In the jungle that is the Democrat party, it is becoming more clear who the three or four front runners are remaining.

Beto quit, saying he couldn’t mount a substantial money base to draw from — even Democrats who agree with Beto saying “hell yes, we’re going to take your AR15 or AK47” are apt to not support someone so honest about one of the Democrat Party’s main ideas, even though they support the idea 100%.  Now we have Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, and a gaggle of also-rans.  The most likely of the ones left are Biden and Warren, both congenital liars — Joe a crook, Liz a faux Native-American.

Regardless of the low qualifications to become a Democrat candidate, they all advocate free health care, free college, open borders and on a lesser scale confiscation of weapons, reparations, guaranteed monthly income, federal jobs for those seeking employment, free, free, free.  And then there’s the Green New Deal!

Let me ask a question of older citizens who have been working for 20-plus years.  When you were in high school trying to figure out what you wanted to do with your future, did you imagine your government would give you free college and health care?  We (working people) know nothing is free.  That is code word for government controlled which means the following:

• Less health care when you need it.  You’re in government health care — wait your damn turn.

• Less doctors and health care professionals because of government control and salary caps.

• Free college means crowded classes, inept professors and diploma mills.

• Those behemoth universities with constant building going on will cease to expand.

You like free health care, move to Canada.  You want the Green New Deal, open your wallet wide open — taxes will go up on everyone and nothing will change.  The weather will not change and the carbon emissions will continue to expand because no matter what we do the rest of the world will continue to pollute and spew carbon emissions.  You want the southern border open so the invasion can continue, vote Democrat.

What the country has to come to grips with is the enormous debt we have (something we can control);  federal debt, college debt, personal debt (credit cards). We are close to the abyss and looking over the edge.  The governing responsible parties are not up to telling the American people we need to grow up as a country and pay down debt and not accumulate more. However, politicians cannot and won’t face reality, even when they know it is the country’s best interest.  They care about power and nothing else.

We should be cutting more federal and state services, not expanding them.  Whole federal government departments that are redundant or determined not effective should be cut.  People should be informed no jobs are safe and everyone is an “at will” employee, regardless of position, rank, union or non-union worker.  We need less government , not more.

Folks, all good things come to an end.  It happens.  Economists know this will happen.  Bankers know this will happen.  It is about time the general public is informed this will happen.  And when it does, how the people react will be interesting to watch.  Will there be riots and mayhem, or will people band together and help each other to get through it, like in the Depression?

The difference between the Depression and now is in the Depression there were front porches and people knew their neighbors, now we have back yard decks and fences and don’t know our neighbors.  You figure out how people will react when their debit/credit cards don’t work and they cannot use a cell phone.  I think riots and mayhem will rule: Hell on earth, every man and woman for themselves.

Will we be able to come to grips with reality and understand the trouble we are facing?  I doubt it.  I encourage all of you to pay down debt, pay off the mortgage, credit card balance, vehicle loans, etc. and get yourself debt-free.  Or get ready for call-in for the balance of the debt or loan.  The debtor is slave to the lender — that is the truth.

My hope is I’m wrong, completely wrong.  But I doubt it.  You doubt it too.

The rotting of America from within continues…


Mick Lane
November 5, 2019
That whole post is a load of equine fecal matter. You managed to use a lot of bandwidth to try and obfuscate and confuse. Rather than debate you point by point (like Twain is reputed to have said, never argue with fools, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”), let me simply ask why it is that the Republicans are the ones who run up massive deficits, while the Dems balance budgets. And to my fellow Senior citizens I would ask, which Party is openly advocating cutting Social Security, calling it an entitlement program? Last I knew, we all paid for it all of our working years. Yep .... you guessed it ..... Trump, McConnell, and Rand Paul to name a few. Worse, they do it at the very same time they are giving massive tax breaks to already profitable companies. Hell, Amazon paid zero taxes and still got a rebate from the Trump led Republicans. Face it “Ranger” Rick ..... you are bought and paid for.
Don't Tread On Me
November 7, 2019
Mr. Lane, your Democrat hack untruths are scathing. Who doubled the federal debt in 8 years? Barack Hussein Obama. What cities are in terrible fiscal shape? New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore - all run by Democrats for years. Illinois and California are all but bankrupt because of Democrats. And the only party to talk about the quickly depleting Social Security fund is the Republicans. This is the same fund politicians of both parties raid and place IOU's never to be paid. Democrats use the SS fund as the boogey man against Republicans when they are the only party trying to find solutions to save it. I will agree President Trump needs to balance the deficit and start paring down the debt. With an expanding economy that can happen. But he's been constantly under fire for almost 4 years and he's still accomplished more than Obama in 8 years. If the Democrats would start working for the American people and their constituants, just think of all the positive things could be completed! They need a positive game plan instead of Trump, Trump, Trump every hour of every day. And the fake news is dying like the Democrat Party.
November 6, 2019
Laughable reply filled with outright denial of the massively obvious. While the GOP is very, very guilty of fiscal mismanagement, weakness and outright lies it is completely preposterous to label Democrats as the party of "balanced budgets" in any way, shape or form. If they balance them, they do it by passing things like gigantic fuel taxes like the ones our nutcase Governor has proposed. Balanced budgets? You mean like the ones in California, Illinois and New York?!! I for one would be 100% happy to have Social Security means tested IF the Government let me make more independent investment decisions with my own money along with stealing and wasting a lot less of it.

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