The “Dynamic Duo” of oRanger Rick Art_7_0_0ur illustrious and smartest president in the history of the United States (though no evidence of such intelligence has been brought forth) and Secretary of State John Kerry (formerly a Senator from Taxachussetts and a Vietnam veteran and fondly known as “Lurch” because he resembles the TV character from Addams Family fame) have announced a deal with Iran over nuclear fuel production by that nation for building atomic weapons.

You have all found out what the details are by now, if you’ve listened or read anything about it in the media.

We all have a dog in this fight, because Iran, along with Syria, is the main supporter of terror by Muslim nut jobs. Since the public couldn’t see what was in the draft of the agreement, nor could Congress or any public official not in the administration, it was suspect from the beginning.

Now we know why – it is a disaster for the free world and a HUGE win for Iran with lax rules and inspection requirements and a huge, huge cash windfall (at last report $150 bbbb… Billion – yes, Billion, with a “B”) in bribe money. With the debt we have and we’re giving our enemy money? It’s your money, not politicians – but they don’t care, they aren’t losing a thing, you’ll be paying the bill.

The U.S., along with other western nations, agreed to this abomination of an “agreement,” not treaty (since treaties would need approval by Congress), because of the weak weasels in power negotiating this agreement. Hearing about the weeks of negotiations and Lurch crying and lamenting about the Iranian faction screaming at him and not giving an inch, it’s no wonder it came out as poorly written and enforcement weak as it took shape. In short, the West, and especially Lurch, was rolled – got their asses kicked and stomped on by third world country with customs and beliefs from the Middle Ages.

Lurch responded and performed just like he did in Vietnam, a shirker and coward, just like his shipmates described their riverboat commander during battle. Like President Clinton before him signing onto a treaty with North Korea in a lousy deal (yep, North Korea cheated throughout the treaty and has nuclear weapons and got the money) and now Obama with this joke of an agreement, the world is more dangerous than ever. Lurch is even more inept than his predecessor, Hillary Clinton. I think even Hillary, the liberal lefty she is, would do a better job than Lurch, but that isn’t saying much.

The only good thing to come out of this; Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Mideast countries decrying the Iranian and Syrian governments and their quest for atomic weapons can strike the areas of atomic power/bomb development and destroy their capability to continue or at least slow it immensely. Since they didn’t sign on, they are free to do so at any time. Whether they do so is certainly up to them, but I suspect the plans are already on the mission planning table.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not let President Obama and Lurch lecture him any longer. The time to act is coming, and the warrior he is in defense of his country, the Iranians better batten down the hatches, because the bunker buster bombs, I suspect, will soon be falling.

This president makes President Jimmy Carter’s administration and actions look like genius. President Obama is so weak, so sure of his elitist attitude, but yet so stupid (ignorance is lack of information, so he’s not ignorant) because of his unlimited hubris. Another Harvard educated empty suit, a petulant, spoiled child in an adult position of responsibility and power. He and his administration are a disgrace — that is as politely as I can express it. The “Great Appeaser” of our time (apologies to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain – yes, you have now lost the title to Obama). But what did we expect? A candidate with no executive experience in any profession or business, his only claim to fame being the best teleprompter reader in the Western World does not make a president.

I don’t want boots on the ground, nor air strikes by the United States, I’m not a war monger. But I would expect our administration to fight for the American people’s interests instead of trying to build a “legacy” – a legacy that will point to President Obama and his administration as the most corrupt, inefficient, ineffective, government-expanding, and largest debt creating president and administration in the history of the United States.

President Carter, my apologies to you, I was wrong, you are not the most inept president we’ve ever had. This guy is by far.

The rotting of America from within continues …

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