As an old curmudgeon, mosRanger Rick Art_7_0_0t of those in my generation have viewed many changes in American society – some very good — some, in my opinion, not so good. The idea below, supposedly embraced by the president, is not good, in fact, it is dangerous to the possible victims and perpetrators alike.

When I was growing up, boys were boys, girls were girls, men were men, and women were women. There were people who didn’t fit those descriptors, they saw themselves as “round peg” people trying to fit in a “square hole” world. I knew a few of those people, struggling as they grew up to adulthood – the teasing, ridicule, and shame heaped upon them. Most, once of age, quit school or graduated from high school and quickly moved to places they felt they were accepted or remaining anonymous within the population.

I had a family member who was a “round peg” in that she was a lesbian and identified with the male side of the relationship. She was unashamed and seemed very happy in her own skin. She never let others define who she was, nor did she back down from any challenges.

The first female shop steward in her factory, Madie was a mover and shaker, representing the workers in her irrepressible quest for fair pay and benefits. She was tough as nails and stood 5’3” but you would have thought she was at least 6’ tall. She never “suffered fools,”,she lived life to the fullest and didn’t ask for favors or make excuses for anything. I loved the lady with all my heart.

She could outshoot most hunters I’ve ever known (she hit three woodcock in a row one sunny, fall morning – people who hunt know the skill that takes) and could out fish most too. She ran a trap line as a young girl, harvesting muskrats and an occasional mink, supplementing the family income during the Depression years. Fur buyers said hers were the best pelts, well taken care of and cured, fetching the most money.

Now, the Obama administration and Justice Department is forcing all states to allow people who describe themselves as “transgender” to visit any bathroom, shower room, changing area they think they belong. I’m sure there are some who describe themselves that way and wouldn’t pose any problems in those places and would honor others and their own privacy.

However, nefarious individuals among us certainly will take advantage of this, and intimidate (ogle), molest, fondle, and rape girls and women in the process. Can you imagine a father of a little girl finding out his daughter was fondled and raped by someone in the girls’ bathroom or locker room by posing as a transgender person? And this was mandated by the federal government?

Is it any wonder those wishing to home school their children think the public school system has run amok with poor teaching and social environments, and now this – from the very government that should show support, nurturing and protection to young people? How many of the nefarious individuals taking advantage of this mandate could be injured or even killed by an outraged parent? And what jury would convict them, knowing the person committed a crime on the most innocent of innocents?

Don’t our children deserve protection? To this president, no – other person’s feelings and transgender identification are more important.

If the president is so fired up about this, and really wants to see this enacted throughout the country, I would ask: Mr. President, when you subject your daughters to such intrusions into their privacy in bathrooms, shower rooms and changing areas, and they experience those uncomfortable environments every day, then you have practiced what you preached. Until then, I encourage each and every school district, town, city, and state to resist this over-reach of government tyranny and intrusion.

The President is in his eighth and final year. What mischief and misery can he and his minions in the administration conjure up for the remaining months of his presidency? Plenty, and expect many more to come as he gets closer to leaving office.

We all had thoughts of him being the racial healer early in his term in office, bringing more people together – at least that was my hope when he won in his first term. I would never vote for the guy, since I knew what he was about (an avowed Marxist), but I was hoping for the best, since he was now our president. I didn’t expect the best, but he was much worse than what I could have ever imagined.

In every situation where there were racial connotations. Did he ask for calm and reserve judgment until all facts were known, waiting to comment until law enforcement officials figured out who did what to who and when and how? No, he waded right into the middle of every situation, calling officials handling the cases stupid, law enforcement over-zealous and racists, and generally taking the side that was eventually found to be the instigator and promoted the vile and harmful actions in the situations.

He invites race-baiters like Al Sharpton to the White House and supports and encourages rappers with vile and shameful lyrics in their songs to perform and enjoy themselves at the People’s House. Is that what this country expected of this president?

With all the problems this country now has (most incurred directly by the Obama Administration); 47 million eligible workers out of work, fewer people paying taxes than ever before, more people on food stamps and government assistance since the Depression, a failed economic policy, federal deficits and debt as far as the eye can see, international strife (North Korea, Middle East, Russia, a crumbling Europe, ISIS, etc.) and now this – the transgender issue – is the overwhelming main focus of this administration?

Are the American people going to accept and support this? I certainly hope not. Are we willing to surrender our privacy; our young daughters, sons, young people, and adult’s physical privacy to be breached by those wishing to do possible harm upon us? Does freedom and liberty mean anything in this country any more, or are we now robotrons, willing to abide by a government so out of control it can’t solve any problems of magnitude, so it has to show the public they are doing “something.”

They perpetrate this short sighted, irrational and idiotic scheme to rile up and upset the public for what purpose? Was there a “transgender issue” outcry of such importance to overshadow everything else, all the other problems we have, to stir the President and Justice Department to action on this one, relatively inconsequential issue?

The people of this country are true dolts if they think this is about any transgender issue – it is anything but – it is about freedom and liberty and how your rights and beliefs are being impugned, disparaged, degraded, and you’re being told it is for your own good by this administration. It is “Obamaesque,”sticking it to the existing public morals and civil practices, to extend Marxist ideas and stir up discord among the public – pitting a small, miniscule populace with identity issues (affecting an estimated 700,000 people) with the overwhelming majority at large. It is true Marxism and Alinsky practices to confront normal and harmonious public behavior with turmoil and discontentment – where right is wrong and wrong is right.

The politically correct crowd is taking up where Hitler left off, extending “blitzkrieg” attacks against the “enemy.” And that enemy is YOU!

Will you be willing to stand up or take it lying down? Time will tell. North Carolina and Texas are standing up on the forefront of this battle. Please show your support by writing those state governors, encouraging them to fight the Obama Administration in this overreach and idiotic government action. Michigan should be so lucky to have principled leaders like in North Carolina and Texas.

The rotting of America from within continues…

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