Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Hillary had everything – money, media in her back pocket and salivating at her every spoken word, sycophants saying she couldn’t be beat, contributors from foreign governments, dictators, moneyed interests pouring millions into her campaign coffers.

The only thing she didn’t have were the “deplorable” voters she and her supporters hated. She forgot the only thing to remember in politics – hold your friends close and you enemies closer. Votes count, anger and insults don’t.

Now she has nothing but her money gained through speeches and influence peddling. May the Clintons ride off into the sunset never to be heard from again (except if indictments are issued). I’ve always had faith in the American people, and they certainly didn’t disappoint. They understood the past eight years under Obama were terrible and they didn’t want any more of it and that’s all Hillary had to offer, maybe worse. With her inept and terrible performance as Secretary of State, then the private server debacle and Wikileaks emails, the American people finally saw what a devious, petty, vindictive, shallow, and unpatriotic person she really was and not the smiling politician she tried to project.

I am so proud we as Americans could see through the bullshit. And there was so much of it – before, during, and after the election. A BIG MIDDLE FINGER TO THE MEDIA!

After both times Obama was elected, I was disappointed, but I accepted the outcome. I knew what Obama was — a Marxist — and I hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. He was worse than what I ever envisioned. But he was our president, for better or worse.

What is with these protesters? Why is it the Democrat supporters have a hard time accepting defeat and start protesting after their candidate loses? Republicans don’t do that. We accept the exchange of power, we don’t like it either, but we accept the people have spoken and we accept the results. That’s what Americans do. That’s how elections work, get over it.

I know why Democrats protest. Because they are usually the folks who either don’t have jobs, aren’t looking for jobs, or don’t want a job and living in mommy and daddy’s basement, or they are idealist college students (minds full of mush) called to protest by their left wing professors with time to create chaos. Evidently, they don’t have anything better to do. Think of all that wasted emotion and energy that could be put to good use – like working and making a living.

Most Republicans are too busy trying to support their families, run their businesses, going to work to make a buck and have half taken away in taxes and fees forced upon them by government. They pay their taxes, some of their kids join the armed services, and generally love their country and hope for a better tomorrow. They are the backbone of the country. And they are sick and tired of being taken for granted and being scorned and belittled by politicians, government and media.

Do you realize there are more people working for government than working in U.S. factories? Really. Don’t believe me, look it up. That is the first place President Trump should concentrate on. Whittle down or eliminate those departments and agencies within the federal government by at least 5% per area to reduce the federal budget. Any time a federal or state government has more employees than what are working in factories tells you something – the government is too damn big!

Start building the “Wall”, and start that immediately by cutting off all foreign aid to Mexico to pay for the wall. If they won’t pay for it, don’t supply any foreign aid. If more is needed, tax (call it the Wall tax!) the remittances in the form of money from Mexicans here in the states to Mexico.

If people want to immigrate here, do it legally. There should be a concentrated and expanded effort to make immigration to the U.S. easier, but to meet a prescribed level of immigrants accepted per year. Those waiting in line should not lose their place, those wanting U.S. citizenship, get it line. If those from Mexico want to work in the U.S. and return home annually, the old system of migrant worker IDs should be enacted and those violating the terms of the program be deported and excluded from ever applying again or for permanent U.S. citizenship.

To those of you that voted for Hillary; the creation and emergence of candidate Trump was your fault. The media that vaulted Hillary to the Democrat candidate for president, you told the American people not in favor of Obama or Hillary they were everything evil, and we should be ashamed of not wanting an African-American or woman president, when color of skin or sex of a person had nothing to do with it. Voters believe the media (why? – they are masters at manipulation). If Obama had been a person such as Thomas Sowell and Hillary another Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, I would have been inclined to vote for them.

What I’ve been bothered by is both Hillary and Donald haven’t addressed what is near and dear to my and most Americans hearts (whether they ever think about it or not); the USA is nothing without FREEDOM and LIBERTY. I never heard either candidate speak ever of those two principles for the creation and ongoing existence of the nation. I realize Donald is no Republican or Conservative. I have no Polly Anna ideas that he will be the best president ever. But I know he will be better than either Obama or Clinton by far in getting this country on the right track – tempering the globalist ideas, encouraging more job creation, revenue creation/growth, eliminating illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, opening up energy resources, lowering taxes, and rebuilding the military and caring for veterans. Just a beginning of many things needing attention since the present administration has been unable or reticent, focusing attention and resources on those areas in need.

Give president-elect Trump a chance. If after three years, prepare for the presidential election year to replace him if he is not doing what he promised. If things are improving, give him four more years. That’s what elections are for. Get on with it for the future of the country.

And Democrats, as President Obama so famously said to Republicans after he won the first time, “Get over it, we won. You can participate, but you have to get to the back of the bus” – it’s your turn now!

Republicans are in charge in a few months, thank God, the adults are back in office. And President-elect Trump, drain the swamp!


Bob Moras
November 15, 2016
Well said and I agree. As long as I am here, let me add a few thoughts of my own. For the most part, I hold mainstream media responsible for the turmoil and chaos of the latest transition of power now ongoing. For as many people that painted Trump a racist, misogynist and buffoon, there were as many that testified to his advancement of women and minorities in the business world. In fact, 2 of those people were Jesse Jackson and Hillary herself. But did we hear any of that from the media during the campaign. NO! What was in the news was the rhetoric of a very bitter campaign, of which both candidates are to blame. There was absolutely no thought of what would happen after the campaign was over. The president himself called Trump unfit, inexperienced, a white supremacist and an enemy to minorities, and women. Is it any wonder that after Trump won the election, there is fear and loathing for our next president? Many on the left called Trump's campaign dark and divisive. But what about the campaign that Hillary and Obama ran? An example. Trump, in the beginning said, "Mexico is not sending its best people here. They are drug dealers, criminals and rapists. But some are OK I guess". That came out in news reports that Trump called all Mexicans rapists, drug dealers and criminals, leaving out the last bit of the narrative that some are OK. Another example. Trump questioned why the wife of Kahn was silent during his speech. He wondered out loud if it was because of religious constraints in a Muslin marriage. That was reported on as an attack on the bravery and patriotism of their son, as well as an attack on all those of the Muslim faith. Hillary picked up on the story line of the media and created a rhetoric to paint Trump as some kind of monster. Anther example. The bus conversation about taking liberties with women or the possibility of doing so. Several women that held their peace for years, miraculously appeared to, along with the taped conversation, to make Trump a sexual predator. Amazingly, several of those women's claims were debunked and we heard nothing further. But Trump was then labeled a sexual predator and misogynist. Both Hillary and the media are responsible for this. But more importantly, so are those that took campaign rhetoric and accepted it as fact. That is the problem with running that type of campaign. You just can't wipe the slate clean, after people have been convinced that word twisting rhetoric is more than what it was. Hillary had no choice. Her deficiencies were apparent. She made general promises of how her ideas were for a better America and the rest was to bring Trump down with personal attacks. And what was Trump to do? Had he tried to be the "Better Man", he would have lost "Biggly". It was disgusting. All we can hope for is, Trump will do a good job. Our future candidates will realize the predicament they will leave the next winner and the electorate in the next campaign, if the same tactics are used. And perhaps the electorate will learn to decipher thru the rhetoric of another such campaign, if this type of campaigning is the trend in our politics. I say, give the guy a chance to either prove or disprove himself. Let us all hope that America will become a better place and that some of Trump's policies will be to our benefit and successful, regardless of our political preference. It is not Trump that we are or should be concerned with, but the success of our country as a whole. Negativity is deterrent to that. Let us go forward with hope.
John Wilkins
November 15, 2016
Thank you Bob and Ranger Rick! Well done!
Robert M Traxler
November 15, 2016
Dam well said, The Washington Post and New York Times even apologized for their unfair coverage. Saddam Hussein did not get 90% negative coverage in the American press as Mr. Trump did. We have proven to be a center right nation once more.

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