It has been my experience and has been demonstrated again and again by Democrats, they know how to fight and stick together.  With a growing group of Democratic candidates for president, they generally say the same thing — everything you want you can get free, just vote for me.

While this sounds good, especially to those with overbearing college loans and debt, those with medical issues eating into their budgets, and a number of other issues Democrats say are near and dear to their hearts, there is the question of who is going to pay for all this free stuff.  If you don’t have a clue, look in the mirror.

There is nothing, nothing that is free.  Socialists will say I’m wrong, comrades will rally and help their fellow comrades and the socialist government will pay for everything.  Where does this nirvana exist?  According to Democrats, it will exist when you vote them in.  The AOC squad of radical women representatives endorses the most radical of ideas for the Democrats to run on.  The Democrats as a party are silent and only the presidential candidates are saying these crazy things.  But maybe that is now being challenged.

Former president Barack Obama recently said the party should be forward thinking with great and not so great ideas, they still have to win elections and that isn’t done by running as nutjobs (my description, not his).  Much as I hate to agree with the Marxist Barack Obama, he is thinking as a mainstream politician because he knows you must run to the middle to get elected.  Remember “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.  If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and “We’ll have shovel ready jobs” that weren’t so shovel ready – hee, hee!

And the quid pro quo possibility,  “Tell Vlad after my election I have more flexibility”!  What? – flexibility for what, spreading more socialism within the United States?  Just what was he referencing?  We’ll never know because the Republicans were too chicken to ask an African-American president because they would be labeled as racists.

After saying how Democrats should approach the election, Obama was excoriated by the party faithful who loved the man while in office.  How the tables are turned when you call them essentially nutjobs!  Mr. Obama, you are correct on your assertions, but this Democrat Party will not listen.  You had your time in office so run along and don’t worry about us. We know what we’re doing.

A few Democrat representatives are now starting to think about their chances in the coming elections for their offices in Trump winning districts.  They are starting to tell the party they are not for the impeachment of President Trump and they are not supporting the hearings.  The cracks are starting to show in the Schitt circus of he said, she said, he said second and third hand information (in legal terms called heresay) – sounding like a seventh grade love infatuation.

After three years of trying, the Democrats cannot get Trump no matter how hard they try to conjure up charges and false evidence supported by the fake, lying media. When will they finally call it quits and start doing their jobs?  There are many things needing legislation approval and nothing, not a thing is being done while the circus continues.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have much to account for — hours of wasted time on impeaching Trump.  You’ve embarrassed yourself and the Democrat Party. Either vote to impeach now or cease and desist.

The American people deserve more and expect more.

The rotting of America from within continues…

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