Former Vice President Joe Biden Sunday night on “60 Minutes” pontificated, dodged, bobbed, weaved in his answers to questions about him and his son Hunter.

If you remember correctly, then-Vice President Biden bragged on camera about holding back aid to Ukraine if they didn’t fire an investigator diving into Hunter Biden’s involvement in an oil/gas company and getting $50,000 (or more, some figures put it at $80,000 per month) to be on the board of directors.  He laughed on camera and said “Son of a bitch if they didn’t fire him” within the six-hour time frame he gave them to fire him.

It has also been reported he didn’t have to attend the board meetings either. Regardless of the figures, what did Hunter Biden contribute to the company’s bottom line in guiding the company?  He had no experience in the oil/gas business or marketing.  He had no geological experience in oil exploration.  He admitted on camera that he didn’t have any experience and being the son of Joe Biden was his only qualification.

He also traveled on Air Force II for his father’s meeting with Ukrainian officials.  What was Hunter’s official capacity being on that flight?  Stealing a line from Army Bob, you can’t make this stuff up, folks.  Both Bidens are guilty as sin.  And Trump is the bad guy for showing the graft and corruption going on within the official capacity of a government official and his son?

Both should be investigated, and if found they acted improperly, be charged and tried.  And once found guilty, sent to prison.  These crooks belong in jail.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and sick, as usual.  Almost four years of candidate and President Trump and the media, the Never Trumpers, the RINO’s, and haters of America and they don’t have a clue about how he ticks.

And look how much he’s accomplished to help America:

• Lowest unemployment numbers since 1969. More people working overall.

• More people of color and females working than ever before.

• Wages rising.

• Walls rising on the southern border.

• Stock market growing.

Just think if he didn’t have Russia, Russia, Russia and Adam Schiff lying about what he has as proof Trump is lying and then not producing.  What quid pro quo?  I think Biden is guilty as sin in that department — he even admits it on camera.

Let’s also examine the killing of Osama bin Laden vs. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadii (I know the spelling is incorrect, but who cares about the scumbag?).  When bin Laden raid was about to be started, they had to get President Obama off the golf course and swept to the White House, into a suit coat, and on camera so he could look like he was studiously watching his planned raid which he had little to do with.

Nobody knows where he was when our embassy in Benghazi was being attacked and he’s never divulged what he was doing when people were being killed and nothing was being done with Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State pulling the strings.  One incompetent out of commission being absent and the other incompetent doing what she does best —gross incompetence.  She was probably finding out who she could shake down for contributions to the “Clinton Foundation” (really the Bank of Clinton)!

President Trump was in this operation for weeks up to when Baghdadi was found and he approved the operation go-ahead.  He knew about it in the planning stage and correctly kept the Democrat leaders in the dark since they leak like a sieve to the media.  He was right to do so.

Well, now the Democrat presidential candidate circus has a dead man walking — Joey (Plugs) Biden.  Who in their right mind would trust a conniver and schemer in “Biden Inc.,” both Joe and Hunter?  How does it happen all these politicians go into office as a regular person with bills, debts, and a little cash in the bank and they all come out multi-millionaires?  Maybe Joe and Hunter could give all of us a symposium on how to get rich without even trying?  Just use intimidation and your office to get what you want.

I guess it is Senator Elizabeth Warren’s race to lose now.  Angry Bernie isn’t gaining ground and neither are the others.  The Wicked Witch of the North, Hillary, raised her broom in making a preliminary bid for the candidacy.  Just in the early stages now on talk shows, but who knows?

Warren, in my humble opinion, is not presidential material.  There is no one on that stage that is, and really no one else in the Democrat Party.  I hope it is Hillary, she can be humiliated one more time by someone other than her hillbilly husband.  But Slick Willie is a gift that keeps on giving and he hates being out of the spotlight.

After seeing what Trump has done, he is the only choice for any thinking person.  His tweets, his bluster, his speechifying, his sparring with the media, all get the liberals gassed up.  All that gas creates pressure and I’m afraid it’s about to explode, and not in a good way.  The Democrats will select a “rising star” with no experience at the executive level  and he or she will get tromped by Trump.

And the Democrat House has done nothing in the 10 months they’ve been in majority control except trying to impeach Trump.  Are you angry yet?  If not, you should be.  You’re getting ripped off as a taxpayer.

The rotting of America from within continues…


October 30, 2019
You are mostly right about the Bidens, however, I find it comical how you jump all over them but support Trump, FOR THE SAME OFFENSES! C'mon Rick, get real here and call a spade a spade. They're all crooks and we shouldn't trust any of them!! Maybe you're just playing the devil's advocate with this commentary, trying to stir up the readers to see what bubbles up.
October 30, 2019
Trump is unfit, mentally, morally, intellectually, and ethically. Any one of the Dems would be vastly preferable to Donald Trump.
October 30, 2019
Don't need to watch FoxNews, listen to "conservative" talk radio or read Breibart when Ranger Rick is here to regurgitate half truths and obfuscations about past Presidents, past Presidential candidates and potential Democratic nominees for President.
Robert Traxler
October 30, 2019
Mr. Ranger Rick, Good job stirring up the left. TDS is still a a problem with a few folks.
October 30, 2019
Spot on Ranger Rick, hopefully we get four more years. Us Deplorable’s and the economy as a whole are doing quite well
Mick Lane
November 3, 2019
I always crack up when reading your foolish comments. You wave the flag while supporting a draft dodging liar. I’m assuming by your moniker that you are a vet, and probably adore the Constitution. How do you square supporting this disgraceful man with the fact that he violates the Constitution by refusing to allow the Congress to conduct its Constitutionally mandated to conduct legitimate oversight of the Executive branch using the same rules passed by the Republicans during their wasteful Benghazi investigations.? By the way, Hillary Clinton appeared before the committee for a grueling 10-12 hours because she knew she had nothing to fear. Not like your boy. Your continued attempts at misdirection and obfuscation are proof that you know this man is guilty as hell. Our country’s greatness doesn’t lie in people like you. It lies in its promise to try to continue on the path to a more perfect Union by acknowledging our mistakes as well as our successes. This man, and pathetic slogan slinging drones like Ranger Rick, have set us back in that journey. As a veteran, I know what I wore the uniform and swore to defend. It sure as hell isnt what this rube spews. Rant off.

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