Most of us have backgrounds of mostly small town upbringing.  We were surrounded by those people who knew and loved us, not just relatives, but neighbors and friends.  We were taught right from wrong, expected to tell the truth, get along with others, and accept people as they were.

I went to a local school, graduated, worked in factories, served my country in the armed services, and have had a good and fruitful life.  As others in Townbroadcast have described, I am an old white male (titled by some as a “deplorable”) .  Someone said “white men” do not have a very good track record….”

I voted for President Donald Trump and most likely will again.  He has done what I expected him to do with the exception of building the wall with a door for legal entry into the USA.  There may have been some built, but after almost three years I had hope it would have been completed by now.

Democrats and others have condemned the actions of ICE with the recent roundup of illegal aliens at a chicken processing plant.  When this happened, the media became unglued, blaming everyone except the people breaking the law in entering the country illegally.

Others have attacked the processing plant for hiring these folks.  Does the media know what restrictions are placed on prospective employers when they accept an application for employment?  You can’t ask many pertinent questions that were standard years ago.  Arrest records, age, marital status, drug and alcohol use, medical history — none are applicable unless the applicant reveals the information voluntarily.

On the form, they can enter any Social Security number they want, and some don’t have a spot for SS numbers.  They are only required to provide a valid SS number if and when they are actually hired for payroll purposes.  In the case of Mississippi, the state uses E-Verify to check the validity of Social Security numbers.  Evidently, E-Verify has some explaining to do in verifying the validity of numbers.

Or are payoffs being done?  I’m sure the fake media is on it to find out the truth?  Don’t expect much out of this except to blame the employer.

On another subject, the death of Jeffery Epstein in a federal prison is very suspicious.  A person of his infamous standing in the political and entertainment world (hiring strippers and hookers for pleasuring traveling companions) and a friend of Bill’s.

Don’t be coy, you know how many people connected to the Clintons have assumed room temperature over the years. A phenomenal amount of people have ended up dead any time Bill or Hillary are involved in any shady deal.  Google the people dead around the Clintons’ past.

It would not surprise me if others are involved in his cell hanging, as in helping in the deed.  “A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” is most appropriate for the killing of President Kennedy and continues to this day.  His assassination by Oswald — what BS!  This was an inside job with the Mob and CIA.

And I’m sure the Epstein case is under the same cloud with his buddy (Bubba Clinton) being on the “Lolita Express,” Epstein’s private airplane and flown to Epstein’s private island some 27 or 28 times.  Epstein testifying about Bill’s time on the island would taint the Clinton reputation further down the road to perdition.  My sense is the fake media will drop this story like a hot potato and there will be little known about Epstein, his accusers or visitors.


August 13, 2019
Lawbreakers should be arrested, arraigned and, if found guilty, sentenced or deported. In the cases of U.S. citizens who knowingly hire undocumented workers should be subject to arrest because they broke federal and Mississippi state laws. In the case of the Koch Foods plant in Morton, Miss., that was recently raided, Mississippi has a law requiring E Verify. That plant was violating the law more than 600 times. All in search of low wage workers. Lots of folks have questions. Mine include why Tyson, Pilgrim's Pride, Sanderson Farms and Hormel chicken processing plants haven't been raided. Why haven't there been raids at beef slaughter/processing plants at Cargill Beef, National Beef Packing, Nebraska Beef or Tyson's beef operations? Another is if it's so difficult to find workers for slaughter and processing operations, why don't the companies raise their wages? Isn't that the way capitalism is supposed to work? Supply and demand?
dennis longstreet
August 13, 2019
Remember that Trumpy was his buddy also. Who has more to lose, an ex-president from almost two decades ago, or a sitting president? Trumpy had workers at Mar-a-lago who are in the lawsuit. You seem to only print what fits your own personal feelings. I see you living in a small learning to tell the truth. Maybe Trumpy should try the same.

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