For those of you healing from the 2016 presidential election, if your candidate was not elected, there are a few people to blame. And it’s about time to get over the results and support the President.

Secretary Hillary Clinton was a very flawed candidate. Not much for accomplishments and everything she had her hands on or decided was either a complete disaster (her health care plan, Benghazi) or in hindsight was a poor decision. She had quite a few. She attacked all the huge numbers of women who had anything to do with her husband’s infidelities and dalliances. She was shocked – yes, completely shocked — at his infidelities, even while in office (both as governor of Arkansas and President of the United States), even though she had a “bimbo eruption” team to keep Bill on the straight and narrow.

But Bubba is old news. She was the old Democrat; embracing socialist ideals, never met a public dollar she couldn’t spend, and amassed millions in contributions for herself, her campaign, and the Clinton Foundation (of dubious effectiveness in helping the poor). What happened to all that money in the Clinton Foundation? But I digress.

Congress, on the other hand, is the worst performing legislative body in the history of the republic. Whatever President Barack Obama wanted (remember the last budget, Republicans gave him more than he asked for – the Democrats were overjoyed!), he pretty much got whatever he wanted without much fight. Obamacare was passed in the dead of night by promising Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) that the bill would not have any taxpayer money for abortions. Bart, a pro-life Democrat voted for it, but President Obama and the Democrats kept abortion in the bill after all. Bart the Stupid’s mistake was thinking President Obama was a man of his word. How’d that work out, Bart? President Obama would sell out anyone to get his way.

How do you know Democrat and Establishment Republican politicians are liars? Their mouths are moving. They hardly ever tell the truth and weasel their way out of everything. They place the wetted finger to the air and find out which way the political winds are blowing and follow the hot air. Trump is his own man, neither party owns him nor is he beholden to them. And they hate him for it.

Trump was a businessperson. A person called to action just because of his love of the country. Is he perfect? Far from it. Thank God, he isn’t a politician. He worked in private life and amassed billions. He’s weathered bankruptcies, built hotels and developments, managed in good and bad economic times – a consummate executive and promoter. You could call him Carnival Barker Extraordinaire.

Is he the perfect candidate and President? For the times, I will go out on a limb and say he’s just what was needed at this point in history. In fact, he may finally get us out of our malaise of no growth ever under President Obama and the Establishment Republicans of Bush and his kind. He has all the conservative Republicans and some thinking Democrats to thank for his victory last November. I was a Cruz supporter, but once he dropped out, I was a reluctant Trump supporter. As the election grew closer, I was a committed Trump supporter. He hasn’t disappointed me yet.

The media cannot control the narrative as they did with other presidents. Of course, President Obama was rarely criticized nor ever properly vetted. Everything he did was acceptable to them. Calling out law enforcement before he had the facts, giving $150 billion of Your Tax Money to Iran to halt nuclear development, gun running in Mexico (Fast & Furious) resulting in death to immigration officials, Cash for Clunkers, Obamacare, bowing to world leaders, America is not exceptional, selling 20% of stored uranium to Russia, Russian reset (remember the button Secretary Clinton had?), racial division, etc., etc. President Obama was a disaster.

However, he was a great Teleprompter reader, but he never looked right into the camera to the American people on television. Maybe he knew you never looked at the suckers you’re trying to fool? He was an empty suit and never loved America.

President Trump won, and those that continue to try to block his initiatives that helped put him in office; either get aboard the train or watch as the train pulls out of the station never to return. Good things are happening, albeit too slowly for any Trump supporter. The economy is hitting a growth rate of almost 4%, unemployment has dropped, jobs aren’t scarce anymore – all in only nine months in office. What a turn-around from a know-nothing, do-nothing President Obama and his inept administration. If Secretary Clinton would have won, it would have been another four years of Obama. More misery, more of nothing good for the American people.

President Trump; stay the course, keep tweeting, keep the fake media babbling to themselves, and get more pressure on the Congressional Republicans. Get more conservative candidates to oust the Establishment Republicans offering stiff resistance to your initiatives up for re-election. The people who love this country must stand up and oust Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan for replacements that embrace and support your initiatives.

Build the wall, lower taxes, eliminate unwanted and damaging regulations, reign in and eliminate the excessive and redundant departments within government, select conservative and constitutional judges, and support the military without overburdening military leaders with rules of engagement. That’s why President Trump was elected. He spoke to the average person of the fears and chaos created by President Obama and his out of control administration. And to people on welfare or assistance and of working age and able to work, get out and get a job. That is the best way to getting out of poverty, not welfare and government handouts.

The Democrats and Establishment Republicans helped create his path to the presidency. They only have themselves to blame for not listening to the people who love the country. President Trump listened and responded, and got their vote.


Peggy E. Otto
October 24, 2017
Ranger Rick. This was an extremely well written article and 100% right. I thought Trump was the best for the job back in 2012. He may not be what we want but what we need. What I have enjoyed about is watching his faith grow. He has embraced our military -stepping away -giving them the resources to fight and win wars. I love that he put generals in charge of departments. The disrespect he had gotten over what he said to the fallen soldier familyover the weekend is appalling. But not surprising. If it was Clinton-nothing would have been said. I am publishing a book for each one of my grand children. I am going to send him a copy. If he even looks at it-it will be an honor. President Trump, you are a gift to our nation. Keep up your wonderful work-plow through all of the disrespect and realize there are people out in this wonderful nation that thank the Lord for you each and every day!! Don't like what I said--check the stock market-it has been the highest ever since Trump has been in Washington--Stock brokers bet on a sure thing-they are betting on Trump
October 26, 2017
Peggy - I've noticed the stock market gains, too. It's been very nice, and I hope that we see continued strenghening in investments. It does appear that you conflate the rise to President Bone Spur, which may be a bit of wishful thinking on your part. Note the financial indicators saw huge improvement under Bill Clinton, went into the toilet under George W. Bush, and climbed from those depths under Barack Obama. There have been great gains thus far under Trump, but if we want to give him credit for that, shouldn't we applaud Clinton and Obama, and deride W? By the way, I'd love to hear more about how Trump is growing in his faith. What evidence of that are you seeing? I seem to be missing the signs of his upswing in religiosity.
Peggy E. Otto
October 26, 2017
His pro-life stance. I was really surprised when Right to Life endorsed him.. I am active in North Allegan Right to Life and have sat on the committee that determines if a candidate gets an enforcement. Trust me, for the candidate, it is no walk in the park to get endorsed--you must be 100% pro-life -no exceptions. So on that alone--is a huge change for him. Finally, man sees that outward of man but only God can sees the heart.
October 26, 2017
That certainly was surprising, the RTL endorsement. Thanks for clarifying your position.
October 25, 2017
And let's not forget, Ranger Rick - and Peggy too - Trump is also one of the two very best presidents ever, maybe the best of all time, but with the one possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. How do I know this? Donald said so himself.
October 26, 2017
When did teleprompter use become a sign of weakness? President Reagan, a saint in some "conservative" circles was hailed as The Great Communicator and he used telepromters for every major speech as President and on the campaign trail. President Trump used a teleprompter in his GOP acceptance speech and recently admited he used "charts" with the correct names so there was no way he had forgotten Sargent Jonhnson's name when calling his widow. To date President Trumps off the cuff remarks like his comments on the Charlottesville torch carrying protestors did little for national unity. Denegrating Senator McCain was about as un-Presidential as any US President has been when talking about a US Senator. But I've ony been voting for President since 1972. Some are very happy about the possible end of Roe v Wade. I am anxious to see how many pro-life voters step to the plate when legal abortion ends and we have 1000's of new Americans whose parent(s) will need a social safety net that will include food and housing subsidies. I hope we see a change from how protecting rights of the unborn have had taken precedence over the welfare of babies after live births. On a happy note, if your bank screws with you or your accounts like signing you up for services that weren't requesting or changing your credit card liabilities there's no more messing with joining a class action suit. Mike Pence broke th 50-50 tie so you will be required to go to arbitration or use all your assets to fight a bank's legal team that will never run out of motions to bleed your legal fund dry. Keep that in mind when you're talking about looking out for the little guy and draining the swamp. And so it goes.

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