put freedom as the first priority find they have also provided security and economic progress.”Ronald Reagan

Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Every day in the city of Chicago there are reported shootings resulting in deaths or injuries by handguns. How can that be? In the City of Chicago you can’t even find a gun shop to buy a handgun. They don’t issue concealed carry permits or pistol permits (unless you are a law enforcement officer or give to the mayor’s re-election fund) to legally own a weapon. How can all those shootings happen?

I guess hoodlums can’t read, nor do they care what the city does or doesn’t allow. Chicago has been the poster city for the Democrats to not allow guns in the city. See how well that has worked? When I hear a story about a shooting in Chicago, they report the dead or injured then go to the relatives of the deceased or injured. It’s amazing, all those involved were angels or if they had a criminal background, they were getting their life in order and they were doing so well in turning around. Then the other side of the story comes out and the police comment about the crime record the person had. There are never any witnesses, nobody has comment about the situation and rarely are arrests made. The next week, it happens all over again.

When someone is arrested in Chicago with a pistol, they don’t have any documentation they own a handgun. If handguns are banned in Chicago, how does this keep happening? If the elected officials of the city would be honest with the citizens, they would allow handgun registration and concealed carry so honest citizens would have a way to defend themselves. Why do that? Because police are too heavy to carry and although they do their jobs well, they aren’t there when you need them. And bad guys, known criminals, don’t understand anything but the barrel of a weapon. They understand the sound of racking of a shell into the chamber or the cocking a hammer on a weapon.

The Democrats, in their infinite wisdom and thinking of keeping people safe think with fewer guns or no guns, the violence would end. So much for Democrat thinking – illogical, ineffective, inefficient, and just plain stupid. If you are an honest citizen, do all you can to be legal in obtaining, purchasing and training with a handgun; there is no reason why you should be denied the right to have a weapon for self-defense. If you are a criminal, laws don’t mean anything, so you’ll illegally obtain a weapon.

As for the website author stating the Democrats don’t want to take your weapons, look at the initiatives to ban weapons, “buy back’ weapons, and outlaw weapons in areas where Democrats prevail. They not only want to control weapons (what you can buy, amount of ammunition you can buy, how many weapons a person may buy or have in possession), but their real goal is to eliminate gun manufacturers (all lawsuits against them are Democrat initiated), don’t allow lawful and law-abiding gun shops within city limits, confiscation of weapons when possible, and discourage anyone from owning weapons in any way possible by legislation, coercion, and ridicule for believing you have the right to own a weapon.

The real loss is liberty and freedom to legally do whatever you want. Those of you who buy into the Democrat thinking about weapons deserve neither liberty nor freedom; you’ll be living under tyranny by criminals who don’t care. Those folks under the immediate and daily onslaught of lawlessness and terror; too bad, the politicians don’t care about your safety.

On another related subject, why are government departments buying millions of rounds of ammunition? Does the Obama Administration know something the general public doesn’t?

While it is understood ammunition for military, police and other departments with weapon responsibilities is needed, why are the following government departments ordering millions of rounds of ammo? (just a few – there are others listed)

• Social Security Administration

• U.S. Postal Service

• Department of Agriculture

• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

• Internal Revenue Service

As President Obama said, he would “fundamentally change” the United States, evidently he meant the government against the citizens? If you think this thinking is far-fetched, think about why those government departments above need ammunition or weapons? What are they thinking or planning?

Are you even curious? You should be. And if not – why not? Or are you just too lazy to care?

Maybe you are the problem to the government. Just remember, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”

The rotting of America from within continues…….

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