Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0I find that the Obama and Trump online verbal spat humorous, only in that it demonstrates the little person Obama is in regards to his temperament and attitude for his successor and the office of the presidency.

Being the petulant, narcissist, community organizer (what the heck is that?), leaderless, Marxist, Muslim loving, Israel hating (read that Jew hating), lead from behind, globalist “we are the world” president to do? He had no record of accomplishment coming into the Illinois State Senate; he had none during his U.S. Senate term; and the most minimal of accomplishments during his presidency. His claim to fame is he was better than Boooosh. Not really, but he likes to think that.

The unemployment rate of 4.9% looks good until you realize that number represents those recently unemployed and actively still looking for work. That doesn’t count those over the limit of time off from active employment, those dropping out of looking for work. Competent economist and employment experts put the real number of unemployed at 14% to 17%. More than 47 million people are on food stamps or government assistance. The highest number of eligible working age people not working since the 1970s. GM was saved but still had to declare bankruptcy – the government (you) owns them now. GM bondholders were screwed out of their money by the agreement brokered by Obama. Our national debt more than 20 TRILLION dollars – yup, a real accomplishment – more debt accrued in eight years than all the presidents before him combined.

He did another great thing – he transferred all the college loans from the banking industry to the federal government. The bubble of college debt is expanding at an astronomical rate. The next “housing bubble” type crisis to erupt in the future. Instead of Mommy and Daddy and the bank on the hook for student debt, you are now on the books as the “sugar daddy” to pick up the tab. Did you realize it? Look it up – I ain’t kidding you!

And then there is his highest achievement, Obamacare! If only those stupid money-grubbing insurance companies would cooperate and operate at a loss they wouldn’t be pulling out of the greatest government boondoggle ever. The system is falling apart under its own weight of regulation, non-participation by the public and insurance companies pulling out because of insolvency of the program.

Is government responsible for your health care or are you? If you say government, why didn’t you sign up? If you say you’re responsible for your own health care – you are an uncaring, heartless, money grubbing, knuckle dragging Neanderthal and don’t deserve to live another day, you creep!

I will give credit where credit is due; President Obama is the best teleprompter reader EVER! He makes Bill Clinton look like a nervous schoolboy pissing his pants when facing a crowd. He is “Mr. Smooth” when reading those lines. However, without a teleprompter, he is a stuttering, “ah, ah, ah” mess. The face of competence and confidence is off the emperor.

So much for the most intelligent, erudite, smooth president we’ve ever had. His decisions have been wrong, his policies have made the country weaker, he loves leading from behind, he loves creating chaos where none existed before, and being touted as the first “black” president (they always forget his mother was white) that should have created racial harmony within the country and did just quite the opposite.

All the problems he created, he claims he has done the best job possible and nothing he’s done has created any problems – do you see the problem here? Mr. President, get a clue, look in the mirror – you are and have been the problem. Dear reader, do you think this is a mistake, just slip-ups in his policies and legislation? No, no – you don’t understand Marxists. They create uncertainty and consternation wherever they can, and President Obama is the best American Marxist there is.

Consider under his leadership, only five states have Democrat total state control – governorships, senates and houses. All the rest are Republican dominated as an average. The U.S. House, Senate and now the presidency are now Republican. Those Democrat dominated states are dying (California, New York, Illinois); those under Republican leadership are improving to thriving.

President Obama, you are correct, you are the best. – the best at getting your side out of power. It is all your policies, laws, presidential executive power of the pen, to hell with the Congress attitude. You have been the best Republican vote getter ever. Thanks for your support, and Democrats, please keep it up.

Your Democrat political stable is depleted. There is no young war horses in the background, only old, tired plow horses (and horse faces and asses) left. I must admit, you are successful — at destroying your own party. And being the narcissist you are, you will never admit or recognize your role in destroying your party – ever, never, ever.

President-elect Trump has done more since his winning the election than you’ve done in the past year. Please, don’t embarrass yourself more and just go out quietly. You’ve had your chance and you blew it. The American public supported you and you let them down. Please, for your non-legacy and to those few left who believe in your leftist Marxist claptrap speeches and writing, be silent and just fade away so we can move forward. But Republicans can count on you keeping up the act and squawking so they can gather more support.

As for Mr. Basura stealing my line of “America rotting from within,” it is a compliment to me. Please use it liberally, just in the right context. President-elect Trump is not even president yet, and you are already doing the Obama squawk. Keep it up, I love when my competition steals my writings – shows I’m hitting home runs.

The rotting of America from within is slowly, ever so slowly, improving. The political stench will be gone soon.



Bob Moras
December 27, 2016
All valid points. I have laugh at Obama's last blurb. He thinks he would have beat Trump in this election, had he been able to seek a 3rd term. As he campaigned for Hillary he appealed to voters to vote for Hillary as his surrogate. So, I wonder as to the logic of his latest assumption. I am anxious to witness the first 100 days after Jan. 20, 2017. Hopefully America will begin to move America in a direction of greater border security, closing the doors to potential terrorist infiltration, a more robust economy and a more transparent government. Kudos to your post.
Jeffrey L Salisbury
December 28, 2016
Let's just select one assertion: "The system is falling apart under its own weight of regulation, non-participation by the public and insurance companies pulling out because of insolvency of the program." Prove it.
Free Market Man
December 29, 2016
Mr. Salisbury, Ranger Rick's assertion is pretty much fact overall according to the news sources I've seen - since you're retired has dementia set it already or don't you watch the news anymore? It has to be one or the other. Ignorance could be creeping in, however, being an educated and educator person, I think your Democrat bias or Trump hysteria may be surfacing. Please let us all know, I'm getting worried about all of you folks that voted for Hillary and your present mental condition. Take a chill pill, suck in a deep breath, and relax - get the blood pressure down. Do you feel better now?
Robert M Traxler
December 31, 2016
Mr. Salisbury, Sir, that the system of government is not working; is obvious to every person not blinded by preconceptions. Ranger Rick offers a good bit of proof in the column; debt, unemployment, division are outlined in the column. I have a feeling you will not be satisfied with any proof as you are being blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

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