The recent uproar over what warrant the FISA court allowed to tap phones or data lines in the Donald Trump organization during the presidential campaign is a joke. When asked if FISA approved of tapping lines, all government officials advised said they would know about it if they did, and no, none were approved.

Of course, that is legally tapped, it doesn’t address illegal tapping. But I digress, as this vapid conversation about the FISA court giving approval or not is a farce (as it usually is, and the media knows it) – of course they didn’t give approval.

They didn’t have to give President Barack Obama approval; he could order any government agency under Executive Order 12333 (EO 12333) to give him any information on anyone for any reason at any time in a report on what they found.

The dog and pony show the media puts up with talking heads saying the Obama Administration wouldn’t do such a thing and President Trump is leveling accusations that are unfounded. Are they unfounded? They know perfectly well the EO 12333 exists and has been used in the past and was being used by the Obama Administration.

President Trump is smarter than the media, and especially President Obama and his administration, as he tweeted his claim and let them step into the trap with all the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth of demanding to see proof of what he alleged. Day after day, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and all the other alphabet soup media outlets claims exasperation on what President Trump tweeted. Going so far to accuse the president of being crazy to suggest such a thing.

Well, Hell’s Bells, after all this, and to find out they were correct, the FISA court didn’t issue a warrant (or so they claim, and I suspect that is true, but you never know with Democrats).

The trap was set, they walked right into it, and here is the proof:


So in reality, they didn’t need the FISA court approval, nor have they needed warrants for years to spy on anyone they wanted to know about. They (the government) have been doing this for years on all of us. And if you think President Obama didn’t know about the wiretapping and what was divulged from it, you are living in Dreamland. I’m sure Hillary has her filthy paws somewhere on this also.

EO 12333 was alive and well in the President Obama years and especially in the last year of the presidential campaign. Too bad the information gleaned from it didn’t help Queen Hillary win the states she needed for the electoral college victory. She should have listened to President Slick Willy and gone to Wisconsin to beg for votes.

But it was a great win for America! The political stench and rot is getting less every day and America is seeing a new future and hope, one of productivity and renewal. The damage of the Bush and especially the Obama years was severe, I just hope we have time and fortitude to do what is politically right to keep the country going in the right direction. Balanced budgets, more people working, more jobs, more opportunity, investing in the country’s infrastructure, drop foreign aid (especially for Mexico to help build the Wall), and investing in our people will help turn this country around and moving forward.

Brilliant strategy, President Trump, keep them flummoxed and babbling!


Bob Moras
March 14, 2017
I'm not a real fan of this guy, but to date, he offers the best factual narrative of this wire tapping mess and the FISA Warrant story. On another show, a former National Security Director claimed that former National Security Council members were responsible for the Dem National Committee hacks and they left "Russian Footprints" to cover there hacking. The ability to do this is also a part of the following narrative.
Robert M Traxler
March 14, 2017
Ranger Rick, Dang man, you are not getting older you are getting better, well stated.

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