Senator Ted Cruz has announRanger Rick Art_7_0_0ced his candidacy for President of the United States in 2016… and the long knives have come out.

Rep. Peter King, representing the state of New York’s 2nd district, a Remocrat if there ever was one, described Cruz as a “carnival barker” and he remarked Cruz is not “experienced.”  This remark, from a so-called Republican that sides with the Democrats more than his side of the aisle, should shame Mr. King, a disgrace to the Republican Party.

Another Marxist, Gov. Jerry Brown of Fantasyland (CA) said Cruz was “totally unfit to run” because he didn’t believe in global warming. Gov. Brown, when the reality of the weather doesn’t fit the computer models for global warming, are you ever going to admit YOU and others of your ilk are wrong – science is not a consensus – it is fact. Global temperatures have been cooling since 1997.

Jerry, you might want to fire up another doobie and get back to the hot tub in Sacramento – you’re out of your league and a two-bit governor of a state that is broke, bankrupt, kaput! I was in your state when you were governor the first time and you haven’t learned a thing. California deserves a throw-back hippie like you. Don’t bogart (apologies to Humphrey) that joint, my friend, pass it over to me! Yeah, right Jerry.

The liberal media jumped on the announcement as tantamount of going back into the “dark ages.” The “View” ladies squawked and squealed like they were hogs stuck with a knife about how much of an“idiot” Ted Cruz is. When the liberals start squawking about a real conservative candidate, that’s when I start smiling – their ox has been gored. That means they fear Ted Cruz like no other Republican candidate.

And when liberals, commies, and Marxists are scared, he’s the right candidate for the Republican Party. Don’t get me wrong, the Republican bench is strong and there are others that will jump on the bandwagon, but Ted Cruz is one impressive candidate.

Let your prejudice down and be objective – look at his qualifications (reference: Wikipedia):


• Graduated high school valedictorian from Second Baptist High School in Houston, Tex.

• Graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy.

• While at Princeton, won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North America Debating Championship. He was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year.

• Semi-finalist in the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship – Princeton’s highest ranked debater at the championship. The Princeton named their annual novice championship after Cruz.

• Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree. While at Harvard Law, he was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy and founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.

• Referring to Cruz’s time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz (darling of the liberal far left) said, “Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant” At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.

Legal Career:

• Cruz served as a law clerk to J. Michael Luttig of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in 1995, and William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States in 1996. Cruz was the first Hispanic to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States.

• After clerkships, he took a position with Cooper, Carvin and Rosenthal, now known as Cooper & Kirk, LLC.

• Joined G.W. Bush presidential campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser in legal matters, civil justice, criminal justice, constitutional law, immigration, and government reform.

• After President Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department and as a director of policy planning in the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

Texas Solicitor General – 2003-200

• Cruz has authored 70 United States Supreme Court briefs and presented 43 oral arguments, including nine before the United State Supreme Court, more than any practicing lawyer in Texas or any current member of Congress.

• Cruz has been named by American Lawyer magazine as one of the 50 best litigators under 45 in America, by the National Law Journal as one of the 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America, and by Texas Lawyer as one of the 25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century.

Private Practice – 2008-2013

• Cruz worked in a private law firm in Houston – Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

U.S. Senate – 2012-Present

Cruz announced his candidacy after Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson said she would not seek   re-election and won his seat over Democrat Paul Sadler with 56.4% of the vote.

Now he wants to run for President in 2016 and the liberal left is apoplectic over Senator Cruz. Good, because if they are out of their head crazy over Senator Cruz’s candidacy, he must be considered a huge threat to them. Let’s see what he believes and why it is so out of the leftist ideology:

• Border Security

• Uphold Second Amendment Rights

• Smaller Government

• Balanced Federal Budgets

• More Power to States

• Strong Defense

• Repeal of Obamacare

• Immigration Reform

• Tax Reform

And he doesn’t even need a teleprompter to get through a speech.

Yeah, sounds pretty radical to me! About time we had a real leader and president for all Americans in the White House. Go Senator Cruz!




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