Looking at the expaRanger Rick Art_7_0_0nding field of potential presidential candidates, one thing is apparent: Mrs. Clinton is losing ground.
Even Bernie Sanders (United Socialists of Vermont – a satellite province of the USSR) is thinking he has a chance against the person the media feels is successor to the throne, the obvious choice the Democrats put forth for president. Then the media started to turn on her. As the most under-accomplished Secretary of State of the past 50 years, a carpet-bagging senator from New York (again, mediocre at best), and hanger-on of Bill, with all the scandals surrounding her and President Clinton, just now the media can’t go along to get along? Are they are angling to get someone else, make that anybody else, on the ticket to oppose the myriad of Republican contenders?

While I don’t believe Bernie has a chance against the “Clinton Machine,” Elizabeth Warren, the darling of the far, far, wacko left, is waiting in the wings to possibly challenge Mrs. Clinton. She is playing coy at the moment, but that will change with pressuring Democrat operatives and media for another choice.

It is amazing to watch the attacks come to the Clintons, with the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation debacle unfolding. The big three (ABC, CBS, NBC) media always shielded the Clintons before and just yawned when any other media attacks came – now they are piling on! What gives? I thought Mrs. Clinton was a shoo-in, the inevitable candidate, the only successor to the crown?

Her immense baggage of historical Clinton scandals, China financed campaigns, Charlie Trie and other low-life wheelers and dealers of Far East coal suppliers, Monica Lewinsky and a myriad of other of Bill’s sexual deviancies and dalliances in and out of Arkansas governor’s and presidential office and her enabling such behavior, on and on and on. It just goes to show you can take a hillbilly anywhere and they still act like hillbillies. And before you disparage my opinion, these are the same folks that stole White House furniture when they left the place, a documented FACT.

While I find it laughable the media is just now starting to find out about her and Bill’s glaring problems with their foundation and other past scandals, mostly at the disillusion of the Democratic party wanting anyone but a Clinton on the ticket, I’m glad they finally are turning on the most despicable pair of political scumbags ever to disgrace the White House.

Let’s hope for anyone but Clinton on the Democrat side of the aisle for president.


The Michigan “road” vote was a little for roads, and big on graft and corruption to get the proposal to a vote. Not graft and corruption in the real sense, but certainly payoffs for votes on the Democrat side to get enough votes to get the proposal on the ballot. If you or I played the game like Lansing, we would be in court. They call it compromise. I call it lack of leadership, stealing from Peter to pay Paul.

To get the “road” proposal on the ballot, the Republicans had to “give” the Democrats some scraps for their vote. It allowed for more money for schools and two-year colleges and more for “earned” income tax credits. It they wanted just money for roads, the Democrats didn’t want that on the ballot without getting their share of pork for other programs.

The outcome shows the voters can’t be fooled any more with multiple initiatives on the same proposal. If you want more money for roads, make up a “road” proposal. If you want more money for schools or “earned” income tax credits, put them in separate proposals. We, the taxpayers, can’t operate our households on more expenses and less income.

Michigan government needs to slash budgets and unneeded programs and departments to the bone. There is no more revenue to be had without a growing economy and the giant sucking sound called Detroit, Pontiac and Flint are using tax dollars generated from the rest of the state. We cannot afford wasting more precious revenue on those programs and departments that are not needed.

The federal leviathan of bloated government will soon find it impossible to find more revenue to feed the government pig. It will go on a diet once they realize something cannot go on forever, it will stop.

I thought they didn’t have a plan “B,” but now those in Lansing are looking at a “Plan B” one day after the vote defeat – see, legislators do listen when they know the voters are angry. Representatives and senators in Lansing – fix the roads, fix the roads and fix the roads. You have it in your power to do so – do your job and get to it.

If it is too hard for you to do, raise your hand, cry “uncle” and admit you’re not up to the job. Someone else is always next in line. The voters will appreciate the honesty – something rarely seen in politics.

The rotting within the nation (and Michigan) continues…

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