The circus has left town – the impeachment of President Trump has been done and San Fran Nan doesn’t want to send over the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial.  The reasons for this, as Nan indicated, is she wants assurances from the Senate that there will be a trial that will be fair and include witnesses from both sides (she really only wants one side represented).

But Speaker Nancy Pelosi, being the politically astute idiot she is, has not forwarded those articles of impeachment yet for Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.  So is the President impeached or not?  According to some constitutional scholars, nothing will happen until the Senate receives the articles of impeachment.  So, in essence, President Trump is not impeached only by vote and not by political action.  What is San Fran Nan’s strategy behind her reluctance to move it to the Senate, only she knows.

Maybe she needs to go home and see what a trash heap downtown SF has become with squatters living, crapping, and peeing all over high rent commercial districts. If Nancy would come outside and take a stroll a few blocks from her compound, she would see what liberal policies at both local and state levels have wrought.  Can you imagine owning a business where each day is cleanup for hours to get the feces and stench away from your establishment?  The once proud San Francisco, a place many liked to visit, has become a huge shithole.

I remember being on Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles in the late 1960’s in the evening with the windows down in the car and smelling the stench of Hippies – those unwashed, barefoot, greasy longhairs begging for money for booze and drugs.  Back then they were uncommon and constantly harassed by law enforcement.  They would disappear for a few days and wander back to their favorite begging corners.

Many Democratic candidates losing support

It has been reported the only candidate increasing in contributions and money on hand is not even a Democrat, but Independent Bernie Sanders.  It is amazing they will let old Bernie even on the stage, not being a Democrat. Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren and Quid Pro Joe are losing support, although Lying Joe is keeping the overall lead in polling.  Buttigieg  has a slight lead in Iowa polling, but we all know how fickle polling is.  And it is wrong in a considerable amount of instances, especially if a media run poll.  The independent ones tend to be more accurate.

The Democrat circus continues but will be considerably narrowed by the end of March.  How you can promise everything and anything as a giveaway and have any credibility with the voters is beyond me.  But if you look at where the support for Democrats is overwhelmingly the strongest – on the Left and Right coasts, it is not surprising.  The “fly-over” states, where the real world lives, will be the battleground the Democrats need to win back.  And I predict that will not happen – it is solid Trump country.

Guns, guns and more guns (thank God for the 2nd Amendment!)

In a church shootout in Texas Sunday, a man armed with a shotgun killed two but was stopped by Jack Wilson with a pistol, firing one shot, from a reported 50-foot distance (great shooting at that distance with a pistol).  The scum-bag with the shotgun had a troubled past and multiple arrests.  No trial, no appeals, justice served.

To those that seem to think leaving all shootings to the authorities to deal with, think how many other people would have been killed by this nut.  If the congregation was lucky, police would have been there within five to ten minutes, and many more dead would have been found.  This is the reason concealed carry should be allowed anywhere — you never know where evil lurks.

Michigan should follow the Texas lead and allow concealed carry in churches.  Gov. Abbott, there are church members alive because of you signing a law allowing concealed carry in churches. Well done.

Democrat cities in turmoil

It is no wonder San Francisco is a dump, but look no further than the mayor and governor of the state of California, both the most liberal of liberals.  The problem is many cities with liberal policies: New York, Baltimore, Boston, Newark, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and many others have had Democratic leadership and most liberal thinking for years.  Then they wonder what happened when freeloaders, trash and pestilence are overwhelming these once beautiful, thriving cities.

I remember going down the Avenue of the Americas in New York during the David Dinkins era in a taxi.  I never saw so much trash and broken glass on streets.  Hookers were on just about every street corner, asking “you want to party?”  Rudy Giuliani cleaned up the city only to have Dinkins take over and tell law enforcement to stand down.  In less than two years it turned into a dump.

I must admit, I don’t like cities.  I’m Michigan born and bred, know what it is like to work, struggle, and earn my way in the world.  Grand Rapids is about the largest city I can stand.  Chicago, Detroit — no way would I live in those cities.

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
January 1, 2020
President Trump has been indicted, the political term is impeached but indeed it means indicted. Perhaps Speaker Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi, who did not want impeachment, is doing damage control? Indicted but never acquitted is a better political point than if the was acquitted of the charges. She just may be dumb like a fox.

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