To all the readers of Townbroadcast – Happy New Year and I wish you a prosperous and healthy year!

So the United States Government is in shutdown now. We won’t save any money since everyone working and not working will still be paid after the shutdown is over. Other than the folks wanting to visit historical sites and U.S Parks, is anyone feeling the pain? No, not really. The mail is being delivered, social security checks are being issued, and life goes on.

The amount wanted by the President is a measly $5 billion, about the amount needed to run the government for a day. The Democrats spend that without blinking an eye. Funny, President Donald Trump has upped the debt and the Democrats scream. President Barack Obama increased it more in eight years than all the presidents before him (an additional $9 trillion) and not a peep from his fellow Democrats or the media. Huh, guess it wasn’t a big deal.

The Democrats’ opposition to the Wall or Fence (whatever the nomenclature used), they say there is no need to keep out the people from the south, they can come in and work for them as gardeners, landscapers, ditch diggers, maids and what is known to Democrats in Texas as “pedro labor.” But we all know the real reason — more votes.

If fences and walls don’t work, why do they work in Israel? Why does President Obama’s mansion have a 10-foot brick wall around it? Why does the White House have a wrought iron fence around it? I bet both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have fences or walls around their compounds (millionaires have compounds, common people have houses). Why? Because they work, they know they work, you know they work.

All Democrats not long ago were all for a wall when they had the majority, but then when candidate Trump campaigned on it, it became verboten to speak of support for the Wall.

Can a wall be overcome? Sure, anything man-made can be overcome. But now, they just walk across the border unmolested and disappear into the interior without a trace. With a wall, that will not happen, and anyone breaching the wall will be apprehended by the Border Patrol. Instead of thousands entering every day, it will be single digits being apprehended.

Every year it is estimated now there are 1 million-plus illegals entering our country. Of that population, there are 63% who are on public assistance of some sort or another or all the assistance offered. That means many are working for cash and eliminating taxes altogether, or they give a false social security number to their employer and hoping they never are found out.

The President is correct, the shutdown of the government is really on the Democrats. The House passed the bill authorizing the wall, but the Senate will not without Democrat support. So Democrats are saying to you, American citizens, they think more of people who break our laws to enter our country illegally and among those are drug dealers, rapists and murderers. Of course, there are the majority just wanting an opportunity to enter the country for a new life, but they say we don’t like your laws. Most don’t want to assimilate into our culture and some not even using English.

To see what the severity of the immigration has done to a state, take a look at California. The whole state is a study of how not to run a government and many cities are on the verge of bankruptcy. Governor Jerry Brown (aka “Moonbeam”) is more worried about welcoming illegals than he is people entering the country legally. Sanctuary cities abound in California. It is devastating to the state — the public support systems are being overrun and decimated — hospitals, schools, government offices, courts, law enforcement.

I would hope President Trump would issue an executive order stating any state or city with sanctuary status be withheld federal government funding until such time as they rescind the sanctuary status.

I’m all for legal immigration. A friend of mine had a son that married a Mexican national and it took them years and about $17,000 to get her citizenship. She is now a proud American citizen. Anyone who wants in the country, please get in line to legally be allowed entry. Welcome to the United States!

The rotting of America from within continues…



dennis longstreet
January 8, 2019
The Obamas dont have a ten foot high fence around their house that has already been proven .You and Sara Sanders need to get your facts strait.We do not live in Israel let them build all the walls they want.Is any one feeling the pain(what a stupid question) the people working and not getting paid. $5 billion may be measly to you but thats a lot of money.Your 63% is not a fact either. Maybe Pence can help you out with your facts. Our next invasion will be roofers with ladders.I would hate to fact check your article it would most likely self destruct.
Harry Smit (the amateur essayist)
January 8, 2019
Mr Longstreet You point out Ranger Rick uses examples that are not true. So what is correct? Does past President have a fence? If so do you know why or how high? Yes, 5 billion is large money to you and I. But to those in government billion means nothing....trillion does raise an eyebrow. 63% is a bogus number so what is the correct number.? Sir, it is very easy to say facts are not facts. It is much harder to provide the correct answers or a solution. It has been proven that not all fact checks sites are reliable. How does one stop illegal immigration when you have so many supporting these illegal immigrants.? Will you and I see the ramifications, most likely not, but our children's children will. Most claim they want a better Country for the future generations.. It looks like the way for a better Country for future generations is open borders with no immigration rules or laws. My solution is a border that no one breaches without dying...which is not very popular.
dennis longstreet
January 10, 2019
Mr Smit I am not the writer just the amateur commenter Its not my responsabilty to verify a journalist so called facts . Look at the big news companies 63% on assistance verified by ?? 5 Billion wasted 100 times is a half a trillion.
Robert M Traxler
January 9, 2019
Mr. Longstreet, Sir, The Obama's do have a wall/fence not completely around their home but in the front and in other strategic areas for security. The United States Secret Service recommended the fence/wall. The truth is what you wish it be but it is a wall, a partial wall sure enough but a wall. Perhaps a bit of fact checking of your own would be good?
dennis longstreet
January 9, 2019
The article states the wall around the Obamas is ten feet tall not true.Like saying the snake that bit me was 10 foot long instead of 3 feet long just to promote fear. scared people make rash choices.
Harry Smit ( the amateur essayist)
January 8, 2019
Ranger Rick Another excellent article. No fence will keep all out..the only wall that was 99% successful happened in Germany. The Berlin Wall worked because you were shot trying to enter or leave. The American public is not ready for that secure of a barrier. So the Democrats may be correct it will not be 100% effective. But does that mean it should not be tried? It is very possible illegals voting will have a very negative effect on Local, State and Federal government.... Large concentrations of immigrants who fail or refuse to assimilate already have impacts on areas . Diversity seems to be the rally cry of today. How diverse can a country become before they are the largest diverse group in that country? Do I favor a secure border...yes but it must be similar to the Berlin do not breach the border by coming it or leaving and live . Otherwise a wall / fence etc is a waste of time and money.
Lee Greenawalt
January 9, 2019
Ranger Rick needs an update. He states California cities are going bankrupt. and somehow links that to excessive immigration. Some bankruptcies happened early in Governor Brown's first term after Republican governors. He just left office with a state surplus to be applied to past debts. Data shows immigrants after 5 years contribute much more to the economy than they drain.
January 9, 2019
And Mexico will pay for it! C'mon. It was never a serious proposal. Even most republicans know that. And the 5.7 billion dollars doesn't pay for it. It's a start. The real cost of completion of the wall would be at least three or four times that. But it could be tunneled under or gone around, or climbed over, or broken through. I suppose Harry is right: if we're not willing to shoot 'em, the wall won't work. And wasn't that a low energy speech? Very low energy. Very very low energy.
Don't Tread On Me
January 9, 2019
Mr.Greenawalt, Just checked the web on California debt, it is approximately $1.3 Trillion dollars. Gov. Brown said he had a surplus of revenue of 30 Billion, where a state accounting office says it is closer to 14.5 Billion for year end budget report. That doesn't make a dent in the overall debt burden Californians are responsible for. Taxes are the highest in the country and San Francisco is besieged by homeless in the streets and using drugs and defacating on public streets and sidewalks. The once golden state is turning brown.
January 10, 2019
Tread - is that what they tell you on FOX? That people in San Francisco defecate on the streets? Did that silly slur on a major American city strike you as odd? Are you that gullible?
Don't Tread On Me
January 10, 2019
No, the people cleaning up in front of their businesses every morning say they are cleaning up after homeless and drug ridden people pissing and shitting on the sidewalks. However, I thought I would clean up the language, but some people need a graphic description to get the picture. Check the web,because you won't see it on any station you view like CNN. It doesn't look good in the bastion of liberalism- San Francisco. You and all other Democrats hate Trump so much, you don't care about anything or anyone else. This president has done more positive things for this country in two years than Bush or Obama did in 16. Oh, and if you would want to live and work in San Fran,, there is a position to clean up the sidewalks of the urine and human waste every day. I've heard it pays $80,000 per year. That should pay for a 1 bedroom apartment in SF if you can find one. Good Luck with that.
January 10, 2019
Because the author doesn't personally know any of the 800,000 Federal government employees according to his logic its not a big deal. I personally know a US Coast Guard Petty Officer First Class (that's an E-6) with a wife and 4 children who won’t get a check Friday, 11 Jan 19.. He got one of the now deleted emails suggesting his wife could do daycare, tutor, maybe pick up a part time job at a big box store to tide the family over while our Commander-in-chief acts like a petulant child worried more about his political base and support in the US Senate than the men and women who work for the Federal Government. I arrived at the conclusion the demand for The Wall is purely political when I saw a 40 second TV ad on a national network making claims about being in a "crisis", why we "need" a wall then noticed it was paid for by Trump 2020. That's President Trump's campaign committee he filed to form a day after his inauguration in January 2017. Can anyone tell others or myself why President Trump’s inaccurate tweet about the fence around President Obama’s Washington DC residence (that matches the other fences on the homes on either side of his DC residence is cogent to a debate about National Security? It seemed it was another tweet to rev up President Trump’s loyal base who appear to believe anything and everything he says or tweets as he diverts attention from facts. We saw Press Secretary Sarah Sanders being interviewed by Chris Wallace on a Fox News Sunday Show trot out the bogus 4000 terrorist/smuggler number others in the administration have also done as a talking point as justification for a wall. When Mr. Wallace corrected her obfuscation pointing out those 4000 had been detained at airports all she did was repeat her incorrect initial statement. More wall isn’t going to stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling in California or other states as the author implies. Most drugs and criminals get through existing, official points of entry. I have no issue with Federal expenditures for border to hire more border agents, repair and upgrade existing technology (like CCT video and building more cell towers) but $5.7B for a wall to fulfill a campaign promise Is an example of very cynical politics. How can any legitimate “small government” conservatives or self-labeled libertarians talk about individual property rights with a straight face when the administration will use eminent domain to acquire land if the owners, some of whom have land that’s been in their family for decades, sometimes nearly a century refuse to sell? I suspect the President will use Army Corp of Engineer funding that typically goes for projects to mitigate hurricane damage along the Gulf and East Coast. If we were to see a mass walkout of TSA airport security personnel on Sunday or Monday effectively keeping many member of Congress unable to fly back to DC and more importantly trashing the travel plans for 100’s of thousands of voters I’m willing to bet Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s GOP support would vaporize. And so it goes.

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