What are the polite ways of Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0saying someone lied? Something including one or more of the following or they are described as: mis-spoke, incorrectly remembered, mis-remembered, misinterpretation, misstatement, prevarication, fairy tale, falsity, fib, half-truth, jive, distorted, whopper, teller of untruths, fabrication, prevaricator, equivocator, white-lie, bullsheeter, bullcrapper, full of it, blowhard, and many others, you get the picture.

You know someone like that – just lies because they can. Usually they are politicians or of a political nature. Used car sales folks are close behind “Only driven on Sundays by an old lady, etc., etc.” Lawyers are well versed in “deception” of the highest order. I think the media can fall into this trap, especially the big three – ABC, CBS, NBC, and lately the giant FOX. CNN (Clinton News Network) is hopelessly lost in lies and half-truths. MSNBC is a close second. Both CNN and MSNBC have lost so many viewers they have become irrelevant.

Do you like it when you are lied to? I doubt it. So why is it done? Some will say to not hurt the feelings of others; some will say the truth isn’t the business of someone they are speaking with, so they lie. Some say they are trying to “protect” you. How many times have you been caught lying – a few or many instances? How did it feel when you lied and you knew it might get back to you? How did it feel when you lied and the person knew you were lying and confronted you? Kind of uncomfortable, huh?

We all know politicians lie, and some lie regularly – so much so people get used to it and can’t detect the lie from truth. There are some politicians, such as William Jefferson Blyth Clinton and his president running wife who’ve lied so often, they forget the truth and retell the whopper. Oh, they know the truth, but they lie because they have many things to hide. If you believed the depth and breadth of their lying, I doubt my Democrat friends would abandon them, but the independents would jump ship.

President Barack Obama looks great when he lies, and he is a lie – he’s never told the American people his true intentions of his desire to be president and what he would pursue and why when elected. He is the best “Manchurian Candidate” president, and probably the true first (Bill Clinton was a close second) that we’ve ever had. He is also a master at the podium when reading a teleprompter. He is a disaster without it. President Johnson was also very good at lying, but the Clintons and Obama have taken it to “art form” status.

I don’t dismiss the Republicans in the lying category; they just weren’t good at it. You could tell when they lied, the body language and facial tics gave them away. Democrats like the Clintons and Obama are so good, lying comes so naturally, the body language never gives up the lie. So they must believe all the bullsheet they are spreading. And the big three (ABC, CBS, NBC), FOX, CNN, etc. lap it up and don’t question the lies. FOX used to, but lately they’ve become lapdogs like the rest.

Every American with any modicum of intelligence and historical knowledge realizes lying is rampant and ingrained in us, especially politicians; always was, is, and probably will always be with us. Some are very good at it (Bill Clinton, Barack Obama), some are mediocre (Mrs. Clinton), and some are plain poor liars (Trump).

To pursue the presidency of the United States, surely egotism, nihilism, pompous behavior must drive these people to their decision to do so, but I think the American public is sick and tired of Obama, the Clintons, and their hangers-on cadre of corrupt political and media people. They desire the truth – they can handle it.

But once they know the truth (the real truth – not the bullsheet they are told) and let it sink in, they will be outraged. Almost $20 trillion in national debt, many states and cities with huge debt, retirement funding lacking, college loan debt, lower wages, public malaise, pathetic job growth, everything that should be up is down and everything that should be down is up, etc.

It is time for a drastic change, but Mrs. Clinton is not the answer – her decisions and administration will be the continuing of Obama policies and weak and humiliating leadership, both domestic and world stage.

More illegal immigrants, more Syrian immigrants let in with no vetting, and most importantly Supreme Court nominations of liberals, 2nd amendment being attacked and weakened, minimal job growth, higher taxes, more unemployment, more welfare, etc, etc.

Just remember, how did you feel when you were lied to? Remember that when you vote!

The rotting of America from within continues…




1 Comment

Mike Williams
September 14, 2016
The good ole USA government and politicians is based on them lying to the people. Get over it.

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