Contrary to what I told my friend Army Bob what my subject would be for this edition, the weekend news has changed my subject matter.

To you folks who hoped the Mueller Report would convict President Trump and others on the campaign and in the White House and show that his election was a fluke, not legal, and he shouldn’t be president; take a deep breath, count to ten, suck it up, and repeat “President Trump, President Trump, President Trump!”  Get used to it.
I had to endure eight long years of an amateur, Marxist, no growth, no jobs, subservient President Obama that President Trump is easily a much better leader for the United States by far. More job growth, rising hourly and salary pay, respect of our allies, fear from our adversaries.  Trade deals better for us, tariffs for those not cooperating, and more trade than ever that is fair for both sides.
The false claims came from a dossier that was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  The media, so hell-bent to stop Trump any way possible pounced on assertions with no investigation and close scrutiny. The media, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and all Democrat legislators should offer a huge apology to President Trump.  The FBI, Justice Department, and other government organizations should be investigated and players in this shameful period be fired and replaced post-haste.
Now the Democrats are recommending eliminating the electoral college, lowering voting age to 16, allowing criminals and illegals to vote.  They need more votes, and if you can’t win legally (both popular and electoral college vote), change the rules. For those of you who agree with the Democrats, shame on you. This is the best country in the world — how do I know?  Look at the millions trying to get into the country — both legal and illegal.
We need the Wall, a big concrete wall with plenty of border guards to apprehend anyone coming over or under.  The illegal hordes invading our country need to be stopped. The criminal elements coming in present a danger to American citizens. We all know most are coming for opportunity, but not all.  We cannot afford to allow the invasion to continue.
President Trump, may you finish this term and be re-elected in 2020!
The rotting of America from within is less now with President Trump!


Peggy Otto
March 26, 2019
God Bless you Ranger Bob. President Trump is a gift to this country. He does not need to be president, but he saw how poorly this country has been run and couldn't stand it any more-especially seeing a President salute a Marine with a coffee cup in his hand. It is called by the military--the Latte Salute. disgusting --So he ran and won the presidency. Praise the Lord! God Bless you, President Trump and God Bless America
Harry Smit
March 26, 2019
Just waiting to hear from our liberal friends on this subject.... I can just about guess it's thru President Trump's talks with China or North Korea ..which in turn talked to Russia..which than influenced another yet to be named country which in turn influenced the election out come in favor of President Trump... Since they found no direct collusion, this surely must be the next avenue.of investigation.
March 26, 2019
It's fascinating reading Ranger Rick’s rant(s) about our President being owed an apology for a two-year investigation by a special prosecutor who found the President’s campaign didn’t work in concert with Russia in 2015-2016 and then start tossing out unsubstantiated claims about the Clinton campaign. Then we are expected to believe President Barack Obama was a Marxist because Ranger Rick says so. We’re told President Obama’s policies had nothing to do with the recovery from The Great Recession and stating it was a jobless recovery. If that was the case, why did unemployment numbers drop and the housing markets that were so robust there was a shortage of housing skilled trades that still exist? Robert Mueller investigated the possibility of the Trump campaign working with Russia for a successful outcome. Mueller found that the President’s campaign didn’t coordinate with Russian activities in 2016 and that investigation began in May 2017 and concluded in March of 2019 — 22 months. Conversely, Ken Starr began investigating President Bill Clinton’s involvement on a land deal called Whitewater in 1994 and ended more than four years later prosecuting for lying about an affair. President Donald J. Trump should be satisfied that his campaign was investigated and though he employed some people like Paul Manafort who dodged taxes and worked for foreign leaders, the President or his campaign didn’t work with Russia. When you are President of The United States you better have iron underwear because there are always people who will disagree with you in public forums. If your sensibilities require constant adoration and a need to surround yourself with fawning sycophants ready to agree with everything you say, the U.S. presidency may not be a good fit unless media censorship is possible. No one needs to apologize to any POTUS for an appointed Special Prosecutor doing his or her job conducting a thorough investigation. That’s how U.S. democracy works. And so it goes.
Robert M Traxler
March 27, 2019
You missed the part about President Clinton's "lying about an affair" was under oath making it perjury and obstruction.
Lynn Mandaville
March 27, 2019
Why is it that we (the talking heads who think we know so much better than historians, pure journalists, and real scholars) continue to harp on the old bullshit? Why are we so intent on revisiting the sins of former leaders instead of insisting that current leaders (of all parties) behave honestly, above board, maturely, and in the interests of the people? I'm so sick of the "what about-ism," the "oh, yeah, well old so-and-so did such-and-such." How about what is being done now, today, by men and women of dubious intentions? How about the rhetoric being spouted by men and women more concerned about re-election and sound bites? It's only this woman's opinion, but I think it's time to insist upon the non-dysfunctional among us to raise the bar of conduct and public speech, to insist that people act like and actually be the kind of people our parents raised us to be. If I were to conduct my life like some, my Ma and Pop's ashes would be aquiver.
Don't Tread On Me
March 27, 2019
Superbly put by someone eminently qualified to chastise others who disagree with her. I'm glad she sees the apology to President Trump will be forthcoming by elites and Democrats. I'm sure she will agree we must move forward and not revisit history.
Robert M Traxler
March 28, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, Please define "pure journalists, and real scholars" thank you kindly.
Lynn Mandaville
March 29, 2019
AB, my definition of pure journalists refers to those (unlike you and me, who are opinion-spouters) who report facts without bias. By that I mean reporters who do not exhibit their own leanings. Some of the more blatant talking heads, in my opinion, include Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity. Most reporters on the left and right show varying degrees of liberal or conservative bent. By real scholars, I mean people who look to comment on what has happened well after the fact, so that time and cooler heads may evaluate the causes and effects of events. Social media has made it possible for every Tom, Dick and Harry to feel qualified and emboldened to pass on "facts." You and I know that fact and opinion are two distinctly different thigs. Hope that clears up my meanings.
March 28, 2019
I'm sure, Rick, you're not trying for irony, but this is rich. The man that won't apologize is "owed" an apology? He fostered the lie for years that Obama wasn't born in the UJS. No apology. He defrauded vulnerable people with his Trump University. No apology. He was disrespectful to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), and continues to do so seven months after his death. No apology. I just paid my taxes, like I do every year. "Not paying taxes means you're smart", according to our unapologetic President. No apology to me, or other taxpayers. Or to veterans, that served their country while Don say home. Irony abounds.

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