If you’ve been reading any of my articlesRanger Rick Art_7_0_0, you’ll notice I don’t try to bamboozle you with difficult language, extravagant sentence structure, or liberal mumbo jumbo (oops, make that “progressive” – I always forget they’re trying to change their original name).

Let’s do as my old friend Lynn used to say – “looky there” – common sense observation. What states have the highest debt levels? Looking at sources obtained on the “web’, it goes like this – from highest to 10th highest:


New York


New Jersey







What party controls or controlled those states with the highest debt levels, most for years of single party control? Democrats. In fact, in those states now controlled by Republicans that have huge debts, Republicans have steadily made progress to reduce them (especially Ohio and Michigan).

It was just reported on 4/3/15 concerning the latest employment/unemployment statistics:

93 Million Americans are not working (within traditional working age)

12.2 Million African-Americans are not working

56.1 Million Women are not working

Fed GDP Forecast of GDP Growth – 0%

The federal government is almost $19 trillion dollars in debt, but much more for additional fiscal responsibility for unfunded mandates (federal pensions/social security/Obamacare, etc.). Nothing the government or Federal Reserve has tried has moved the needle to growth. There is more debt, more misery, more of everything that didn’t work in the past and won’t work in the future.

Obama’s pursuit of the same lame-brain policies (printing money out of thin air) have not and will not work. The Fed’s Janet Yellen going along without nary a word of protest is not good for the future of the American people. YOU will be saddled with the debt resulting from their lack of responsible government, cutting spending and lowering government size and scope. Keynesian policies never work – not during the Depression and not now.

World War II pulled us out of the Depression, and war in the future may pull us out again during this debacle. I hope that never comes to pass and we get responsible, competent, mature, experienced people in office to guide us out of this mess, but I’m not holding my breath.

Do you want more of the same or want to switch course? Anybody but a “D” for the Presidential nomination. If you like being whipped and beaten more than the last 6 ½ years, keep voting “D” next to the name. Pretty simple choices.

Whether you loved or hated him, President Reagan had some great quotes about politics and leadership. Two of the ones I liked best that described Democrats and the state of leadership when in the usual Democrat hands – the second one certainly describes two Democrat presidents – President Carter and President Obama. Both are true in the most extreme when describing the performance, leadership philosophy, and actual performance while they were/are in office, whether you agree or not.

“We believe the best way to assure prosperity is to generate more jobs. The Democrats believe in more welfare.”

(Definitely more during Obama’s presidency and continues to expand)

“The American people, the most generous on earth, who created the highest standard of living, are not going to accept the notion that we can only make a better world for others by moving backward ourselves. Those who believe we can, have no business leading the nation.”

(Carter was inept as President but he was a patriot and served his country as a Naval officer, Obama is a disaster for this country in just about any regard you wish to look at except “Obamacare” – another overpriced boondoggle that will help bankrupt the country, and he certainly is no patriot, however you want to look at his foreign policy, working with allies, or dealing with Islamic terrorists (he won’t even utter the words!)



1 Comment

Jeff Salisbury
April 21, 2015
RR - When it comes to defining debt may I suggest it might be worth noting for your readers who might not otherwise be aware... assuming you care to do the research, how many of the states in your list above have --- Constitutional balanced budget amendments as well as bonded-indebtedness - financed and/or re-financed - earmarked for example for long-term infrastructure construction or re-construction - along with which of those states actually are using bond sales proceeds to cover general fund deficits.

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